Opinion: TRPA allocations are good policy


By Joanne Marchetta

With spring and a new building season having arrived, many are imagining their Tahoe dream home again, so questions about the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency’s method of annual development allocation deserve some attention. As you will see, with Lake Tahoe nearing what is called “full buildout,” this year’s residential allocation distribution is the beginning of a new way forward for the finite amount of vacant land remaining at Lake Tahoe.

More than 40 years ago, TRPA was called on to put the brakes on the rampant over-development and residential subdivisions that were threatening Lake Tahoe’s pristine environment. One way TRPA achieved that was to slow the rate and pace of new home building at Lake Tahoe so that environmental improvement and restoration projects could keep pace with growth. With limits on new subdivisions came a cap on the number of developable parcels region-wide and an allocation system was started. An allocation is basically the right to build or create a new “unit of use” which could be a home or an apartment. TRPA created different types of allocations, such as for tourist accommodations and commercial space, as well.

Joanne Marchetta

Joanne Marchetta

Today, the remaining vacant land at Lake Tahoe is nearing the point when there will be no more vacant parcels to build on, what we call full buildout. Out of the total 43,000 private parcels that exist today, only around 4,000 are still vacant. This means that, depending on the rate of allocation, Lake Tahoe could see an end of new development on vacant land within the next two decades.

Having a limited number of new residential building allocations means there is less pressure on the Lake and there is more time for environmental restoration projects to respond to the impacts of development. It also means new home construction can continue for a longer period of time before all the vacant parcels disappear. Ultimately, this all leads to a healthier environment and a clearer Lake because what happens on the land at Lake Tahoe affects the water.

The building allocation system opens more opportunities to remodeling and redevelopment. Improvements to existing structures are needed to add environmental upgrades to more than 25,000 properties throughout the region. That is the number of properties that have not completed stormwater best management practices (BMPs), which are required to stop fine sediment and other pollutants from entering the lake. Permits to remodel or rebuild are only issued if BMPs and other environmental upgrades are included in the project. So, a more robust redevelopment market means improved water quality as well as extended job security for many in the construction trades.

With these facts in mind, the updated Lake Tahoe Regional Plan last year reduced the rate of annual residential allocation by 55 percent — to a maximum of 130 per year versus the historic maximum of 300. With private land at Lake Tahoe at 90 percent buildout today, the 2012 Regional Plan changed the maximum allocation rate to reflect changing dynamics on land and the continued need for environmental improvements throughout the region. For the 4,000 remaining vacant lots, the Regional Plan authorized 2,600 new residential allocations to be distributed over the next 20 years and 600 residential bonus units to be available only for environmental redevelopment projects in town centers. The 2,600 allocations will be distributed to local governments at the maximum rate of 130 per year, but some years it may be less. A faster rate of allocation would not bring the desired environmental benefits and would force the region to reach buildout more quickly—bringing an earlier end of this as a ways to seed the economy and construction trades.

This method of residential allocation answers the spirit of the Tahoe Bi-State Compact that calls for TRPA to create an orderly system for growth while protecting and improving the environment. Certain environmental improvements happen in-step with a limited amount of new growth, and a healthy market exists for environmental improvements to existing buildings. This method is also considered a cutting-edge sustainability measure and it along with other TRPA programs are studied by land use professionals around the nation and the world for resource protection. Keeping Tahoe at the forefront of global resource protection is a status that befits the Jewel of the Sierra.

Joanne Marchetta is executive director of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency.


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Comments (3)
  1. Dude says - Posted: May 15, 2013

    Wouldn’t it be nice if the people that live here year round, could also work year round, and then at least begin to think about applying for a loan to build a house. Unfortunately only a tiny sliver of the population that resides here year round can imagine this. For the rest of us lowly workers who do the majority of jobs that allow a resort area to properly function a national bank will never give us a loan. I’ve had the same summer and winter jobs for six years and I couldn’t even get an auto loan at my own bank. A bank at which I’ve never had an overdraft or fallen below their minimum balance. I even had enough savings with them to pay for 3/4 of the vehicle price, but because I work seasonally they wouldn’t approve me a loan. SO what chance do I have of getting a home loan? Zip, zero, nada.
    So Joanne, woopty freaking dooo!! Some moderately wealthy folks from the bay area get to build some monstrosity reminding me and many others like me that we’ll never be able to own a home in the place we live. Lemme tell ya, I’m psyched!! ;)

    I saw a bumper sticker yesterday that said “My life is better than your vacation—-Lake Tahoe Local”
    All I could think was, “well she must have a good year round job or a wealthy husband”
    Cause while my life is usually better than most vacations, I’ll never be truly secure here knowing that for as long as I’m here I’ll always be a renter.

  2. Bob Hedley says - Posted: May 16, 2013

    Joanne Marchetta states “Having a limited number of new residential building allocations means there is less pressure on the lake and there is more time for environmental restoration projects to respond to the impacts of development.”

    With 39,000 private parcels already developed, developing 130 more parcels will increase the pressure on the lake by 1/3 of one percent. Developing 300 more parcels will increase the pressure by 76/100 of one percent.

    If the builders were allowed to build on 300 parcels this year, there would be thousands more dollars, paid as part of the building permit fees, available for environmental restoration projects. Also those 300 parcels would have bmp’s placed on them to help prevent erosion.

    Once all the vacant lots are built out around the lake builders will turn to tearing down older environmentally dysfunctional homes and replacing them with environmentally sound homes with new bmp’s.

    Norma Santiago, a TRPA board member, El Dorado County Supervisor and long time local resident has stated that we need more than 130 allocations now, especially to help our very weak economy recover.

    Hal Cole, another TRPA board member, a South Lake Tahoe City Council member and a long, long time resident stated that it is unfair to hold lot owners hostage for TRPA requirements that they have no control over.

    Those lot owners are going to pay heavy mitigation fees when they obtain their building permits. They are going to spend even more money when they build and put their bmp’s in.

    More allocations now is a win-win proposition for both the environment and the local economy. Much of the money needed to protect the lake’s clarity will come from a strong local economy.

  3. John A says - Posted: May 21, 2013

    I couldn’t agree more with Mr. Hedley’s comments above. The fact is TRPA has no specific evidence that recent limited residential development has any significant impact on the lake’s water quality. The fact is new home construction is strictly regulated to have new BMP’s installed before a final can be issued and deposit returned to the owner.
    300 new homes scattered around the basin each year represents nothing in comparison to the pollution run-off of highways, commercial centers, and casinos etc.
    Is it really TRPA’s charter to make moral decisions that dictate we now all pursue home remodeling ?
    There’s a much bigger picture of why TRPA targeted this small insignificant sector of development.