SnowGlobe No. 3 in South Lake Tahoe? — maybe


By Kathryn Reed

Hear that sound?

It used to be a loud bass that rattled nerves. Now it’s the cha-ching of cash registers – in the literal sense of local businesses and the figurative sense of city coffers and college admissions.

The reason?


SnowGlobe may return to South Lake Tahoe for a third year. Photo/LTN

SnowGlobe may return to South Lake Tahoe for a third year. Photo/LTN

Chad Donnelly wants to hear more of that cha-ching sound as well. He is the promoter of the three-day music festival that has been staged at the community ball fields next to Lake Tahoe Community College for the last two years.

His is a private business, so the actual amount of money the South Lake Tahoe venue has put into his pocket is unknown. But he wants more and he no longer wants to pay for the privilege to bring his eclectic line-up of techno musicians-disc jockeys to town during New Year’s Eve weekend. Donnelly wants to be paid $100,000. That’s what he is making at his other venues.

For the past two years he has paid the city and Lake Tahoe Community College to cover part of their expenses.

But now the North Shore wants part of what it sees as a lucrative event. It’s a bit of a bidding war that once again is pitting the North Shore against the South Shore.

Donnelly claims SnowGlobe brings $5 million to the South Shore. He is preparing an economic study that should be released April 18.  The city, college and business community will have something more to evaluate when it is released.

While it’s not public information what the North Shore has offered Donnelly, the presumption is $100,000 or less since that is what he is asking from the South Shore. He also wants a five-year contract.

The business community has expressed it is willing to pony up the $100,000 as an investment. The theory being that you need to spend money to make money. Plus, SnowGlobe gives people something to do other than stand in the cold on New Year’s Eve at casinos where nothing happens and it attracts people who might not have otherwise come to Tahoe.

At the Tuesday night LTCC board of education meeting it was agreed that the college should work with the city to keep the event in South Lake Tahoe. (Board member Fritz Wenck was absent.)

South Lake Tahoe City Manager Nancy Kerry, City Councilwoman Angela Swanson, Lake Tahoe Visitors Authority Executive Director Carol Chaplin, and Lakeside Inn Casino’s Mike Bradford all spoke April 9 in favor of 2013 being year three of the music festival.

Chaplin spoke both as LTVA’s head honcho and as a mom of two teenagers. She said how she let her boys attend the event and would do so again.

The biggest hurdle is how to protect the ball field that was built with Measure S money by taxpayers – an initiative that is still being paid off by those on the California side of the South Shore.

It is not definitively known how much life SnowGlobe is taking off the field, but those involved recognize the field was built for play, not music festivals. If those concerns can be mitigated, the city is ready to go forward with SnowGlobe 2013.

Donnelly is also in talks with Vail Resorts to bring a summer concert to Heavenly Mountain Resort.


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Comments (46)
  1. MTT says - Posted: April 9, 2013

    No skin in the game here, but no way you use tax dollars to pay a venue to perform.

    Leave that up to local business.

    Question does Chad Donnelly own the name Snow Globe?

    See where I am going with that?

  2. John S says - Posted: April 10, 2013

    Just so know I got this right…the city wants to charge On Course Events to use the Lakeview Commons area (a local co) and now doesn’t want to charge the snowglobe promoter to use the playfield and is considering paying him.

    This seems very unfair.

    And for the record I think there should be some kind of fee to use Lakeview Commons. The city charges a fee to rent Regan Beach West and also to rent the Gazebos at Bijou park


  3. Digital Content says - Posted: April 10, 2013

    The government is so broke, and so well compensated, that they need to soak everything they can out of you people. It is old news folks, why do you think business is leaving?

    Government employment today, no risk twice the pay and you other people do the paying, such a deal…

    What does it take to get you to wake up and smell the decay?

  4. Bob says - Posted: April 10, 2013

    It seems like money should be put aside for the ball field each year if a 5 yr contract is signed. Take bids to get a cost to replace. No studies – please!

