March Against Monsanto event in Reno
Label GMO Nevada will take part in the March Against Monsanto in Reno on May 25.
While there will be protests worldwide that day, the one in Reno is the closest one to the Lake Tahoe Basin.
Label GMO Nevada founder Kiki Corbin said in a statement, “We’re pleased to sponsor this important event in our community. We encourage people of all ages to participate in this peaceful march. Bring signs, wear costumes or a green shirt.”
The Reno event will start at the Liberty Street side of the Bruce Thompson Federal Building at 400 S. Virginia St. at 10 am. At 11am — the same time events will take place all over the country — marchers will then proceed to the Reno City Plaza at First Street and Virginia Street to hear several brief speeches and partake in a rally for labeling GMOs.
World wide Protest against Monsanto “Monsatan” May 25th 2013. We’ll setup a local protest in Carson City at the State Capitol, see more at:
That a good idea. Rather than have one bigger rally, split up the people into two smaller ones/
A local protest in Carson City, NV and/or South Lake Tahoe, CA would be great. The only drawback is that a larger concentration of people might send a larger message. It’s easy for passerby’s to ignore 10 – 100 people but really hard not to notice several hundred. I live in So. Lake Tahoe and plan to make the drive to Reno with a few friends.
What are you protesting?
There is an event being organized in South Lake Tahoe, may be small, but something is better than nothing.
Pictures and video from the Reno Monsanto protest can be found here:
Jack, they have no idea what they are protesting. More importantly they have not thought through what the consequences would be in human lives if Monsanto went away.