Brown receiving more cheers than jeers


By Adam Nagourney, New York Times

LOS ANGELES — When Jerry Brown became governor of California again, three years ago, this state was on a steep decline, crushed by budget deficits, deep spending cuts, governmental paralysis, high unemployment and a collapsing housing market. California, a place that once symbolized promise and opportunity, seemed caught in an intractable reversal of fortune.

But these days, Brown — who at 75 is the oldest governor in the nation and about to become the longest-serving governor in the history of California — is enjoying a degree of success and authority he and his opponents could scarcely have imagined when he returned to Sacramento to begin a second tour as governor in 2010.

The state’s budget problems are largely resolved, at least for the short term. Brown is the dominant figure in Sacramento, strengthened by overwhelming Democratic control of the Legislature and the decline of the Republican Party. He has pushed through major initiatives on education financing and prison reorganization. Even Republicans say his re-election next year seems considerably more than likely.

“Some people were ridiculing California, and some were calling it a failed state,” Brown, a Democrat, said in an interview. “The unemployment came down from 12.2 to 8.5. Real estate is rebounding. There’s a lot of confidence out there. That’s what happened.”

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This article was written by admin


Comments (38)
  1. Pathetic state says - Posted: August 22, 2013

    “Some people were ridiculing California, and some were calling it a failed state.”

    No it’s nationally known as the Welfare State. I have seen it as Cali-Lib-mexico as well. The state is full of welfare cases, felons on the street..thanks to the lib judges, and it’s the home of millions of illegals, soon to get free driver’s licenses.The unemployment rate appears down because some of them have run out of free money, so they can’t file again. Yeah, GOOD JOB there Moonbutt.

  2. BijouBill says - Posted: August 22, 2013

    Please don’t let the door cause you any further brain damage when it hits you in the rear on the way out.

  3. Dogula says - Posted: August 22, 2013

    Well, all I know is, more than half the people I meet in NV have moved there from California in the last 2 years. . .the great exodus is in process. All working, productive people are running as fast as they can from mr. Brown and his Dem legislature’s killing taxes.

  4. cosa pescado says - Posted: August 22, 2013

    Any hard data to support that?

  5. Biggerpicture says - Posted: August 22, 2013

    Well, say what you want, but Jerry Brown will serve one more term as Governor of the once and once again GREAT STATE OF CALIFORNIA!

  6. Steve Kubby says - Posted: August 23, 2013


    Brown’s phony budget ignores the $4.5 billion a year that the California State Teachers’ Retirement System says it needs to stave off insolvency, and does nothing about the unfunded liability for state retirees’ health care, more than $60 billion and rising.

    California still owes nearly $27 billion that it borrowed from various sources to cover operating deficits in recent years. All Brown did was reduce the pace of debt repayment, and then borrow even more money, $500 million, by pilfering the cap-and-trade fees imposed on business for greenhouse gas emissions.

    Finally, the new taxes that allowed the new budget to be balanced are temporary and will expire before Brown finishes a second term and how the state finances its commitments then is anyone’s guess.

  7. CJ McCoy says - Posted: August 23, 2013

    The idea that California’s budget problems are resolved is an outright lie. The off balance sheet accounting is a type of fraud just like ENRON was but people are fools and the government keeps fooling them.

  8. TeaTotal says - Posted: August 23, 2013

    Now that California voters have a chance at governance by getting rid of some of the obstructionists, we have stopped the death spiral of the stupid austerity agenda of failure that was retarding progress. The wailing and gnashing of teeth from the right is the sound of California moving forward, with or without those losers. The longest journey starts with the 1st steps-and those have been taken. Let’s all start pulling the rope instead of the endless whining.

  9. Pathetic state says - Posted: August 23, 2013

    Sorry you’re a Demorat and sorry that you don’t see what’s happening here. Maybe you do and like the invasion and taxes for everything. Can’t help you and your liberal mindset. Enjoy this miserable state and with any luck there will still be Police to help your sorry self when Moonbutts Felons and illegals come to your door.

  10. Pathetic state says - Posted: August 23, 2013

    Yes, most of your neighbors are illegals. Nice hood you live in.

  11. Dogula says - Posted: August 23, 2013

    Yep, Total, when you’re flat broke and in the hole, even if you convince yourself that you’re flush with cash, going on a spending spree is JUST the way to fix your budget!
    “Obstructionists” who call for fiscal responsibility are the only thing that kept the state from going under years ago. But now people who think just like you have no opposition in the legislature. You guys are free to run the state right into the ground. Doggoned shame. It used to be wealthy, productive, with good schools and lots of private industry. Now all you’ve got is government jobs and welfare suckers.
    Hope you enjoy it.

  12. nature bats last says - Posted: August 23, 2013

    to all of the bloggers that have left the state of california, thank you for removing your smelly carcuses from our state. It may not be perfect but at least its free of your ugly selves. Please, dont bother to come back.

  13. CJ McCoy says - Posted: August 23, 2013

    Lake Tahoe is a national treasure is it not? It is not a “locals treasure” or a “California treasure” it is a national treasure and as such the entire country should look to see what has been done to the communities and the effects on the economic health of the region.

