Letter: Anonymous couple helps Bread & Broth

To the community,

For over 24 years, Bread & Broth has been the recipient of donations made by concerned and generous anonymous donors who support B&B’s goal of providing hot nutritious meals to the needy of South Lake Tahoe. Bread & Bread would like to acknowledge and thank a local couple who anonymously sponsored two Adopt A Day of Nourishment evening meals, one on Aug. 19 and the second on Sept. 2.

In their correspondence, the couple expressed their desire to encourage others to help feed the needy.

“The thank yous we saw in the newspapers made us aware of the fact that we could sponsor dinners,” they wrote. “What a great opportunity for those of us who have plenty of food to donate to those who do not. Thank you for the wonderful work you do at Bread & Broth.”

Bread & Broth’s work of feeding the hungry on Monday evening at St. Theresa Church Grace Hall and at the Lake Tahoe Community Presbyterian Church on Friday is only possible due to the donors, sponsors and volunteers who support the program.

B&B appreciates the many years of support from the South Lake Tahoe community.

To help B&B as a donor or sponsor, please contact me at (530) 542.2876 or carolsgerard@aol.com.

Carol Gerard, Bread & Broth