Lightning strikes keep USFS busy

The U.S. Forest Service responded to four fires today caused by lightning strikes.
One was at Heavenly, another in  Christmas Valley and two above the golf course in Meyers.
” We had air reconnaissance this morning and three smokejumpers. The four fires together total about an acre,” Cheva Heck, USFS spokeswoman, told  Lake Tahoe News.
 More rain and lightning are expected.
“It’s crucial for people to pay attention to fire prevention right now given the number of lightning fires and the demand for firefighters and equipment on the American Fire and other incidents.”
— Lake  Tahoe News staff report

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Comments (11)
  1. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: August 21, 2013

    To the U.S. Forest Service:

    Thank you for your swift responses to these fire incidents.

  2. Amanda Adams says - Posted: August 21, 2013

    Are all of the fires out now? There seems to be a lot of smoke in the ski still.

  3. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: August 21, 2013

    Thank you U.S Forest Service! As much as I like thunder and lightning I’m always worried about fires.
    Fire fighters are NOT over paid ! If anything we need more of them with a new fully equiped SLT fire station up by stateline and a bigger USFS station out by Vallhala, next to Camp Rich.
    Instead of spending 80 million on the lunatic loop road, lets buy some firetrucks, build a couple of fire stations and hire some more officers for the SLT police they need all the help they can get. While we’re at it, hire some more street maintanence workers to patch these crumbling roads in the summer and plow snow this winter.
    Just a few suggestions from Old Long Skiis

  4. John says - Posted: August 21, 2013

    Old Long Skis, you are consistent, wrong as usual, but consistent.

    Why in the world would be need more fire stations? Got news for ya sport, we have enough resources to put out any fires on a day like today. And we can never afford the resources to put out fires on a day like Angora. Its just basic firefighting. But hey, that wont stop you from having a strong opinion about it.

  5. copper says - Posted: August 21, 2013

    A little too much tea today, John?

  6. Mel says - Posted: August 22, 2013

    Great job and kudos to the USFS and Lake Valley FPD for keeping us safe!

  7. Bob says - Posted: August 22, 2013

    What’s the big deal. They’re paid to put out fires and are just doing their job. Most of us have our own fires to put out on a daily basis. Does it make news? I don’t think so.

  8. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: August 22, 2013

    I suggested adding more to our fire dept. because I feel it’s needed. Stateline is a heavily populated area with lots of commercial properties.The closest station being on Ski Run and Pioneer. If the Ski Run station is busy somewhere else there’s nobody close to cover the stateline area.
    More cops? Yes,most definetly. How many violent crimes have we had in the last 12 months? Shootngs, stabbings, gang violence? How many robberies, break ins, domestic violence, theft, vehicle accidents resulting in death or serious injury?
    If we have a heavy winter can we get buy with the number of plow drivers we curently have? Our roads are in much need of repair so I say add more guys to the street maintenance crew.
    So yes John, as you pointed out, I am consistent in that I’m always thinking of ways to make South Lake Tahoe a little better. I Hope you’re doing the same. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
    Thanks for your time, sport. Old Long Skiis

  9. Shenja says - Posted: August 22, 2013

    I would suggest some improvements to our lame transportation system!..Too many cars and not enough flow.. No service to Meyers but daily service to Carson city?.. If this place wants to be considered an environmentally friendly community… Then I think we need to start by fixing our transportation system.

  10. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: August 23, 2013

    Yes our transportation system does need some work. I agree we need to include Meyers in the mix. Good idea!I l’ll put that on my wish list of improvements I want to see on So. Shore.
    I just heard from a reliable source that we may be getting some more plow drivers if the need arises due to a heavy winter. Seasoned old pros who already know the routes. Now if we could just get some newer plows!
    Thanks for the input Shenja. Anyone else with a suggestion to make SLT better? OLS

  11. Shenja says - Posted: August 23, 2013

    WOW! I can’t believe there is someone out there that listens when I write about transportation coming to Meyers! … I know it’s been done before.. I was a regular rider.. And the reasoning behind it not continuing has to do with ridership #’s… The problem was that they tried too hard and made the routes and service too complicated… All we really need is a route up and down pioneer trail with a bike rack and maybe one to and from ” the y”…. Anything to get this idea across to the people that need to hear it would be a move in the right direction if you asked me! Why Carson city and Gardnerville and not Meyers?