More structures in path of Bison Fire
The Bison Fire is now the largest wildland fire on record in Northern Nevada – at 25,733 acres.
While the fire is 40 percent contained, it is threatening 98 structures in Douglas and Lyon counties. Lyon County Sheriff’s Department has implemented a voluntary evacuation for Smith Valley subdivision. This will be in place at least through Wednesday afternoon.
Full containment is still expected on July 14.
The cost, to date, to fight this fire is $4,814,994. Aircraft is the biggest expense.
The following road closures to non-residents are currently in place for:
* Pine Nut Road at the intersection of Out-R-Way
*East Valley Road at Grandview
*Sunrise Pass Road at Coyote Rock
*Brunswick Canyon Road
*Mexican Dam Road
*Sunrise Pass Road at Artesia Road.
Lightning started fire July 4. An old mining structure was lost and one firefighter twisted a knee.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report