LTVA not ready to pay to bring SnowGlobe back


While New Year’s Eve is still more than six months away, in the event planning world that can feel like tomorrow. Even so, a decision has yet to be made as to whether SnowGlobe will return to the South Shore.

Potentially paying the promoter $75,000 was on the June 13 Lake Tahoe Visitors Authority’s board agenda.

“The board feels that we can’t make a decision regarding funding without the promoter having a venue secured,” LTVA Executive Director Carol Chaplin told Lake Tahoe News. “We understand that he has been speaking with the city in regards to maintaining  the long-term integrity of the field, but until an agreement is reached in that front, we are in a neutral position.”

South Lake Tahoe City Manager Nancy Kerry told LTN talks are still under way with the promoter.

The three-day music festival has been said to be a money maker for the region for the last two years. And while the city and Lake Tahoe Community College have charged for access to the community ball fields adjacent to the college and for other costs, the promoter now wants to be paid to come to town.

A drop dead date for when a decision needs to be made has not been disclosed.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report



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Comments (8)
  1. MTT says - Posted: June 15, 2013

    Just get with the State Line people and say hey no Snow globe!
    What can we throw together to replace it?

  2. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: June 15, 2013

    I don’t recall ever hearing it reported at a City Council meeting, and I’ve watched and listened closely to every one of them, that the City or College charged the promoter an access fee for use of the ball fields. The City required a specific deposit amount to cover any potential damage to the field and the College required reimbursement for needed repairs to that facility from damages that occurred which were directly caused by SnowGlobe. I don’t believe that the promoter paid for use of that venue and would appreciate clarification from a City representative on this assertion.

  3. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: June 15, 2013

    smoke and mirros

  4. Dogula says - Posted: June 15, 2013

    A ‘drop dead date’? I like it. Let’s just tell the promoter he can drop dead. If he can’t make a profit without our tax dollars, let him find another venue. Not up to us to make him rich.

  5. Phil S. says - Posted: June 15, 2013

    How about the promoter presenting his plan to safeguard concertgoers? Other events that attract a drug-fueled crowd have medics and security in enough numbers to prevent the patrons from, among other things, dying. Is there any type of plan or commitment presented by the promoter at this point in regards to patron safety? (Perhaps the promoter has and I’m just unaware). After the death related to the event last winter I think this is a necessary prerequisite. I suggest the promoter provide this information, in detail, before we consider offering a venue or money.

  6. Bill Swim says - Posted: June 15, 2013

    PAY???? REALLY????

  7. Bob says - Posted: June 16, 2013

    Hopefully the City is being approached by other promoters to hedge their bets.

  8. SubeeTaho says - Posted: June 26, 2013

    How about the Promoter PAY US for the privilege of coming here? This ‘event’ is by no means important enough to our town to pay such an amount. And as was stated in comments above…what about the added security and emergency personnel needed to keep both concertgoers and residents safe during this drug-fueled event. I think after the DEATH that happened last winter, the City Council should re-evaluate whether we want to be the RAVE capital of northern California for New Years. (noooo because they are too ‘concerned’ with improving the economy…not!) Isn’t Stateline’s drunken melee enough of an embarassment? Why can’t we find something ‘family friendly’ to promote instead? Or just leave well enough alone….