Pet psychic to give readings in S. Tahoe


Marla Steele, the pet psychic, will return to Tahoe over Memorial Day weekend.

Dog Dog Cat in South Lake Tahoe will be taking reservations for Steele. She sold out last year.

Dog Dog Cat is donating a portion of the proceeds to ACT – Animal Coalition of Tahoe.

Both days will feature local and national vendor booths, a raffle, and refreshments.

Steele will be in Tahoe May 25-26, 10am-2:30pm each. The cost is $30 for each 10-minute session.

Dog Dog Cat is at 4000 Lake Tahoe Blvd. (Raley’s Shopping Center at Stateline).

To make an appointment, call (530) 541.2322.


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Comments (9)
  1. Tahoe Paul says - Posted: April 30, 2013

    I hope anyone paying $30 for a reading is doing this simply for entertainment and not because they think this woman actually has some paranormal abilities.

    Might I suggest that you donate the $30 to Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care which will actually help animals as opposed to this woman’s wallet.

    As a loyal customer of Dog Dog Cat I wish you were not supporting this woman. If she is actually claiming to be able to read animal’s minds, she is either profoundly confused or a charlatan. You are performing a disservice to your customers.

    I’d like to remind everyone that for about 10 years there has been a $1,000,000 prize to anyone that can prove their psychic abilities. Here’s the link to the offer:

    If this woman is serious and this is not clearly being advertised as a joke, please do not support her.

  2. Tahoe Paul says - Posted: April 30, 2013

    OK, I went to her website and this is no joke. She is a crazy. Here’s the first paragraph from her website. PLEASE SAVE YOUR MONEY!

    Marla reads the energy or spirit of the animal, which is why it works without the animal present and how it is possible to reach the animals that have transitioned into spirit. She communicates with an instantaneous, heart-to-heart, mind-to-mind union. It is similar to the way the Internet works in that once the “online” psychic connection is made; the information is relayed at a high speed in the form of words, images, sounds and feelings.

  3. thing fish says - Posted: May 1, 2013

    I second everything Paul wrote.

    You are better off going to a church as you can get nonsense for free.

    If you have Netflix, go watch Kumare.
    at least real caca de toro can be used as a fertilizer.

  4. Karen Kuentz says - Posted: May 1, 2013

    As the President of Animal Coalition of Tahoe, I am happy to respond to the earlier comments. Dog Dog Cat has generously arranged for Ms. Steele to come to the store, as a fundraiser for our spay-neuter program and the animal shelter in Meyers. Ms. Steele came to DDC last summer, and all of her appointments were sold out.

    Whether or not you believe in psychics, we hope that you will consider attending our event in the “spirit” in which it is intended – a fundraiser for a worthy cause, helping local residents get their pets spayed and neutered while enjoying the great products at DDC and being entertained. And if you just can’t bring yourself to pay for a psychic reading, consider coming to the store to buy a raffle ticket or two to support our program and other locals.

  5. AROD says - Posted: May 1, 2013

    Is DDC trying to change their image? I have tried shopping there a few times and find they are geared toward the tourists with outrageous prices and cheesy items. Not too helpful or friendly either. As a local, I don’t shop there. I agree with Tahoe Paul, she’s a little kooky. The owner of an animal who spends the time is in a much better position to “read” an animal than a stranger.

  6. LilPeter says - Posted: May 1, 2013

    I would really LOVE to get a psych evaluation from marla steele but I already gave all my money to Pat Robertson the NRA and cato institute because my iguana Lew told me too.

  7. MTT says - Posted: May 1, 2013


    rough crowd

    Thank you for the clarification on the intent of this event.

  8. Tahoe Paul says - Posted: May 1, 2013

    Karen, while I completely support the goals of your organization the “spirit” of this event to you is a fundraiser. Realize this woman is preying upon many people who are not able to think clearly. People do ask here to “ask” their pets “Does anything hurt?” That scares me and I hope you too. Just imagine the vet care of that animal being altered because of this psychic. How much will you make from this event? Is deceiving the public worth it? Maybe you should put up a sign that says “This is just for fun and of course there will be no real psychic connection.”

    AROD I have been a customer of Dog Dog Cat for years and have found them to be very helpful and their knowledge of food and willingness to research the latest dietary information out there amazing. That said, I am so disturbed by this psychic event I can no longer support DDC.

    LilPeter, let us know when you are appearing at The Improv I’ll be there. You are hilarious.

  9. Rich Hodge says - Posted: May 1, 2013

    As someone also involved with ACT, let me first say that DogDogCat is very supportive of our local community, and supports many efforts to help Companion Animals right here in So. Lake Tahoe.

    Let me also say, that what makes this a great country is that you’re free to believe what you want. I grew up with a parent who did not believe in psychics, and one who very much did.

    What do I believe? Well I’ll be there Memorial Weekend to facilitate ACT’s efforts to generate funds for the spay/neuter program, and observe a psychic first hand to see for myself.