Time to clean Tahoe’s bike trails

The 2nd annual Tahoe Bike Path Clean Up Day is May 30 from 3-6pm.

Bring water. There will be free waste facility passes for participants, and snacks will be provided at the end of the event. Gloves, trash bags, and brooms will also be provided.


South Lake Tahoe — Meet at Sierra Nevada Alliance, 2311 Lake Tahoe Blvd. Clean up sites are behind Red Hut and Meeks Lumber, Motel 6 and Push Fitness.

To register, contact Taylor Fargo at (530) 542.4546 or taylor@sierranevadaalliance.org.

North Lake Tahoe — Meet at UC Davis Field Station (Historic Fish Hatchery), 2400 Lake Forest Road, Tahoe City. Site to be clean is the bike path between the Field Station and Commons Beach.

To register, contact Kelsey Poole at (775) 881.7560 or klpoole@ucdavis.edu.

This is community collaboration among the Sierra Nevada Alliance, Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center, AmeriCorps, Incline Village Waste Not, and Lake Tahoe Bicycle Coalition.