  5. Steven says - Posted: April 10, 2013

    What “business community” is going to put up the $500,000, 5 years @ $100,000 ? They talk big and then will ask the city, you and me tax payer, to pay it in the end.

  6. Steve says - Posted: April 10, 2013

    If Mike Bradford and his casino business colleagues are so well financially rewarded by Snow Globe, let them feel free to finance it. And be included in the tax collection base for the Measure S ballfields, funding of California’s community colleges, and other infrastructure in South Lake Tahoe like the airport and city police overtime for Snow Globe that benefits them. The claim that the state line should be more seamless should include their bringing their checkbooks to the party.

  7. Laketoohigh says - Posted: April 10, 2013

    DC. I smell the decay every time you post. Why is it always “you people”? Are you not a taxpayer as well? Get a big piece of cardboard, a magic marker, write “THE END IS NEAR” and stand on a busy corner of highway 50. Or in the middle.
    This IS the type of reaction you are hoping to get with these extremist right wing rambling comments you make on every subject, regardless of original content, right?

  8. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: April 10, 2013

    1 dead
    1 raped

    after they ruin the Measure S field
    they could go to the Middle Schol and ruin that field, then up to the High School and ruin that field

    last month it was $50,000.00

    this month it is $100,000.00

    Porked- should be our new marketing slogan

  9. sunriser2 says - Posted: April 10, 2013

    How much have the death and rape investigations cost the city? Also is the city going to be sued over either of these incidents?

  10. Buck says - Posted: April 10, 2013

    Have we lost all our marbles? WE pay $100,000 to endanger our kids and tear up a field we are still paying for with measure S tax funds. He should pay us the tax payer $100,000 to get the field back in playing condition. This bidding war is crazy, we do not have the money. Put $100,000 into roads, fire, gang police if you don’t want to fix the field not the promoters pockets. Is this another sweatheart deal?

  11. A.B. says - Posted: April 10, 2013

    Let me predict where this is heading – the City of South Tahoe won’t pay a dime for this event. In turn, it will move to Crystal Bay or Kings Beach, both communities in turn will benefit from it immensely.

    The short sightedness of SLT is beyond comprehension.

  12. reloman says - Posted: April 10, 2013

    I have spoken to some people involved in this, there is no way that government money will be spent on this. I believe that in that Snowglobe does not want to pay the rental fee which is part of the 100k mentioned, the other part is that they want some business sponsorships to make up the rest. Maybe Monte Blu or the Horizon which is where the after parties were held can cover this portion. I do not forsee any money coming from the LTVA as I do know that a few of the board members are against that.

  13. MTT says - Posted: April 10, 2013

    I am a North Shore guy, so a bit biased. but really. The Event needs to be held on the California side of the Lake (420 friendly) but near the state line because Nevada has the room density to support that much of an influx or people. The North shore cannot provide the rooms or infrastructure to support the people.

    Everyone knows the South Shore and State-line is where The big New Years party is at the Lake.

    Snowglobe cannot be duplicated on the North shore. You have nothing to worry about.

  14. Bob says - Posted: April 10, 2013

    Article on Yahoo today: US music festivals thriving as 2013 season starts. If SnowGlobe doesn’t work out – start locating another promoter to bring in other groups! Why give in to this guy? I hope the city is looking at other avenues folks.

  15. Jesse says - Posted: April 10, 2013

    Five year contract! We were lucky more people didn’t die with all the drugs going on the “College” campus. Young kids out till midnight in the freezing weather. Conditions are just to severe to keep an eye on all the people and the underaged kids. And the five million dollars it brings in (yea right). Lets have an indoor event somewhere where there is more control and the kids can be safe against the elements. Just sayin!

  16. Digital Content says - Posted: April 10, 2013

    Brings in $5 million dollars, yah right – that is fraud.

  17. Buck says - Posted: April 10, 2013

    The college should lose it’s state and county funding for sponsoring drug events like snowglobe.

