CalFire fee angers rural Californians


By Jack Newsham, Sacramento Bee

Foothill residents, as well some property owners in the Lake Tahoe Basin, are bracing for the second year of “fire prevention fees,” a $150 charge that a class-action lawsuit alleges is an illegal tax.

The state Board of Equalization began sending bills two weeks ago to more than 700,000 Californians who own land in the 31 million-acre “state responsibility area” where the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection is responsible for fire protection.

In October, El Dorado County joined the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association’s lawsuit seeking to block the state’s fire fees on rural properties, but hearings have barely begun.

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Comments (23)
  1. Bob says - Posted: August 5, 2013

    What about Obamacare? The $95 penalty next year for not having insurance – isn’t that a tax? Who has a right to tell me I need insurance! Socialism now – communism next coming to America.

  2. Dogula says - Posted: August 5, 2013

    Gee, California’s got a Democrat governor and the legislature is totally controlled by Democrats. Surprised to see taxes and fees going up? Really?

  3. MTT says - Posted: August 5, 2013

    Maybe it will be managed like the MEDCAL

    Drug rehab Program?

    Anyone catching that on CNN?
    I know its off topic but an example of More More more money, while it fly’s out the back door to criminals with a wink and a nod from Your government

  4. John says - Posted: August 5, 2013

    Bob you have insurance and if you are not paying for it then it is theft. If you get into a wreck they take you to the hospital and save your life whether you pay for insurance or not. That is insurance. The only question left is whether you pay for the service you already receive.

  5. BijouBill says - Posted: August 5, 2013

    Is anyone surprised that when California finally elected some people that are actually able to govern that our economy is now on the rebound from the bush disaster and years of GOP obstructionism?
    California is also at the forefront of implementing the Affordable Healthcare for America Act thanks to the new administration. It’s going to mean overall cheaper rates covering more people with better results. Opponents of this progress are just the same old government haters that live in their own small-minded foxnooze “Me the People” world. Move to Texas already and good riddance.

  6. Dogula says - Posted: August 5, 2013

    Overall cheaper rates?? Obviously YOU do not purchase your own medical insurance. I’ve watched my premiums creep up by close to 40% over the past 4 years as the company I buy from implements the requirements a little at a time. Is my medical care better? No, it is not. It’s harder to get an appointment, my doctor is required to ask questions that have NOTHING to do with my health, and the IRS will now have all of my medical records at their disposal. Not to mention that if I were to decide to drop my medical insurance after all these years of paying for it, I will be fined by the IRS. I am now paying over $15K a year for a 70/30 plan with a $3,600 deductible for myself and my husband. 4 years ago I paid less than $10K. Yeah, obamacare has been SO good to me. And anybody else who actually has been paying their own bills rather than letting other people cover their responsibilities. It is BULLC R A P.
    Tell me again how small minded I am to want to be able to pay my own bills and be responsible for my own life, Bill.

  7. BijouBill says - Posted: August 5, 2013

    Here’s a clue, just for you. The AHA has been made law to address the many problems you have with your for-profit ripoff insurance. The past 4 years of your insurance nightmare have been brought to you by the corrupt system that “Obamacare” is going to replace. Most of the new plan has not even started yet.
    Sharing responsibility for basic healthcare for ALL Americans is the “WE the People” way. Get on board, or you also have the option with the AHA to continue on with the same scam you have now, up to you.
    P.S., I’ve paid health ins. premiums for me, my family and numerous employees over the last 40 years so obviously I know something about the prices, so save the snotty condescension.

  8. Dogula says - Posted: August 5, 2013

    Here’s a clue for you: TANSTAAFL.
    And government meddling in what ought to be personal choice in a private enterprise has NEVER made anything cheaper. Never.

  9. cosa pescado says - Posted: August 5, 2013

    Ok Dog, then why do Americans pay more and get less than every other country?

  10. John says - Posted: August 5, 2013

    Bob not having insurance is irresponsible and if you have an accident or get sick and can’t pay then you just become another welfare case that the rest of us have to pay for. So pay up and stop your complaining

  11. John A says - Posted: August 5, 2013

    This CalFire legislated fire tax is nothing more than political extortion to support a newly created state agency ! It must be stopped by all means !!