    You can’t sit there with your hands out for federal tax money and then expect people from afar nat to have a vested interest and a right to express it.

  14. nature bats last says - Posted: August 25, 2013

    expressing the same ol rag about how awful one state or the other is is not being productive. nor is it adding to the ongoing debate about how to fix everything best. Its jsut the same ol opinions from the same ol mouths with nothing really signifant to offer.

  15. CJ McCoy says - Posted: August 25, 2013

    nature bats last,

    That is naive, poorly thought out and an insultingly ignorant position. First off you change the subject and make it personal, whereas I try and keep the issue as the issue. You use the tactic of attacking a person that expressed an idea that you don’t like. That is a type of intolerance and obfuscation of the issues that the National Socialist Party would use. Wake up America and smell the rot in that.

    It’s is insulting to free thinking people. Government employees like you should be held accountable for what you have done to our country.

    The issue is the issue and it must be made clear.

    For the people who want to solve our problems ask yourself this…

    How in the world can you fix a problem when you don’t clearly identify it?

    The whole country should be looking at the disaster of an economy that excessive government control has caused in South Lake Tahoe and California. Americans need to understand what the cancer of government excess is all about. SLT has it – the nation should condemn it.

  16. cosa pescado says - Posted: August 25, 2013

    “that the National Socialist Party would use”
    Thanks for that. Now we know that you are one of those clowns that likens things to Nazis as a debate tactic.

  17. CJ McCoy says - Posted: August 25, 2013

    Again, the issue is the issue, the tactic used by progressives in America to misinform the public is indeed similar to the tactics of the National Socialist party … is it not? Can you answer the question without making it personal?

  18. Biggerpicture says - Posted: August 25, 2013

    CJ, then would you equate Fox News to the National Socialist party?

  19. BijouBill says - Posted: August 25, 2013

    CJ McCoy is the same old PubworksTV, joestirumup, Business is Hurting and all his other nom de plumes POS who crawled out from under his rock again. He’s been banned numerous times for being a “I hate Tahoe and everything about it” full of excrement blowhard.
    This loser got run out of town several years ago and still blames everyone else for his miserable failures.

  20. CJ McCoy says - Posted: August 25, 2013

    No BijoiBill, I am the real McCoy and I talk about issues and facts, you liberals just attack people that don’t agree with you.

    South Lake Tahoe is damaged by people like you. South Lake and many of the people still in it are the problem that is why it has failed and leaving it may well be the best solution. Vote with your feet.

    There is no success in south lake – just government oppression and out of control debt.

  21. CJ McCoy says - Posted: August 25, 2013


    Fox provides a wide range of points of view in their commentaries and detailed reporting of the news. How would that be similar to the National Socialist party?

    Fox provides balance and that is why so many people are going to Fox for news instead of the hate and lies from leftist media groups like MSNBC and CNN.

    On the other hand you have the personal attacks at MSNBC and very shallow coverage of news intended to keep people in the dark, that is more akin to the tactics of the National Socialist party, is it not?

    Of course I don’t expect an honest answer from you, I have read your posts for some time and know how you are, I’ll just get more hate and personal attacks from you and your kind – like the National Socialist party would do.

  22. Biggerpicture says - Posted: August 25, 2013

    CJ, your above comments pertaining to Fox News proves once again that you lack ANY credibility. Peace out! (is that the hatefulness you speak of about me?)

  23. nature bats last says - Posted: August 25, 2013

    cj = ignorant bs, not worth bothering with and definately shows signs of the same ignorance as pubworks tv, if not the same…

  24. Dogula says - Posted: August 25, 2013

    Funny. If it isn’t worth bothering with, then why do you?

  25. cosa pescado says - Posted: August 25, 2013

    Misinform the public on what?
    Science? WMD’s? Sex?
    (Those are topics conservatives are particularly bad with)

  26. CJ McCoy says - Posted: August 25, 2013

    Where is the WMD? is the most common answer to the question, “How did Bush Lie?” The answer from the liberal sheep of a generation of fools.

    It is a stupid answer to an important question. I never met a liberal that could get past the stupid answer to the above question and actually discuss the issue. Never, liberals are just not that informed.

    FYI – we know the Saddam Hussain had WMD – where it is/went is a great question.


    Only liberal pin-heads use that question to answer the question of “How did Bush lie?” Informed adults that seek the truth can discuss it at some length. The truck caravans, the missing jets, the trawler that was sunk in the Indian ocean, the mobile chemical plants (if you think they were to make aspiring you are a fool).

    .. all these are parts of a mature and honest discussion. Add to that the conclusions by the CIA that there were efforts by Hussain to make the Iranians think that he had WMD to ward off an attack.

    Of corse liberals don’t come close to that level of awareness so they are stuck on “where’s the WMD” … they can’t discuss it, just spout it out, like mind numb slaves they are.

    FYI – Ted Kennedy is responsible for the misinformation and hate that question has brought on the nation when he started the attack on GW Bush on the Senate floor.

