Weed control to close 2 El Dorado County trails
By Cathy Locke, Sacramento Bee
A popular recreation area along the south fork of the American River in El Dorado County will be closed for two days this week for weed-control work.
The Bureau of Land Management announced that it will close the Cronan Ranch and Greenwood Creek parcels to public access Tuesday and Wednesday, when herbicides will be applied to control invasive weeds.
A notice of intent to apply herbicides will be posted on signs at the trailhead at least 24 hours before the application, and closure signs will be posted during the herbicide application, according to a news release from the BLM’s Mother Lode Field Office.
Broadcast and spot herbicide applications are planned along approximately 14 miles of trail edges to reduce weeds and make trails more accessible for recreational use.
“We are taking an integrated weed management approach to control invasive weeds throughout the Cronan Ranch and Greenwood Creek areas,” Jeff Horn, outdoor recreation planner with the Mother Lode Field Office, said in a written statement.
The weed treatments are needed to reduce invasive plants, predominantly yellow star thistle and medusahead, he said.
Land use practices, Horn said, have created extensive infestations of these invasive weeds throughout the Cronan Ranch and Greenwood Creek areas.
In addition to herbicides, the BLM is using mowing, pulling and prescribed fire to help control weeds.
The BLM plans to use prescribed fire, possibly later this year, on 66 acres infested with yellow star thistle and medusahead within the Long Valley portion of the Cronan Ranch parcel.
Seems like this surprise cold front should make people think twice about the timing.
I know some hate the idea of herbicide, but in a less than perfect world its the best option. Kill it before it get established.