  18. MTT says - Posted: April 10, 2013

    Buck that’s kind of rough.

    Forget Snow Globe, call it the South Lake New Years Music Festival.
    In a perfect world they would have a BIG Music festival fo 3 days culminating on New years eve, with Events at? The big hole, Down the street right on the lake Stage is the pier, Clear the snow of the beach, maybe even chanter the Big Ferries to beach on the shore line. Contract Harrah’s to book all the entertainment, work out who splits the payment to entertainment, who gets the receipts. It could be quite a party. I was thinking of using the Heavenly Valley open area’s also, but Jan is SKI Season it would be to disruptive.

    Now in summer Heavenly Base lodge could put on quite a concert, But the Noise would face into the residential areas so?

    There is so much you could do.

    SLT could also sponsor an Iron man comp. A big International Down Hill MTB Comp. and there are other things.

  19. Bijou Bill says - Posted: April 10, 2013

    Would you consider Happy Hours at your local saloon or free drinks to gamble at your favorite casino drug events?

  20. Digital Content says - Posted: April 10, 2013

    ^ That is a poor analogy.

  21. Buck says - Posted: April 10, 2013

    Bijou Bill,
    Yes I do. But I’am over 21 and not on a college campus! Also it’s not outside in December, below zero and in the woods. When the police try to take drugs at the gate that is a known (rave party) drug event for kids.

  22. Bijou Bill says - Posted: April 10, 2013

    Digital PubworksTV, we’re all glad you left town. Why do you continue to hate all of us that still live here?

  23. Hmmmmmm says - Posted: April 10, 2013

    Two words: Alyssa Byrne

  24. thing fish says - Posted: April 10, 2013

    Does he really expect to recruit anyone else to his cause with those tactics?
    Has anyone been persuaded by him? I dont think anyone has read any of his content and said ‘yeah, that is well thought out, unbiased, and well supported by facts, I think I’ll spend more time’.
    DC you’re preaching to the trolls.
    Keep it up, I don’t wish you any success.

  25. MTT says - Posted: April 10, 2013

    Chris I see the point you make, but why should the residents of SLT subsidize activity that directly profits Business in the area? That fact the the town is picking of the cost for expanded town services, police ect, should be enough. Should not the Business that profits from the influx of people be the entity to pay for the Events and related costs?

  26. Digital Content says - Posted: April 10, 2013

    10 thousand ticket sales – right, Hey Chris I got this bridge I’ll sell ya.

    Let’s say that since its a government sponsored program they give some facts as to ticket sales – FACTS – and also details on the freebees … then you can do a real analysis.

    Oh lets not forget that many people that attend live in SLT and many others were already regulars or likely to visit for new years anyway before there was a concert.

    You guys smoke to much dope.

  27. thing fish says - Posted: April 10, 2013

    Demands facts, never provides them, interested in anaylsis, never provides analysis, attacks the character of the commenter by accusing them of doing drugs. Which is irrelevant, and if they do drugs it makes you look even worse, by your own standards. Makes claim not supported by any facts, lacks analysis, to counter the point made.

    Typical DC content. Parroting talking points, no substance, not changing any minds here.

    The numbers they used were conservative and left out many other revenue sources. Cut their numbers in half, and it is still significant.

    Cities sponsor festivals and absorb costs, it is pretty common. And it makes sense. Look at Telluride. Sure they have lots of super rich people, who only support certain parts of the towns economy. And they bring in lots of medium/low wealth people in the summer that support other business, that give the town real character and prevent it from being just a full service resort.
    Most festival type concerts are required to pay for security, and ambulances, which are almost always in the form of local police and EMTs. So you can strike that criticism.
    I don’t think those who are critical of this event know much about events, or anything about what Snow Globe had to do. You think they put a bond down for the space they used to pay for damage? Had insurance to cover it?
    Anyone have this information?

