Letter: Heavenly thanks community
To the community,
On behalf of Heavenly Mountain Resort, I want to thank the community for stepping up and helping with the U.S. Freestyle Championships and the High Roller Hold ‘Em last month.
Heavenly had a large number of volunteers help pull off these amazing events successfully.
First, the California Conservation Core members from both the Greenwood and Tahoe centers were instrumental in helping us do zero waste at the Freestyle Championships. Parents and participants from the Heavenly Ski Foundation were also a huge help, as well as Heavenly staff and numerous community members.
Without the support and resources from South Tahoe Refuse, Heavenly could not have made our resource conservation efforts a success. The best thing about our zero waste activities was the recycling donation and match from South Tahoe Refuse to two local youth charities, the Heavenly Ski Foundation and SOS Outreach. We want to continue to bring big-time events that we can all be proud of to South Shore, and volunteer participation is one of the deciding factors for event organizers.
So, thank you to each of you for helping us run an environmentally-friendly event and position Heavenly as a world-class venue.
Frank G. Papandrea, environmental manager Heavenly Mountain Resort