Tours available of almost finished animal shelter
Motorists driving between downtown Truckee and the Pioneer Trail roundabout on Donner Pass Road may not realize that they are passing by the future home of the Humane Society of Truckee-Tahoe.
The animal shelter is in its final stages of construction.
It is tucked out of sight from the main thoroughfare on a back parcel on Stockrest Springs Road.
To build awareness and satisfy the curiosity of community members ready to embrace this new facility, the HSTT is offering hard hat tours of the shelter, which are free and open to anyone. The tours will be conducted twice a week throughout the summer months. Dogs, cats and employees are expected to move in the fall.
Hard hat tours of the animal shelter will be conducted on the following days and times:
Every Tuesday from June 4 through Aug. 20 at 5pm. (The June 4 tour date is full.)
Every Friday from June 7 through Aug. 23 at 4pm. (The June 21 tour date is full.)
Saturday tours will be conducted on an as-needed basis.
To reserve a spot, call (530) 587.5948 or email