Mt. Rose moving forward with expansion plans
The U.S. Forest Service wants to know what the public thinks of Mount Rose Ski Area’s plans to expand.
The project area is located on Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest and private land.
The Forest Service is proposing to authorize a special use permit boundary adjustment for 112 acres on NFS lands to create the Atoma lift and trail “pod” to the north of the Mt. Rose Highway.
The proposed action includes the following components:
• Construction of a skier bridge across the Mt. Rose Highway (connecting the current ski area to the new ski terrain)
• Construction of 11 new ski trails in the Atoma pod, including snowmaking and grooming
• Installation of a new chairlift to serve the Atoma pod
• Removal of the existing Atoma building and parking lot
• Construction of a snowmaking water impoundment at the westernmost portion of the existing special use permit boundary near the “Around the World” trail
• Creation of a non-significant Forest Plan Amendment to limit any further commercial development on the lands acquired by the Forest Service through the 1994 Galena Resort Land Exchange.
The full scoping notice and map packet for this project can be downloaded here.
There will be two open houses regarding the project:
• June 18 Winters Creek Lodge, 4-6pm, 21333 Highway 878, Reno.
• June 19 Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest Supervisors Office, 4-6pm, 1200 Franklin Way, Sparks.
For more information, contact Linda Crawley at (775) 355.5377 or Comments will be taken until the end of June.
sounds like a lucrative way to wipe out the Atoma wilderness for a couple green runs while at the same time driving out the few remaining locals that actually know how to ski at Mt Rose with masses of folks from the bay area…
They need to work on regaining their local clientele before they start turning into a Vail Resorts theme park. Building a decent terrain park would be a good start.
One of the last successful privately owned Ski area’s in the USA. They have made good expansion decisions to date. This latest piece does nothing for me, but it seems to be there plan for Beginners and kids.
I am not sure what the end game is? Expansion onto Mt Rose proper?
I vote yes and cross my fingers that they do not sell out to a corporate interest.
MTT they are a corporation, just like the Sierra Club.
I think everybody that’s not being purposely obtuse knows what the negative connotation of “going corporate” means. Let’s hope Mt. Rose finds a way to upgrade without losing it’s unique smaller resort style so popular with many locals and long-time visitors.
Lilpeter, I don’t think there is a chance in this world you know what “Corporate” means. I assume it means some entity doing something you don’t like. Anyone that does what you like is non-corporate.
Basically as long as Mt. Rose stays within a certain acreage its okay? Good grief….
John, my original business partner and I formed our 1st LLC in the late ’70’s. Since then I have been involved in several small (S) and (C) corporations until I sold out and retired several yrs. ago. Your very expensive econ. education means nothing compared to actual business experience and qualifies you to tell me exactly zero about how corporatism has infected American capitalism.
That’s interesting Lilpeter, the first LLC was formed in 1977 in Wyoming. They weren’t wide spread until the 1990’s.
Like I said, your definition of corporate then is anything you don’t like I assume. I take it you are not corporate even though you are an LLC member and shareholder?
Corporatism? Really? I take it someone with more money and skill outcompeted you so they are bad right?
Here’s another interesting fact for you John. When you’re in a deep hole of wrong, as you most often are on any given topic, it’s best to give it up and quit digging.
The 114 acres in question is part of a primtitive area of pristine Forest land with many pockets of wetlands! When the transfer of property occurred to the Forest Service in 1994 a stipulation was added to the transfer that the property in question would always remain primitive protecting it from what is about to happen! So why is the Forest Service putting this up for encroachment! Do we not have enough ski areas?
Still trying to figure out if John went to business school or the seminary.
Going corporate means losing your identity, defining characteristics, soul. Maaaaaaaaan.