Mooney aircraft lovers to descend upon South Lake

The Mooneys are about to take over Lake Tahoe Airport.

After a two-year hiatus, Mooney Aircraft owners and pilots are returning to South Lake Tahoe for their largest fly-inn in the nation. They will be in town June 21-23.

Mooney Aircraft Company has manufactured more than 11,000 aircraft. The Mooney line is renowned for high performance and efficiency, achieving 132 world speed records, the fastest trans-continental flight in a single engine piston powered aircraft, the fastest single engine civilian aircraft ever produced and the first aircraft produced to achieve 200-plus mph from a 200 horsepower engine.

At the last Gathering of Mooneys, aircraft owners, pilots and passengers set a record by having more Mooney Aircraft on the ramp at Lake Tahoe Airport than at any other time or place in history. Approximately 200 people were in attendance from around the country.