Gore to attend Lake Tahoe enviro summit
Al Gore will be one of the speakers at the 17th annual Lake Tahoe Environmental Summit.
It was 1997 when he was vice president that then President Bill Clinton launched the summits.
This year’s event is being hosted by Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev. It will be at Sand Harbor on Aug. 19.
The governors of Nevada and California have also been invited.
Al Gore and Harry Reid have driven the US and Nevada into the ground by their eco-commie rhetoric.
Calvin, and you are making a difference?
Will Algore be flying here in his private jet???
I appreciate it anytime a politician speaks up on behalf of protecting our precious environment. However, it seems clear there is a political agenda in this country to use the environment as an excuse to tax and regulate us into servitude. Meanwhile it is these same politicians who are exempting nuclear, pharmaceutical, petroleum, Monsanto and the military from the law or from even being sued in the courts.
“Being for the environment” still sounds good, especially in a beautiful place like Lake Tahoe, while Goldman Sachs still does severe damage to any hope of stable financial integrity (read the expose in this past Sunday’s NY Times on their rape of aluminum futures, to the tune of 5 billion $$)
There is still a very large disconnect between function and dysfunction at Congressional-level, so as Lake Tahoe can be held out as some sort of ‘environmental relief’, then “business-as-usual” can be overlooked. . . people need to take a closer look at the Farm Bill, for example: while toying with food stamps as an outrage, the bill actually has a clause making all of the ‘big agribusiness’ subsidies PERMANENT. . . sort of a ‘left-jab, right-hand sucker punch’ sort of bill.
Deflect attention away from what’s really going on by letting people “*****” about the missing food stamps. . .exchanging an outcry for a sleazy “they’ll-never-notice-this” ploy . . . not just politics-as-usual, but politics at its’ absolute worst . . .
Al Gore… lovely, the man is making a wonderful living out of his global warming, sky is falling, forget science listen to me shrills. I wish he and Reid and the rest of them would go retire on an island far, far away.
Chicken Little was right (or is that not politically correct?).
Who would be stupid enough to believe the 2% of ‘scientists’ that deny climate change? Wait don’t tell me-dittomorons of course.
Why isn’t Dr. Charles Goldman ever given his due when it comes to the TRUTH about how sick “OUR” Da’Ow really is and why are the STAKEHOLDERS and STATES ignoring the Declaration of Sacred Estate by Washos? It would benefit all of our Childrens & Grandchildrens futures.