Letter: Gardnerville group helps at Bread & Broth

To the community,

Bread & Broth would like to thank St. Gall Catholic Church’s Faith Sharing Group from Gardnerville for sponsoring the June 10 Adopt A Day of Nourishment.

As part of their ministry, the Faith Sharing Group wanted to help those in need and chose to support Bread & Broth’s efforts to provide a hot and nutritious dinner to the hungry of the South Lake Tahoe community.

After the dinner’s guests were served, one member of the Faith Sharing Group, Claudi Broquist, wrote, “the experience, for me, was very humbling. To see all these people, of all ages and backgrounds come together for food and friendship was amazing to me. I wanted to ‘hug’ them all.”

Fellow group members Bill Broquist, Barb and Don McRoberts, Jack Stemplinger, Sue Ewald, Lea Morgan and St. Gall’s Father Paul McCollum joined Claudi in helping the B&B volunteers provide a hearty, well balanced meal at the evening’s dinner.

The Faith Sharing Group members were a very hard working group and thanks to their help, the B&B volunteer crew had the hall and kitchen cleaned up in record time. Bread & Broth is very fortunate and grateful to St. Gall’s Faith Sharing Group and all our sponsors who have over the past 24 years supported our efforts to feed those in need every Monday at St. Theresa Church’s Parish Hall and the South Lake Tahoe Community Presbyterian Church on Friday’s for the last four years.

If you would like to support Bread & Broth’s program, please contact me at (530) 542.2876 or carolsgerard@aol.com.

Carol Gerard, Bread & Broth