S. Tahoe puts some teeth into dog ordinance


By Kathryn Reed

Less than four months after South Lake Tahoe’s less restrictive vicious dog ordinance became the law of the land, the council on Tuesday unanimously agreed to make tweaks to it.

No longer will a hearing officer resolve matters. All dog bite cases will be heard in Superior Court.

“We believe the hearings are too contentious for city staff to hear,” Michael Eng in the South Lake Tahoe City Attorney’s Office told the council April 2. (Eng has been an intern for the last 15 months and April 3 is his last day with the city.) “People are passionate about their animals. I believe a formal court hearing is the proper venue.”

Dogs play at the South Lake Tahoe Dog Park. Photo/LTN file

Dogs play at the South Lake Tahoe Dog Park. Photo/LTN file

Dog-on-dog attacks will be labeled as a vicious dog attack. Eng said the community and county were dismayed this had been changed.

While staff recommended the vicious dog designation be made after two unprovoked dog-on-dog attacks in a 24-month period, the council changed that to one attack in 24 months.

Karen Kuentz, president of Animal Coalition Tahoe and nine-year volunteer at the shelter in Meyers, told the council she would like vicious dogs to have to wear a muzzle off their property. The council did not agree to that.

The ordinance gives judges leeway in making decisions. For instance, with the county ordinance it treats all dog bites as equal. The city ordinance would allow a judge not to punish a dog and its owner if the bite were accidental; for instance if someone is playing tug-of-rope with a dog and the dog in play bites a person. If that person goes the hospital for a dog bite, animal control is called and it becomes a court case. The judge, per city ordinance, can see the gray area of the case and not work in a black and white vacuum.

The city attorney will also no longer have authority in determining when a dog can be released to its owner. The reasoning is that person is no dog expert.

The passage of the original ordinance in November was in large part initiated by then Councilman Bruce Grego. According to an El Dorado County Animal Control officer, his office was not contacted by the city prior to last fall’s passage of the ordinance or while it was being crafted.

There has been much contact in the last four months between the city and Animal Control.

Henry Brzezinski, who heads the county Animal Control, told the council, “This is a step in the right direction to deal with some of the issues we’ve encountered with the new ordinance. The dog on dog is quite important. Our mantra is public safety.”

Brzezinski also believes the county dog ordinance is effective and didn’t see a need for the city to loosen what was in place.



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This article was written by admin


Comments (10)
  1. PerryRObray says - Posted: April 3, 2013

    Hmmm, my G3 Blackberry curve loaded this page, a rarity lately.

  2. admin says - Posted: April 3, 2013


    It’s your phone. LTN has the latest technology and is accessible using the latest technology, and 3G is outdated.


    You can stop making these comments here and on our Facebook page. Things have to change on your end if you want it to work.

    Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher

  3. Snow says - Posted: April 3, 2013

    Step in the right direction…education…agreed. Much of the problem that I have witnessed in my 20+ year tenure in SLT (city and county areas), stems from ignorant pet owners. If your pet is “off leash”, you better have voice control over it. If your “off leash” dog approaches one “on leash”…be prepared for altercation…and it will be YOUR vet bill. Many dogs “on leash” feel trapped and threatened when one (or many times, more than one) dog approaches face to face. Many dogs are also “recource guarders”, meaning that they protect owners, food, etc. Know your animal, be a step ahead. Be aware of your pet, the surroundings. Put down the cell phone, stop texting, and manage your pet and yourself.

    Yes, we “live in Tahoe”, but take responsibility for yourself, your family, your kids, and your pets!

  4. Bob says - Posted: April 4, 2013

    Another issue for both city and county is the non-regulation of pets left off leash from vacation rentals. I recently had a pit bull run up to me from a next door rental. Lawsuits galore for both city and county for not having an ordinance stating VHRs have a fence if pets are allowed. Thank the dog for not attacking me along with my 5 foot broomstick.

  5. dumbfounded says - Posted: April 4, 2013

    “There are no bad dogs, only bad owners.” -me

  6. Dean says - Posted: April 4, 2013

    It’s not just vacation rentals that let dogs run loose. My block alone has several big dogs that constantly run loose. I’m tired of all the dog poop on my property because the owner is too lazy to deal with their dogs. I’m afraid someone will eventually get bitten by one of these dogs.

  7. nature bats last says - Posted: April 4, 2013

    Our neighborhood also has many dog owners that think its ok for their viscious dogs to attack people at the fence line. They have their dogs in a wire fence yard and they are at the fence acting like they would kill you if they could get past the fence and all the owners do is tell them they are “good dogs”. The dogs are there to keep people from stealing their illegal pot plants. Its been a problem for years. I see innocent families walking their dogs on leashes and little kids on bikes that have been frightened out of their minds by these viscious dogs at the fence and animal control just tells them to be mellow, or something similar because nothing has changed in 6 or 7 years. The dogs bark all the time and apparently there is nothing I can do about it. One of these days someone will be bitten and then the fun will really begin.

  8. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: April 4, 2013

    Lake Doghoe
    Vicious dogs are a real problem. About 15 or 16 years ago I had a neighbor who had 8 dogs and they were some real mean animals. They broke thru my fence and tore my Boxer apart. I tried to save her but she eventually succumbed to her injuries. Cost me $4,000 in vet bills but she didn’t make it. Sad but true.
    Leash laws need to be enforced by animal control and we need at LEAST one or more dog parks built. The one at Bijou is great but the City Of SLT needs to build more. “Socializing”(SP?)your dog helps us all and he or she likes to meet new friends. That’s why Dog Parks are so popular and important. If that neighbor had taken better care of his dogs maybe Brandy the boxer would have had a longer life… Lets put THAT proposition before the next council meeting. Put it to a vote! Lots of dog owners in this town. I’d bet it would pass easily. Enforce leash laws and find the money for more dog parks!
    I’m currently without my furry four legged friend Lucky, but will be adopting one soon when the right one comes along. Take Care, Old Long Skiis

  9. Steven says - Posted: April 4, 2013

    Dean and nature bats last;
    Do you ever call the County Animal Control in Meyers? 530-573-7925 There are laws and/or ordinances in place to stop barking dogs and dogs running loose. The animal control has been very helpful to me and responds when called, even on Saturday. Stop being afraid of your neighbors and make the complaint. At the very least, the animal control will tell you of your legal options.

  10. nature bats last says - Posted: April 4, 2013

    Steven, been there done that. The situation never changes (6 or 7 years now) and the animal controll people say if the dogs are in their yard there is nothing they can do. I had to build a 6 foot high fence all the way to the street so that whenever I or my family and friends were in our own front yard we wernt attacked at the fence line and the “neighbors” wouldnt sit there like drunks saying “good doggies”. One dog dies and now there is a new one to take its place and its being trained to be mean as well. The people were told to post signs on the fence in english and spanish and have a lock on their gate but they arent in compliance. I have called the police as well and they wont do anything. So the fence goes higher and the vibes get worse. Im just hopeing these people will get busted for growing the pot in the greenhouse.