K’s Kitchen: Spicy topping for vegetables

By Kathryn Reed

It seems like so many of the food magazines I was reading at the start of summer had a slew of recipes for burger toppings, dips and spreads. They all sounded so yummy, but I never made any of them.

This weekend Sue was barbecuing corn and I thought something other than butter would be good. I went searching for the recipes. I found torn out pages for burger toppings. They either sounded horrible for corn or I didn’t have the ingredients.

k's kitchenSo, off to the kitchen I went to peruse what was in the fridge and cupboards. Below is the concoction I came up with.

It was good on the corn, but I have to agree with my mom when she says that sweet corn this time of year doesn’t really need anything – not even butter.

But a couple days later hot off the grill came portabella mushrooms and cauliflower. By this time the flavors of the spread had come together and tasted even better.

When you first mix everything together, stop if it seems a little mild. If you can chill the mixture overnight, that is best. But even a few hours would be good. Taste it along the way and add whatever you think it needs to have the level of spiciness you like.

Spicy Vegetable Spread

6 ounces Nonfat Greek yogurt

¼ C low fat mayonnaise

1 T lemon juice

Hot sauce (to taste)

Cayenne pepper (to taste)

Garlic salt (to taste)

Mix all the ingredients. Adjust seasonings to your liking.