Bill to protect mountain lions on Brown’s desk
By Aaron Kinney, Bay Area News Group
SACRAMENTO — A proposed law to prevent the needless killing of mountain lions by state wardens cleared the Legislature on Monday and now awaits the approval of Gov. Jerry Brown.
The legislation by state Sen. Jerry Hill, D-San Mateo, would give California Department Fish and Wildlife wardens broader authority to pursue non-lethal measures, such as trapping or tranquilizing, when dealing with lions that are spotted in residential areas. It was inspired by the fatal shooting Dec. 1 of two cubs as they huddled under the porch of a home in Half Moon Bay.
Fish and Wildlife Director Charlton Bonhom approved new guidelines for wardens in March that achieve similar ends. If signed by the governor, Hill’s proposal would reinforce those changes, codifying the internal protocols as state law.
“I don’t think there’s anybody in this building,” Hill said Monday, “that wants to kill mountain lions unless they’re posing a threat to humans.”
Gee, are they endangered? Or are we just short on unnecessary laws at the moment?
id like to see hunting season open on dogzillas, we could do with a few less of them…
@ nature bats last – I’d like to see your internet access taken away so you stop posting on here…
oh, are you the internet police? i thought you didnt like government oversight or intrusion into our constutional ammendments which includes freedom of speech, or is it only when it applies to you and your ilk?
@ nature bats last – You know nothing about me… this just proves my point even further. All of your comments are non-constructive, offensive, and personal attacks on people. Do us all a favor and just stop posting on here. As you put it in one of your previous posts, take your ugly carcass and just leave. I hope more people leave bags full of dog poo in your drive way and your pot growing, vicious dog raising, firewood selling neighbors create more problems for you.
No Dogula, they are not endangered in California, but are in other parts of the country and have been mostly made extinct in much of their historic habitat. This is only to stop shooting them when there is no need. They don’t see us a food and there is no need to kill them when leaving them alone in most will cause them to wander off and back to their territory. They are amazing majestic animals and I would love to see one in the wild.
Hmmm, Lisa, not so sure you would, actually. I knew the woman who was eaten by one in Cool, CA.
But it’s still a silly, unnecessary law. People are not going out shooting lions. It’s a non-issue.
ummm, all the law does is allow state wardens more options when dealing with mountain lions.
Its not about them being endangered necessarily.