Letter: Colleagues don’t condone Nutting’s actions


To the community,

As chairman of the Board of Supervisors for the county of El Dorado I feel compelled to react to recent statements made by District II Supervisor Ray Nutting during an April 18, 2013, interview airing on KOVR Channel 13.

On camera District II Supervisor Nutting admitted to taking over $70,000 of public monies to cut and clear wood from his personal lands. Furthermore, Mr. Nutting said he saw no wrong with his actions and plans to continue to seek and use future public money for his personal use.

edcUntil KOVR’s news segment, the Board of Supervisors was unaware of this activity and unaware of an open criminal investigation by District Attorney Vern Pierson.

On behalf of the Board of Supervisors it is imperative for the public to know we do not condone any conversion of public money to personal use, period. I will be asking for a special board investigation into Mr. Nutting’s activities.

Finally, the public is to be assured the Board of Supervisors and our county staff will work cooperatively with the district attorney. Should events unfold calling for our board to take unusual or appropriate steps to preserve the integrity of our board, county employees and citizens of the county of El Dorado, we shall do so in a swift and immediate fashion.

Ron Briggs, chairman El Dorado County Board of Supervisors

Here is another news report on the case.



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This article was written by admin


Comments (8)
  1. Alex Campbell says - Posted: April 28, 2013

    Mr. Chairman! Why not ask the Attorney General to take
    over the investigation ?

  2. John says - Posted: April 28, 2013

    Alex, because there is nothing to investigate. He applied for a grant. The grant committee selected the property based on the risk reduction that would be obtained by surrounding homes. He got the grant. There is absolutely no evidence or even an allogation that Nutting influenced, or even could influence Cal Fires selection.

    The bottom line is that this just doesnt “look” good. There is no evidence of any wrong doing. He guy got a grant. Big deal.

  3. Teatotal says - Posted: April 28, 2013

    John- nothing to investigate? oh please- you can start here: Ray has a history down there on his inherited “ranch”. He apparently filed bogus paperwork thinking it would just sail through but then he was burning illegally and started fires that cost taxpayers who knows how much. Theres plenty of evidence against this guy. Another disgusting part of this story is little Ronnie Briggs-his fellow “rancher” and teabag politician stating he doesn’t condone making money from public service-what a joke from this never worked a day in his life jerk-its a family tradition for him. These are the kind of inherited money yahoos some people here want to turn our public affairs over to by giving up our city status. brilliant idea. not a big deal?-to you maybe.

  4. John says - Posted: April 28, 2013

    Teatotal, and in your entire write-up, you didnt claim anything that is unethical, much less illegal.

    1) Supervisor got a grant to do fuels reduction. Illegal, no, unethical, no.

    2) Ray burned piles without checking if its an air quality burn day. Illegal, yes – common, please, who really checks if its a burn day?

    3) Ray is a jack— and has a neighbor who is a jack—. Okay, fine – illegal, no.

    Teatotal, if you have some evidence that Cal Fire colluded with Ray Nutting to give him that money over other applicants then you have a scandal that will reach to the highest reaches of state government.

    But you dont….

  5. John says - Posted: April 28, 2013

    The astrics stand for a cross between a mule and a horse.

  6. Alex Campbell says - Posted: April 28, 2013

    Hey John Fess up !! Which John are you Upton or Nutting. Teatoal right on.

    PS John can you report on the 80 acres owned by Sen.Briggs, since Sweeneys Bridge to Nowhere was completed.

  7. John says - Posted: April 28, 2013

    Alex, help me out here. Exactly what is it that Ray Nutting did wrong? He applied for a grant to complete fuels reduction on his property. Okay….wheres the problem?

    If you have, or the Sac Bee or this newspaper has evidence that Ray was selected to receive the grant illegally, well that is huge. But alas, there isnt even an allegation Cal Fire illegally gave him the grant. There isnt even a story here much less an allegation of illegal activity.

    What does this have to do with a bridge?

  8. Alex Campbell says - Posted: April 29, 2013

    John WhoUbe, Come on wise guy!!!give it up !
    PS Really? You have no idea of the Briggs to nowhere Bridge?
    KAE Enough already