Nevada bear hunting season to begin


Bear hunting season in Nevada begins Sunday and goes through Dec. 31.

Twenty bears can be killed in that time period per state regulations.

This is the third year Nevada has allowed bear hunting. When the season is over the Nevada Wildlife Commission plans to analyze how the hunts have gone.

Fourteen bears were killed in 2011 and 11 in 2012.

California and other Western states have allowed bear hunting for years.


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Comments (7)
  1. kathy says - Posted: September 14, 2013

    So sad , shame on the hunters ,shame , shame , shame,

  2. suspiciousmind says - Posted: September 15, 2013

    Kathy, how long have you been a vegetarian? And more power to you if you are.

  3. tahoe Pizza Eater says - Posted: September 15, 2013

    The thing that bothers me about this hunt is that the hunters go out away from neighborhoods and shoot the bears that are staying away from people’s homes. Animal control officers want the bears to stay away from people’s homes. So for staying away from people’s homes, which is what animal control wants, some bears are being shot. If the bears could organize a protest, they’d have a valid cause. Here, the people’s comments, will speak on behalf of the bears.

  4. copper says - Posted: September 15, 2013

    Good point, Pizza Eater.

    I’ve been a hunter – I no longer hunt, mostly because of lack of success in California. Hunting the Montana hills is very different from hunting the Sierra. I have no problem hunting animals for meat which are pretty much natural prey anyway. I have, many times, eaten properly prepared deer steak which was far superior to most of the beef steak I buy (I should add that improperly prepared deer steak is horrible and a waste of our wild animal resources. Obtaining a deer license should require passing an examination in the culinary arts).

    I’m uncomfortable with the idea of hunting bears or cougars, although hunting them for meat fits in okay with my philosophy – I have serious doubts about the folks who claim to hunt predators for their meat, but I’m in no position to say that never happens.

    But the idea of using dogs to track and corner animals, regardless of whether they’re prey or predators, strikes me as a violation of any claim that hunters might have that theirs is an ethical sport. If you’re looking to exercise your dogs, take them for a run – most of the hunters I know could use the exercise. But wallowing along behind your dogs while they tree a bear ain’t hunting in anyone’s book.

  5. tahoe Pizza Eater says - Posted: September 16, 2013

    Hey COPPER – – No one else seems interested. Normally we’d get a dozen people against the bear hunt. What gives ?

  6. John says - Posted: September 16, 2013

    Copper if I gave you bear meat you would hardly be able to tell it from grass fed organic beef. I guarantee you cant tell when I make bear chili. I do recommend garbage bears from close to communities. The ones that have been foraging from garbage cans taste the best, just like slopped pigs taste the best. Bears are omnivores, not at all like a cat.

  7. Justice says - Posted: September 16, 2013

    All wildlife populations before the advent of modern man had population controls from natives hunting and other larger predators eating them. Now the laws of nature are thrown upside down and because of people not knowing where they come from. Eating Styrofoam and plastic covered meat from the supermarket while being against thousands of years of history is foolish and dangerous. Man has always been a hunter and eater of wild game and should not be restricted from doing so now by those who harvest and graze from supermarket shelves.