Illegal pot grow may have started Rim Fire


By Paul Rogers, San Jose Mercury News

Investigators searching for answers into what caused the massive wildfire burning in and around Yosemite National Park have made some headway, fire officials said Friday.

Most authorities are mum about the details, but one fire official in Tuolumne County offered a tantalizing clue when he recently told a community meeting that the fire was likely caused by marijuana growers.

“We don’t know the exact cause,” said Todd McNeal, fire chief in Twain Harte, a town that has been in the path of the flames. But he told a community meeting that it was “highly suspect that there might have been some sort of illicit grove, a marijuana-grow-type thing.”

“We know it’s human caused. There was no lightning in the area,” said McNeal, a former captain with the Sonora Fire Department who has fought fires for 23 years for the Forest Service, the National Park Service and other agencies in the Sierra Nevada.

His remarks, made on Aug. 23, were recorded and posted on YouTube in a video that has gotten surprisingly little attention.

Officially, authorities were saying little.

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Comments (6)
  1. Horse tails says - Posted: September 1, 2013

    How sad, it is too bad there can not be justice for Calif. with an arrest and conviction for this tragedy.

  2. Denise says - Posted: September 1, 2013

    Whatever the cause, my heart goes out to those truly affected by this tragedy. With 222,777 (348 square miles) burned as of this morning, that area will never look the same in our lifetime.

    My best wishes to all 5,000+ personnel battling this terrible fire. Stay safe and know we are thankful for you!

  3. ljames says - Posted: September 1, 2013

    “We don’t know the exact cause,” said Todd McNeal, fire chief in Twain Harte, a town that has been in the path of the flames. But he told a community meeting that it was “highly suspect that there might have been some sort of illicit grove, a marijuana-grow-type thing.”

    Maybe it got very little attention because there isnt one single phrase here about the relationship of a “marijuania grow type thing” and the fire. This isnt to say those involved in some grow operation were not involved, but certainly this comment doesnt qualify as some sort of evidence or even news. When someone is ready to provide some details, then lets read about it – at this point it’s a rumor, from a fire chief no less – is he an “authority?” Guess the “authorities” are saying a lot with very little??

  4. observer says - Posted: September 1, 2013

    If you listened to the utube video, you could come away from it with a definite feeling that this guy doesn’t know much. Sounded like a minor official who was in the media spotlight for the first time ever and didn’t want to waste the opportunity.
    It was important to sound “connected and in-the-know” to get his mug before the cameras and make a splash, leading to what—a better job? TV career? In any event, a failure. Forget him and his harebrained suggestion.

    He had no facts whatsoever and it was a waste of time to even discuss it.

  5. John Durst says - Posted: September 2, 2013

    If true this is a prime example of why we need a regulated, legal marijuana industry. Legit agriculture causes very few wildfires or environmental problems

  6. Julie Threewit says - Posted: September 2, 2013

    Agree with you Observer. “Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.” ~~Mark Twain