Crews tally damage from Calif.’s 3rd largest fire


By Tracie Cone, AP

Scientists are assessing the damage from a massive wildfire burning around Yosemite National Park, laying plans to protect habitat and waterways as the fall rainy season approaches.

Members of the federal Burned Area Emergency Response team were hiking the rugged Sierra Nevada terrain Saturday even as thousands of firefighters still were battling the four-week-old blaze, now the third-largest wildfire in modern California history.

Federal officials have amassed a team of 50 scientists, more than twice what is usually deployed to assess wildfire damage. With so many people assigned to the job, they hope to have a preliminary report ready in two weeks so remediation can start before the first storms, Alex Janicki, the Stanislaus National Forest BAER response coordinator, said.

Team members are working to identify areas at the highest risk for erosion into streams, the Tuolumne River and the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir, San Francisco’s famously pure water supply.

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Comments (10)
  1. CJ McCoy says - Posted: September 8, 2013

    Is it radical or stupid forest mismanagement that caused this disaster? We hear from many that it is obviously global warming that did this.

    But now there is word that the icecaps had an astonishing 60 per cent increase in the amount of ocean covered with ice compared to this time last year, ops no warming again, in fact the real scientists are projecting a global cooling trend.

    So we know it’s not that. That rant got on the train and left town.

    …that darn climate acting climatical again and making all those Goreites look the fools. Makes the whole state of California look like a clown.

  2. cosa pescado says - Posted: September 8, 2013

    Beat that straw man CJ….
    “in fact the real scientists are projecting a global cooling trend. ”

    And as expected you provide nothing to support such a claim.
    Not a name? No numbers?

    Typical anti-science denialist lies.

  3. CJ McCoy says - Posted: September 8, 2013

    cosa p,

    As I said in many posts. I think it is important research. Performed by Un-biased researchers that did not go along with the political correct bozos and the Gore con job.

    What you think is science, isn’t.

    Here’s an observation. A social science observation;

    You come off as a poorly programed robot type government worker.

    Am I wrong?

    You do work for the government don’t you?

    I encourage others to do their own research, it is not hard. Don’t take what you’ve been taught as correct simply because everyone else at school believes it, challenge it.

  4. cosa pescado says - Posted: September 8, 2013

    The Telegraph has a history of misrepresenting science.
    Why don’t we start with a relevant question for both of you. That you obviously don’t know how to answer.
    A question that demonstrates your inability to even define the topic.
    “How many ‘weathers’ does it take to make a ‘climate’?”

    CJ you can’t even define climate. And you buddy posts The Telegraph as a source. Youa re both jokes.
    Post some research. Some hypothesis tests. Learn the most basic concepts to start with.
    When was the last time you read a research paper? Let alone wrote one.
    And no, I don’t work for the government.

  5. CJ McCoy says - Posted: September 8, 2013

    Cosa p,

    You use that silly question a lot,

    “How many ‘weathers’ does it take to make a ‘climate’?”

    every time I see it I think;

    How old are you? Are you ten yrs. old or do you have a disorder of some kind?

    Please explain.

  6. cosa pescado says - Posted: September 8, 2013

    Here is a comment from the scientist who was misquoted in the Telegraph.

    “The article by Christopher Booker … is a misrepresentation of my views. He does not state where he obtained his information but it might have been from [this press release] in which I was discussing the increase in the abundance of Atlantic cod in the Barents Sea and its relationship to sea temperatures from studies we had conducted, or in Drinkwater et al., (2011, Progress in Oceanography 90, 47-61). In both articles, my comments focussed upon the Barents Sea and not the Arctic Basin. Our studies did indicate that much of the heat entering the Barents Sea in recent years was advected in by the inflow of warm Atlantic Waters and although direct warming through air-sea heat exchanges no doubt occurred, it appeared not be the dominate process at the time of our studies. This increase in heat led to the melting of the sea ice. I did NOT dismiss “the idea that the ice is melting because of any rise in global temperatures” as Mr. Booker claims. One of the reasons that more heat is being transported into the Barents Sea is because of the general rise in temperatures within the Atlantic waters. Increased melting of sea ice did occur in the 1920s and 1930s in the Barents Sea (Ifft, Monthly Weather Review, November, 1922, p. 589) and over the Arctic Basin (Ahlmann, 1949, Rapports et Proces-Verbaux des Revions du Conseil International pour l’Exploration de la Mer 125, 9-16 ) but it was much less so than in recent years. I did NOT state that ice melted more in the 1920s and 1930s than in recent years as Mr. Booker claims. Mr. Booker has a duty as a journalist to ensure [that] his facts [are] correct. ”

    You were fooled.

    That question is me being condescending to people who don’t know how to define climate, yet keep talking about it.

    Here is the question for adults.
    Climate is a unit, composed of other units, such as weather observations.
    How many units of weather make up 1 unit for climate?

    Prediction: You won’t answer the question because it will expose you as lacking a basic understanding of the subject.

  7. John A says - Posted: September 8, 2013

    Gosh, I sure hope San Franciscans don’t get any ash or soil in their water.

  8. cosa pescado says - Posted: September 8, 2013

    I love if when deniers get all amped up about some new ‘evidence’ that supports their position.
    Only to have it exposed as a total fraud.
    Every time it brings me joy.

    And they never learn. How many of these morons have been fooled multiple times by the Telegraph, or other repeat offenders.
    Only to be fooled again.
    Blinded with confirmation bias.
    Bathing in cognitive dissonance.

    You are all a bunch of morons.

  9. CJ McCoy says - Posted: September 9, 2013

    Cosa p,

    I think you have read your own press releases to often. You are nothing more than a loud mouthed punk who knows little and likes to demonstrate it.

    What you call proof isn’t. All you have is robotic obstinance and childish obnoxiousness, Nether are attractive qualities.