    I get it, you’re old, there were kids on your lawn, listening to annoying music, dressing funny. Smokin the devils lettuce. Just like the kids who were ‘freaking out’ that Zappa made fun of in 1966. But it can’t happen here, no freaks for us, it can’t happen here.

  28. Digital Content says - Posted: April 11, 2013

    Chris, for years Tahoe was a place for music and festivals. The government squashed it. It was run by private people and did not get funding from the government.

    Now the government is broke and looking for anything to get money and that is fundamentally wrong. You point to Sacramento as an example. Sacramento is a he11 hole leading California to ruin.

    Free enterprise is what is needed and get the excessive government out of running everything – Government as it is today is the cancer not the solution.

    Free enterprise does not mean unregulated, it means fair rules applied to all. But when government runs things they create crony capitalism. Big corporations and cronies control it and most of the small business has left.

    Those that chose to stay will have to pay the costs. It’s in a death spiral.

    South Lake Tahoe is the poster child of a failed community betrayed by it’s over reaching government – more government involvement will just make things worse.

    Frankly, SLT is doomed no matter what – the sooner it collapses the better. Then the rest of the country can see where it’s heading and maybe change corse.

    Liberalism Kills – It is not news it is history all over again. There is little difference between the issues Greece faced 2400 years ago and the issues we face today. The education system failed Californians. Academia – the INTELLEGENCIA – the progressives, the socialists, whatever you want to call them – it’s people that think they are so smart that they should run your life and take the money from the Doers – well the doers left and the money is gone and from here it gets worse. History all over again.

    People can mock me all they want, it does not change anything.

    SLT is toast.


  29. Laketoohigh says - Posted: April 11, 2013

    Digital, seek professional help. You need it.
    Rock concerts are as American as apple pie. I was at Day on the Green number one and spent many nights at Winterland and Filmore West. Yes, any time you put lots of people together for an event you have the potential for tragic situations like Alyssa Byrne. These things also happen at events like the Reno air races, NASCAR races, baseball games etc, etc. You can’t protect people from themselves or the bad choices of others. The great majority of the attendees of these events just want to be entertained. To call this a drug event is just narrow minded.
    The capital this event brings into town is indisputable. To invest 100k for a potential 5 million return is a no brainer.

  30. reloman says - Posted: April 11, 2013

    If the snowglobe brings in an extra 4500 room nights(1500 rooms over a 3 night period) that would not otherwise be sold that would bring in $67,000 to the city (or douglas county)coffers in TOT taxes. The city(or douglas county) could earmark half of that to pay some of the event cost that the promoter is currently paying. And the city would still be ahead. The rest would have to come from businesses like Monte Blu and Horrizon if they can pay 30 to 40k for a night to a DJ or Rock Star they could afford to kickin for their snowglobe afterparties

  31. thing fish says - Posted: April 13, 2013

    “But when government runs things they create crony capitalism.”
    The exact opposite is true.

    You moron.

  32. Digital Content says - Posted: April 13, 2013

    The obvious results of a Bevis and Butthead Education! – Has anyone out heard of Wild Bill for America on Youtube? He makes a series of great videos that are in part funny in part serious and dead on in addressing the problems we face in America. His latest is titled Bevis and Butthead Education, you’ll get a laugh.

  33. Digital Content says - Posted: April 13, 2013

    To the poorly educated overstuffed fish – FYI – Crony capitalism is a term describing an economy in which success in business depends on close relationships between business people and government officials.

    Free Markets are defined as equally applied regulations and SLT does not have that.

  34. thing fish says - Posted: April 13, 2013

    DC, what was your GRE score?

  35. Digital Content says - Posted: April 13, 2013

    Stuffed fish, you are so impressed with you. Very unbecoming.