  12. Phil Blowney says - Posted: August 6, 2013

    This new fee seems to be typical hindsight from government. I walked and biked amongst HUNDREDS of slash piles that sat dry for YEARS until the fateful day when they exploded into flames that destroyed much of our forest. I wrote my objection to the new “fee” and stated our area is now probably more fire safe than much of the basin because thousands of trees are gone due to the fire and thinning long overdue. If there is a class action suite happening perhaps I will be refunded almost nothing after the lawyers get most of it?

  13. Dogula says - Posted: August 6, 2013

    Bill, Fish, the fact that Congress, the White House, and several unions have chosen to exempt themselves from AHCA should tell you everything you need to know.
    To Phil: the new fire “fee” does not bring any more money to fire fighting. The amount that the fee brings in is directly taken out the back door, out of the funds that used to go to CalFire from the General Fund. So Fire protection is a wash, we are essentially just giving more money to the state of California to spend on politicians. FYI.

  14. TeaTotal says - Posted: August 6, 2013

    Dogula-The fact that you have never been right about any topic discussed here and you completely ignore any proof debunking your false claims-tells me everything I need to know.

  15. Reloman says - Posted: August 6, 2013

    There are portions of Obamacare that are good, like being able to get insurance preexisting conditions. But Obama when he sponsored this law missed his mark on controlling cost of health care. He did nothing to control malpractice lawsuits. It is not so much the lawsuits that raise premiums(though they do somewhat)but rather the doctor behavior they force by making doctors over test. Fraud is also a huge problem. Ramp up investigation and prosecution of medical fraud and you will save tens of billions a year.

  16. Dogula says - Posted: August 6, 2013

    Wow, Teatotal, I’ve never been right about ANYTHING? It’s a miracle I am still alive and prosperous after all these years. All without any government programs to guide me through! (private school, too)
    LOVE the way you lefties overgeneralize what you don’t understand.
    PS I haven’t seen any proof whatsoever that obamacare will make medical care any more available or any less expensive. Show me some. Proof.

  17. Reloman says - Posted: August 6, 2013

    Dogula, it will make it more available as those that had pre existing conditions will now be able to get insurance with out huge increase in cost(as they were unable to get it at all) The cost may come down or at least slow down as hospitals will no longer be passing the uninsured and uncollectable bills on to the rest of us. Also for Seniors the Part D donut hole will be disappearing there by saving millions of seniors thousands of dollars a year.

  18. nature bats last says - Posted: August 6, 2013

    Dog faces rhetoric is expected whenever there is a article that mentions taxes or health care or , well anything of substance. I just hope that when the big fire rips through the neighborhoods of all the naysayers out there that the $150 “tax” will seem like nothing compared to the loss of property and personal history. Maybe there wont be anyone to fight the fires and to show up to defend your property. Look whats happening in Arizons where the widows of the 19 dead firefighters are being denied any benefits for their lost husbands. All so that they could save some rich ass holes homes. Think about how far $150 might go to save your own homes and then be grateful…

  19. Dogula says - Posted: August 6, 2013

    Did you even READ any of my post? That $150 is NOT increasing CalFire’s funds. AT ALL. The governor is taking the same amount that “fee” brings in, directly OUT of CalFire’s budget and putting it into the general fund, where it can be spent on more legislative boondoggles. It is a SCAM that has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with fire protection.
    You need to READ the bills, not just what the news media TELLS you about the bills.

  20. Ridiculousness says - Posted: August 6, 2013

    @Nature bats last – the fee is for fire prevention, not for fighting actual fires. At least that is how the law was passed. Has anyone actually seen any crews doing fire prevention work with these funds?

    What does the fee pay for?
    This fee funds a variety of important fire prevention services in the SRA. Such activities include fuel reduction activities that lessen the risk of wildfire to communities and evacuation routes. Other activities include defensible space inspections, fire prevention engineering, emergency evacuation planning, fire prevention education, fire hazard severity mapping, implementation of the State and local Fire Plans and fire-related law enforcement activities such as arson investigation.

  21. BijouBill says - Posted: August 6, 2013

    I agree that everyone should go to the link at: to access actual facts about this fee.
    Listening to the nonsense teababble of the hate gubmint dolts is a waste of time. As always.

  22. cosa pescado says - Posted: August 6, 2013

    Way to dodge a direct question dog.
    Our healthcare system couldn’t be any less effective.
    Spend more, get less.