Letter: Bread & Broth thankful for support

To the community,

Over 90 Bread & Broth dinner guests enjoyed the full course dinner that was sponsored by Corporate Nevada Ltd. on Aug. 5.

Corporate Nevada Ltd. owner Matt Wiggins and fellow sponsor volunteer crew member Amber Prevost greeted each of the guests and made sure that they got ample first round servings of the dinner menu items. As the evening progressed, they helped serve “seconds” and handed out “to go” packages.

“We really enjoyed the experience”, Wiggins said, adding, “The food looked great.”

The $250 that Corporate Nevada Ltd. donated covered the cost of the food, utility costs and materials needed to prepare the evening’s dinner. It was the first Adopt A Day of Nourishment that Wiggins had sponsored and he was impressed with the service provided to the needy of the South Shore by Bread & Broth.

Bread & Broth would like to thank the generosity of Matt Wiggins and his commitment to his community and helping the less fortunate. As a nonprofit, all volunteer organization, Bread & Broth is only able to continue its Monday evening dinners at St. Theresa Church’s Grace Hall and Friday evening meals at lake Tahoe Presbyterian Church for the less fortunate due to the support of sponsors like Corporate Nevada Ltd.

If you would like to support Bread & Broth’s program, please contact me at (530) 542.2876 or carolsgerard@aol.com.

Carol Gerard, Bread & Broth