Structures out of harms way from Bison Fire

Firefighters have the Bison Fire in Douglas County more than 65 percent contained, with full containment expected Sunday.

Crews concentrated their efforts Wednesday along a ridge above the evacuated homes and other hot spots.

The voluntary evacuation order for homes in Douglas and Lyon counties has been lifted.

“No residences were damaged or lost in the Bison fire but to lessen the possibility of your home being damaged in another fire, please clear 30 feet around your residences, reduce the fuel, reduce the risk,” fire officials said in a statement.

The cost, to date, of fighting this fire is $5,330,979.

The following road closures to non-residents are still in place due to the heavy fire vehicle traffic:

* Pine Nut Road at the intersection of Out-R-Way

*East Valley Road at Grandview

*Sunrise Pass Road at Coyote Rock

*Brunswick Canyon Road

*Mexican Dam Road

*Sunrise Pass Road at Artesia Road.

The fire started July 4 from lightning.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report