Sandoval spins Nevada’s economic message


By Anjeanette Damon, Las Vegas Sun

If you received all of your economic news from Gov. Brian Sandoval’s campaign Twitter feed, you’d be exuberantly optimistic about the jobs outlook and overall business climate.

As the Republican governor prepares to run for re-election on the strength of his economic record, you won’t see him tweet that Nevada has the highest unemployment rate in the nation.

Instead, you’ll see that Nevada has had “non-stop job growth” and that the state’s unemployment rate is falling faster than almost anywhere else in the country.

You won’t see that Nevada continues to have the highest foreclosure rate in the nation.

Instead, you’ll see that Nevada is in “the top three performers of overall economic performance and growth” — as measured by a U.S. Chamber of Commerce report focused on tax burdens, tort reform policies and business lending.

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Comments (5)
  1. MTT says - Posted: July 29, 2013

    Now if he could just get a law passed, restricting People who move to Nevada from California from voting for 8? years. things would improve quickly

  2. Biggerpicture says - Posted: July 29, 2013

    MTT your just another Nevadan trying to blame California for the consequences of your state government’s unholy (as in sweetheart tax deals) marriage to gaming and mining. Mining still has a almost free ride, and since 47 other states now have some form of gaming, that economic ship is on it’s way over the horizon. Nevada’s ONLy chance at economic feasibility is green energy technologies and education in those same technologies.

  3. Dogula says - Posted: July 29, 2013

    Actually, Bigs, I think NV could do well if it encouraged more entrepreneurship with less regulation and taxation. That way we wouldn’t need so much of China’s loaned money from the government for all that “green technology”. Difficult to get hard numbers, but the only ‘blue’ counties in NV are Washoe and Clark. Both those counties are loaded with new Californians, many of whom get government subsidies. It wouldn’t be Constitutional to deny those new Nevadans the vote, but I can surely see MTT’s point. That’s why so many states hate Californians. They always move trying to escape what they created, only to take the carnage with them.

  4. Squawllywood says - Posted: July 29, 2013

    My firm is in the process of starting a new business, actually, a “green” business. We’re going to be producing a unique bio-fuel.

    Living in the Tahoe area, I looked at trying to do this in the basin. The opposition, regulatory burden, permitting and taxation made the entire proposition of creating a large production facility in Tahoe absolutely prohibitive.

    Then we went to Douglas, Lyon, Churchill, Pershing & Elko Counties. We will be constructing a plant to produce fuel from sorghum plants. Spare Douglas County, the balance of these counties are fighting over one another to land our business.

    From tax exemptions to fast track permitting, near zero regulatory burden, each county has gone head over heels for us. It’s a tough decision.

    But the decision to do this in Nevada was easy. We spoke with business owners in Tahoe, and they all told us what a disaster TRPA was and how the local municipalities were anti-business. One call to “city hall” and we received the stairway to hell on the list of permits, licenses & approvals required.

    Best of luck Tahoe!

  5. Gus says - Posted: July 30, 2013

    Sandoval stole a page straight from BHO’s playbook. I heard a news report yesterday that, added together, the number of unemployed, underemployed and those who have given-up looking for work in Nevada add-up to almost 20-percent, a few of points above the national average. There was a great little book published in the 1980s called “How to Lie with Statistics.” I’ll bet there are dogged-eared copies in every executive government office in this country.