Letter: SnowGlobe becoming a case of extortion


To the community,

SnowGlobe is stuff and nonsense because it has become a case of extortion. SnowGlobe wants guaranteed money or they threaten to take their icy ball elsewhere.

Such behavior points in one direction. They want others to shoulder the risks, which means that the relationship with the city cannot be sustained. SnowGlobe wants a one-sided deal or else.

Bill Crawford

Bill Crawford

It is written that when pecuniary interest becomes the primary goal, then the gates of hell open. They city should not allow itself to be blackmailed. That will lead to more of the same by SnowGlobe and other opportunists. For too long the city has been an easy mark for developers and their lawyers, i.e. the convention center.

And because of the hassle with SnowGlobe, this is the time to rethink whether or not it is a good fit for the community. The show is billed as a music festival. That’s debatable. Much of the sound is loud synthetic noise. But there’s no accounting for taste. It runs from A to Z. George Bernard Shaw said, “Music is the brandy of the damned.” That’s worth thinking about, especially so when it’s applied to SnowGlobe.

Bill Crawford, South Lake Tahoe


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This article was written by admin


Comments (14)
  1. A.B. says - Posted: June 2, 2013

    For once, I actually agree to a limited extent with Bill Crawford.

    Snow Globe should take their event elsewhere.

    However Bill might consider taking a long look in the mirror – South Lake Tahoe has been extorting businesses, individuals, and property owners for decades.

    Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

  2. Youth says - Posted: June 2, 2013

    “Much of the sound is loud synthetic noise. But there’s no accounting for taste.”

    The words of a bitter old man!

    I think people felt the same way about Elvis’s gyrating hips. He really wasn’t accounting for taste you know…

    God old people…

    Lets just have another art festival that’s a little more tasteful for the old people. That will get a grand total of 30 extra people to come to our town. That should help!

  3. Rhinopoker says - Posted: June 2, 2013

    Doesn’t SnowGlobe bring in significant dollars to South Shore that otherwise would not be spent here if SnowGlobe was to leave. This city needs revenue and in order to get revenue you must invest some money to make money. I am not a fan of the music but I am a fan of tourist coming to out city and renting hotel rooms, skiing, and eating in our restaurants. All of that helps everyone out and it is not the Stateline crowd that does not leave that area and only comes for one night.

    I think compromise is the path to keeping SnowGlobe and keeping those visitors money spent here and not North Shore or Reno.

  4. ljames says - Posted: June 2, 2013

    to commenter 2: yes you invest, but the city’s role is to invest in infrastructure and facilities, not an actual event that is run by others. The city puts on the Air Show, and that is appropriate, but the Snow Globe event is a profit making existing event just looking for the best venue in terms of their own revenue – they are not in a “partnership” with the city in any real sense of the word.

  5. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: June 2, 2013

    ljames is correct that the city’s function is to have the infrastructure to support residents and business.

    Now business should step up, say a group like the South Tahoe Alliance of Resorts (STAR) to attract events. Since they are the direct recipient of the people attracted to an event like Snow Globe, they should be the enabler and coordinator.

    The city is an indirect recipient through TOTs, sales taxes, etc. which they in turn use to support the infrastructure.
    The businesses are the ones making a profit.

  6. Cents says - Posted: June 2, 2013

    Planning events is not that hard. It just takes time and minds working together. Why not have a local group use the attraction of Winter and Music to plan a similar event. It would not be that hard to utilize the attractive Snow Globe already proved works. Call it anything that commercially works. Since it has been staged at the College, how about some creative students working together and create a local event at the same location. By planning now for 2013 winter you will take advantage of all those who already have these dates on their calendar.

    Just two cents worth.

  7. Bijou Bill says - Posted: June 2, 2013

    Hey Bill C.,
    Privatizing all the profits and socializing all the risks isn’t extortion… it’s American corpo-bankster capitalism at work. After all, what possible goals or interests are their for today’s business people other than pecuniary? Civic duty or a sense of pride in community prosperity? Man, you are out of touch.

  8. muir says - Posted: June 2, 2013

    no need for snowglobe, no need for bashing music. old men and burners can suck it..

  9. left Tahoe says - Posted: June 2, 2013

    Snowglobe is nothing but a rave. It is techno music which is to flow with the rhythm of E and shrooms. These were free events in the late 80’s that promoted the art behind this detachment. Corporate profit off watching these kids pulse is gross. I would hope that if anyone would stand up for banning the Snowglobe greed would be the kids…..Grassroots is the path.

  10. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: June 2, 2013

    muir— I don’t think anyone above said that Snow Globe shouldn’t happen. I read it that if guarantees are being demanded by the music festival, then local business should be the interface between them and the city. It’s all about profit and if the businesses make profit from the festival being here, then they should be proactive to make it happen here.

  11. dumbfounded says - Posted: June 2, 2013

    I must disagree with the contention that the “city puts on the Air Show”. Volunteers have always put on the Air Show. The city donated significant funds. However, the Air Show is struggling more and more since the city became more operationally involved, IMHO. They are also spending far more money than ever before.

  12. Buck says - Posted: June 3, 2013

    SnowGlobe has distroyed our field at the college and now wants us to pay them? I must be clueless! The city or college does not need another death from a rave festival.

  13. thing fish says - Posted: June 3, 2013

    Buck, you are so bad at spinning that I am offering you a 1pm slot as a DJ at the new Pollen Globe Festival (my new festival scheduled for 2014).
    We are going to have more attractions for the older crowd. Throwing rings around old milk bottles, a bearded lady, and a game called ‘Where my Hose At?’ where you use a garden hose to spray kids who are on your lawn.
    It is going to be a very appropriate level of fun, and will bring in people from as far as Glenbrook.

  14. nature bats last says - Posted: June 3, 2013

    there are no guarantees in life or in snow globe, let them leave…