Cycling camp a prelude to Death Ride

Riding 129 miles and climbing 15,000-plus feet all in one day demands a rigorous training schedule and Kirkwood’s annual Near Death Experience bike camp can give riders the inside edge they need to complete such a challenging task.

The annual Near Death Experience will take place at Kirkwood Mountain Resort from June 6-9.

The Near Death Experience is a training camp for riders preparing for the Death Ride, the 129-mile bike tour of the California Alps on July 13.

The camp is led by elite coach Robert Panzera from Cycling Camp San Diego. Each day consists of on-the-road coaching focused on climbing, descending, bike fit/position and instruction in pacing, breathing and focus. Also included are evening clinics and seminars, covering topics such as nutrition, altitude, performance drills, quick mechanical fixes, strength and conditioning and more.

Riders will also have a chance to experience all three mountain passes of the Death Ride tour, depending on ability and inclination.

To register for the camp click here.