Letter: SnowGlobe becoming a case of extortion
To the community,
SnowGlobe is stuff and nonsense because it has become a case of extortion. SnowGlobe wants guaranteed money or they threaten to take their icy ball elsewhere.
Such behavior points in one direction. They want others to shoulder the risks, which means that the relationship with the city cannot be sustained. SnowGlobe wants a one-sided deal or else.
It is written that when pecuniary interest becomes the primary goal, then the gates of hell open. They city should not allow itself to be blackmailed. That will lead to more of the same by SnowGlobe and other opportunists. For too long the city has been an easy mark for developers and their lawyers, i.e. the convention center.
And because of the hassle with SnowGlobe, this is the time to rethink whether or not it is a good fit for the community. The show is billed as a music festival. That’s debatable. Much of the sound is loud synthetic noise. But there’s no accounting for taste. It runs from A to Z. George Bernard Shaw said, “Music is the brandy of the damned.” That’s worth thinking about, especially so when it’s applied to SnowGlobe.
Bill Crawford, South Lake Tahoe