Letter: High praise for South Tahoe High School

To the community,

On Sept. 19 I attended the South Tahoe High School Fall Term Welcome. Wow! To say I was amazed and impressed would be to put it mildly.

This is my second freshman year as a parent, with a 15 year gap between my boys. Last school year was our first year back as parents of an LTUSD student. My youngest attended St. Theresa’s from K-7. He, and we as a family, had a wonderful experience and recommend it highly. My oldest attended LTUSD schools from K-12 and had a wonderful experience, as did I as a parent. So as my youngest entered STMS, I had high hopes and expectations for his and our experience. Well, needless to say my expectations and hopes were not only realized, but were far above my expectations.

And then last Thursday I went to the Fall Term Welcome. At the risk of being redundant, let me say it again (capitalized), WOW! What I saw and heard floored me. A state of the art facility occupied by a teaching staff that would make Dan Wilvers and I coaching together look like we were dormice standing still. (Inside joke, ask Dan about, he tells the better version.) I’m talking some serious passion and commitment within the hearts of those that are helping to shape and guide our children towards the future, and that future is a large part of the emphasis in this curriculum and those that teach and administrate it.

I’m totally stoked and looking forward to these next four years!

Toogee Sielsch, South Lake Tahoe

P.S. Ivone [Larson], I knew you were destined to achieve great things when you were Justin’s teacher at Al Tahoe, and when you put together that Summer Spanish Immersion program.