Webinars focus on wildfire protection
Community Wildfire Protection Plans and Fire-Adapted Communities are the focus of webinars on May 7 and May 14 put on by the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension.
The first one-hour, free webinar will be offered at 10am May 7 in conjunction with Nevada Wildfire Awareness Week that begins May 4. Participants will learn about the purpose and value of Community Wildfire Protection Plans and explore a digital template designed specifically for communities located in Washoe County. The template can easily be modified for use outside of Washoe County.
The next one-hour, free webinar will be offered at 10am May 14. Participants will learn about Fire-Adapted Communities, communities that can survive wildfires with little or no assistance from firefighters. This is possible because of how the homes are built and maintained, how vegetation is managed and the knowledge of residents.
For information on how to participate, visit the calendar online, or contact Sonya Sistare at sistares@unce.unr.edu or (775) 336.0271.