  36. Joby Cefalu says - Posted: April 19, 2013

    Let them go to the North Shore. I am a big supporter of South Shore becoming an event based economy! New Years Week is the busiest of the year. We don’t need snow globe to bring tourism during that week. We certainly don’t need to pay the promoter. Any other week besides 4th of July promote events, but put the promoter on the hook to pay for the venue and costs incurred and allow capitalism to fill his/her pocket book. There are all kinds of events that will benefit all business not just the snow globe promoter.

  37. thing fish says - Posted: April 20, 2013

    DC, you tried to attack my intellectual accomplishments, and you haven’t even taken the GRE. I never boasted about my score. I am certain that it would be higher than yours. I did much better than most of the people who take it. But since you didn’t even take it…. well of all of the smart people I know, most of them have a GRE score. I wasn’t saying I was impressed with myself. But if you want to criticize my academic abilities, you should at least have participated in a test that would establish some point of comparison.
    And you haven’t.
    So you aren’t really challenging me in my own league.

    Joby says: ” We don’t need snow globe to bring tourism during that week.”
    Really? It already happened twice. And was so successful and good for the local economy that someone really wants them back. So that criticism is ridiculous.
    and then you say “allow capitalism to fill his/her pocket book. There are all kinds of events that will benefit all business not just the snow globe promoter.”
    Which really tells us that you have no idea what you are talking about.

  38. Joby says - Posted: April 20, 2013

    Thing Fish?….I have been in town for 40 New Years, we always have a packed town, full of tourists driving the local economy. The city in no way should pay this promoter to bring an event to town on a week that is always full, that is a fact! You don’t know what your talking about. Read what was said, I am all for events but not during weeks/weekends that we already have a captive audience. These events need to come when our town is averaging 30-40% occupancy rates, not on weekends that average 90-95% occupancy rate. I am sure you are very intelligent common sense dictates, do the math. There are 52 weeks in the year, 40 of which snow globe could truly benefit our community. New Years is not one of them. Just because “someone wants them back”? Doesn’t necessarily mean it is the best time.

  39. thing fish says - Posted: April 21, 2013

    But Snowglobe already happened twice, and it worked, during that peak time. Now both partied have money online, and they think it is a good time. I don’t think either of us have anything at stake here. But they do. And they are pretty confident that it is going to work, again.
    I don’t think that New Years is that popular in Tahoe anyway. I don’t think it is really popular in most places. The people who have been coming here for whatever boring stuff is going on, aren’t people who would even consider Snowglobe. It is a completely different market, that is obviously undeserved. You mention that there is already a captive audience… I really don’t think there is over New Years. I would argue there is more of a captive audience for Halloween. We aren’t talking about an event that is just breaking even and minimally beneficial to business owners. It has been very profitable for everyone.
    And I don’t think the occupancy is as high as you say it is at any time over the winter. July is when that happens.
    If an event like Snowglobe would be more profitable for the promoter, and more beneficial for the businesses, wouldn’t the people with money on the line be aware of that? What other weekend would work? There aren’t 40 other weekends, think about it. You need at least a 3 day weekend. Memorial Day (usually a dud) Presidents Day, Labor Day, 4th of July (not always a weekend)…
    I don’t see a basis for the criticism, or enough evidence why the promoter should consider a different time period. Is it that the city shouldn’t pay for it? Or that they should, but not over that time period? Or they shouldn’t and it should be a different time?
    What else is really going on over New Years that even locals go out of their way for? I don’t do anything for it, I did once, and it was a house party.

    Maybe we can team up, write a letter to the promoters, tell them to change it to Pollen Globe, and we have it over Memorial Day. Or whenever the pollen is going to peak this year. In all seriousness though, something big should happen on Memorial Day. Maybe the city should spend that money making that happen. Then we can have both events. So you do have a point. But I really don’t think it is enough to convince the city to turn away a promoter and tell them to come back a different time.

