Seminars in Tahoe focus on health care changes

Barton Health and Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce are putting on seminars to educate people about healthcare reform, also known as the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare.

California and Nevada insurance exchanges for 2014 coverage enrollment open Oct. 1.

The workshops will be led by qualified industry specialists.

If you are an employer and have questions like:

How do I calculate my part-time and full-time employees to get my total full time equivalents?

I have seasonal employees, do I have to offer coverage to them?

What does “Pay or Play” mean? Do I qualify for tax credits and subsidies?

I have less than 25 employees, what does this mean for me?

If you live in the South Lake Tahoe region and have questions like:

Obamacare … Reform … Affordable Care Act, what does it mean for me?

I already get health coverage through my employer – will anything change?

Do I qualify for tax credits if I pay for coverage?

I don’t have a job; do I still have to get health coverage?

I didn’t qualify for Medi-Cal before, will I now?

The employer seminar is June 18; 3 to 4:30pm at LTCC, 1 College Drive, South Lake Tahoe in the board room.

Guest speakers are John Carlson, executive vice president of Benefit Intelligence, a leader in delivering the highest quality health and welfare benefits, insurance and human resources consulting solutions; and Gene Furr, from Menath Insurance an independent insurance agent located in the Lake Tahoe area and serving most Western states.

For community members the meeting is June 18 from 5:30 to 7pm at the same location.

Guest speakers are Carmella Gutierrez, president of Californians for Patient Care, a nonprofit dedicated to ensuring all California consumers have fair and equitable access to high-quality health care; and Debbie Stack from El Dorado County Health and Human Services.

Space is limited and pre-registration is strongly encouraged. For more information about these upcoming forums, contact Leanne Wagoner at Barton, (530) 543.5537 or Emily Abernathy at the chamber, (775) 588.1728, ext. 303.