Letter: Who do you believe is protecting Lake Tahoe?

To the community,

Our Lake Tahoe … is America’s national gem.

The quality of our water … is the lifeblood of our communities.

We drink it … we cook with it … we play in it … we rely on it for the nourishment of our souls.

Our Lake Tahoe water fills our bodies and minds with the promise of what is possible for all of us.

Every day, it assures us there is still enrichment and wonderment in our world.

Its astonishing beauty is available to each of us who live here … and to those who visit.

We never tire of looking at it … and we never, ever, take it for granted.

Our water permeates everything around us and in us … our forests, our wildlife, and even our hearts.

Our Lake Tahoe’s water brings life to our children, to our schools, and to our dreams and our passions.

We will always protect it and preserve it for future generations. Always.

It is a mandate given to us by the universe itself.

Others, however, view Lake Tahoe only as a source of money and wealth.

And their greed is insatiable.

Their lust is practically incomprehensible.

And we who live here suffer … because of them.

So, who would you prefer to believe?

Them, or us?

Welcome to the Lake Tahoe Summit.

Bill Casey, Incline Village