  40. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: April 21, 2013

    Re: the SnowGlobe comments:
    Joby, like you, I’ve lived here awhile myself. I agree the week of Christmas and New Years are busy in SLT. Most of the vacation homes in my neighborhood are full. The stores, gas stations, resturants, casinos, slopes on the area resorts are all overcrowded.
    If this event comes back a third time I would suggest moving it to one of our “shoulder seasons”. That’s when we need some folks here. Early November right after Halloween but before Thanksgiving. How about early April? Still good skiing and another slow time of the year as far as business goes.
    I liked thing fish’s suggestion / joke of moving the date to co-incide with our annual influx of pine pollen. PollenGlobe! (thanks for the morning chuckle, fish). The concert goers could breath yellow air rather than eat yellow snow( sorry, shameless Zappa reference).
    I think this promoter is playing North Shore against South Shore for SnowGlobe3 to get in a bidding battle to see who will pay him the most money for this venue while he reaps a big profit from ticket sales. I also think his “guesstimate” of bringing 5 million dollars into the local economy is highly inflated! $100,000 to the promoter from local businesses and the city foots the bill for repairs to the field??? Doesn’t work for this old geezer. OLS

  41. Bijou Bill says - Posted: April 21, 2013

    I don’t think the promoter is interested in having SnowGlobe on any other dates than the New Years holiday when his main audience is available and in party mode. He’s already talking with Vail/Heavenly about a summer gig. I think the only choice we as a community have to make is whether the SnowGlober’s economic impact is worth the 100K and other associated costs on our end for this particular holiday.
    Joby has a legit point about it already being busy but other local business people obviously want the extra income they made from the last 2 ‘Globes.
    thing fish also has a good point that there really isn’t much going on New Years that would produce the kind of added revenue this event has proved it can generate.
    I think we either make an offer to the promoter or punt the event over to No. Shore and let them see if they can pull it off.
    And Old Long Skiis, there’s lots of people who have lived here a long time and you’re only 60 ferchrissakes, you don’t get to be the wise old geezer until at least 75 or so.

  42. Joby says - Posted: April 21, 2013

    Our group is bringing 260 youth basketball teams to town over Memorial Day Weekend and a second tournament of over 200 teams in late June. Should be very prosperous for the business community! We will be paying all of the venues to participate. Although the School District and Kahle Community Center have been very generous in helping to keep this cost down, we will still be paying. I think everyone understands the need, for great events. None of it should be payed for with tax payer money. If the business community chips in, that is awesome, but taxpayer monies should go to infrastructure. Thanks for the positive feedback, this blog is always enjoyable to read when there is less name calling and more positive feedback.

  43. Laketoohigh says - Posted: April 21, 2013

    Snow Globe is for kids. This is so hard for most of you to understand. The clientele this event brings to town may not seem like what you personally want here, but these little “Trustafarians” have plent of spending money. They would in no way be interested in the standard entertainment this area provides on New Years. Increasing the demand for products and services increases the price of said products and services. More money into a depressed economy is a no brainer. You have to spend money to make money. Econ 101.

  44. Steve says - Posted: April 21, 2013

    The busiest time for visitor occupancy at Lake Tahoe has historically been between Christmas and New Years, peaking around New Year’s Eve with nearly 100% occupancy rates, at which time STPUD also records its highest sewer flows of the year corroborating the high tourist occupancy level. Paying Snow Globe promoters to conduct an event during this already busy time is like paying to catch fish in a barrel. The event should be encouraged, and incentivized, to be held when additional business is needed in the shoulder season.

  45. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: April 21, 2013

    Bijou Bill, Thnks for restoring my youth with your comment. I know I’m not REALLY an old geezer, I just feel like one sometimes. Ever have one of those days? Sore knees, and back, more grey hairs in the mustache and even with reading glasses you use a magnifyng glass to look up a phone number in the book?
    Joby, good to hear your involvement in bringing all those kids to town for a basketball tournament! Good for the kids, good for So. Shore and good for everyone who put this even together, very rewarding for all! Congratulations on a job well done! We need to promote more events like the one you’re involved with. Take Care , OLS