    Again, we know the Hussain had WMD (Chemical weapons). It is a FACT that can not be argued by anyone that is informed. Accounting for it is the issue.

    As for science and sex, you are out to lunch on that, just immature, hateful arguing from a shallow mind.

  27. CJ McCoy says - Posted: August 25, 2013

    nature bats last, do you have anything substantive to add to the discussion ?

    Or are you only capable of attacking people with different opinions than your own?

  28. nature bats last says - Posted: August 26, 2013

    CJ its hard to discuss anything with ignorant people who have one set of rhetoric and values and spew the same ol stuff no matter what the discussion or topic. Why bother I say, and dogzilla, practice what you preach…discussion is for people who can actually share a common topic and dont have to be backed into a corner by the rabid dog who is just there to cause consternation

  29. CJ McCoy says - Posted: August 26, 2013

    nature bats last,

    I share my opinions and facts, yes. One of my opinions is you and others like you always attack personally. You attack people personally that don’t think the way you want them to. I state my opinions and you and people like you attack me personally. Progressive Liberals do that, it’s not rocket science its just the way it is.

    My opinions are based on principles and observations of what I think are the foundation of healthy societies, freedom vs tyranny. My principles are also backed by history, deep historical issues are mirrored by what we face in society today. Age old issues of one group wanting to control society and the others that want to be free, just like the founders of our constitution warned us against.

    How about these facts; Today, people who back what the constitution is all about aka “tea party” types, people with principles and commitment and the individual courage to be free people. People like these have throughout history put up with the hate and vitriol of the leftists and other tyrants. The control freaks. The people that have dumbed down our society to the extent where they were able to buy votes, maybe the election by giving away free cell phones to a subservient class. We put up with that type of person throughout history and still WE ENDOUR and ENDOUR and ENDOUR – TO BAD IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT BUDDY!

  30. TeaTotal says - Posted: August 26, 2013

    CircleJMcCoy-I see nothing has changed in your teabagger delusional world-the free phones from Pres. Obama to buy votes is nonsense only a low info blabberer would repeat-it is actually a reagan admin. program to provide landlines for needy job seekers, funded entirely by a non-profit-0 taxpayer funds. You have no facts-you have fox and dolts.- and try spellcheck especially for your ALL CAPS screeds genius.

  31. Dogula says - Posted: August 26, 2013

    Teatotal, you don’t need to be so insulting every time you contradict someone you disagree with. Are you that rude in person?
    The “free” phones have been around a long time. But it was only land line phones until 2008. That’s when they started giving away cell phones, and under Obama it has exploded.
    Oh, and they’re not free. They ARE very much tax-payer provided. Check your phone bill. It’s one of the half dozen taxes and fees that are itemized there that pays for it.
    Only low-information voters believe in “free” stuff. Especially from the government.

  32. CJ McCoy says - Posted: August 26, 2013


    From my point of view, to be able to compare what Reagan did 30 years ago which was a noble program to insure people had access to emergency services, to compare that to what Obama did prior to the last election would take a fool or a fundamentally deceitful person.

    I do not think you are a fool.

    Thank you for proving my primary point, you are very predictable. Thanks for that.

  33. TeaTotal says - Posted: August 26, 2013

    Typical teabagger non-facts and non-stop “Me the People” misinformation is the real insult. You have 0 credibility-you’re always, demonstrably WRONG.

  34. Dogula says - Posted: August 26, 2013

    Accusing someone of being wrong doesn’t make it so, Total. Facts, please? I gave you some facts, and all you did is say that somebody (you didn’t specify who) is ALWAYS wrong. Nobody is always wrong, probably not even you.

  35. TeaTotal says - Posted: August 26, 2013

    Here’s a fact I know most here would agree with: A broken clock is right exactly twice a day more than you are.

  36. cosa pescado says - Posted: August 26, 2013

    Neocons sold that WMD nonsense. People died, government got bigger, unfunded war, etc. Pretty big deal.
    I bet you still have a Freedom Fries sticker.

    “As for science and sex, you are out to lunch on that, just immature, hateful arguing from a shallow mind.”
    Not at all. Abstinence only sex education never works.
    As for science… go poll Congress to see how many of them believe in evolution.
    Pretty basic misinformation.

    Dog, you are wrong about the phones, again. You tried it before, got schooled. Facts were presented, they were conveniently ignored. Will full ignorance is really pathetic. That is how you ‘can be so consistently, so wrong’.
    Go play with blocks.

  37. Dogula says - Posted: August 26, 2013

    Wrong again, Fish. What facts? Where? Everything I said about the ‘free’ phones in this thread is factual.

  38. Parker says - Posted: August 26, 2013

    While this his gotten way off topic from Jerry Brown!, I just have to say that it was a Democrat, appointed by a Democratic Pres., Bill Clinton, George Tennant Dir. of the CIA, who said WMD’s in Iraq were a ‘slam dunk!’

    And with our Gov. Jerry Brown, while the economy has stabilized, it’s quite clear we’re in for a long period of stagnation! Not helped by his tax increases. Let’s see where we are in a year or two?