Nevada delegation lacks experience with questions of war


By Karoun Demirjian, Las Vegas Sun

WASHINGTON — Asking Congress whether the U.S. should strike Syria put President Obama in an unusual position among U.S. presidents, who have usually engaged in military conflicts first and asked lawmakers for their opinions later.

It’s also put the Nevada delegation in an awkward position. Thanks to the presidential history of asking Congress’ forgiveness instead of permission, few of Nevada’s representatives have ever had to decide to authorize a military strike before.

“No one knows how to do it. No one wants to do this,” said David Damore, UNLV political science professor. “But the president throwing this back to Congress is forcing them to answer the question: Hey, you want me to do all this stuff, now let’s see what you have to say.”

That Nevada’s delegation would be green when it comes to this once-in-a-blue-moon issue is hardly surprising: Four of its six members haven’t even logged three years in Washington yet.

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Comments (7)
  1. Gus says - Posted: September 6, 2013

    War is the fruit of sin. Please join the Pope on Saurday for a day of fasting and prayer for peace in Syria.

  2. CJ McCoy says - Posted: September 7, 2013

    Obama and his leftwing friends Reid and Pelosi have led America’s decline on all fronts, now turning most or our former allies away from us.

    They are part of the “culture of hate” that emerged from the lies of the leftwing that began with Teddy Kennedy and his baseless Senate floor statement that “Bush Lied, where’s the WMD?” which became the mantra of the ignorant.

    People that paid attention instead of drinking the cool-aid knew that there was evidence that WMD was trucked into Syria, now that is part of the question here. What Irony. What a sad irony.

    The “where’s the WMD” crowd should be hanging their heads in shame for all the hate they brought on America from their ignorance.

    Where’s the WMD? Indeed.

    Obama, Reid, Pelosi have helped bring on another crisis to use against America.

    When are the ignorant Americans going to wake up?

  3. Biggerpicture says - Posted: September 7, 2013

    CJ, would you prefer we go back to the Reagan administration? Reagan, along with George H Bush and Donald Rumsfield, sold those chemical weapons to Saddam along with logistic support during the Iran/Iraq war. Oh but wait, they also sold weapons and provided logistic support to Iran as well during that conflict.

    Would that be what you consider a strong and safe foreign policy?

  4. CJ McCoy says - Posted: September 7, 2013

    The half-aware people in the “where’s the WMD” crowd should be hanging their heads in shame.

  5. sailor1 says - Posted: September 7, 2013

    CJ- you seem to be one of these knuckleheads that think the world cowers at a threat of missle strikes. Is that what makes a leader of nations? How would you know? I would bet you are a card carrying NRA member who thinks all problems of our society will be solved by having everyone packing.

  6. CJ McCoy says - Posted: September 7, 2013

    NO – I am one of the people that is tired of the lies from the leftists. South Lake Tahoe is a poster child for the results of leftist, centralized, excessive government.

    I think the rest of the country/world should know that it is the progressive leftists that have destroyed that community.

  7. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: September 7, 2013

    Every legislator is green the first time they are asked this question, including the President.
    The questions in this situation which need to be answered before using the USA military are 1) is the USA being directly threatened, 2) who is threatening us and 3) how can I eliminate the threat.

    Is the USA being threatened?- I don’t think a case has been made that we are.

    Who is threatening us?- see question 1.

    How can I eliminate the threat?- Without annihilation of both sides in this civil war I don’t think we can.

    Who is the enemy? Who are the good guys?

    The reason the President wants to attack Syria is a humanitarian issue, not a military one. There have been humanitarian atrocities in Syria before but we ignored them.

    There is proof the group trying to overthrow Assad has used chemical weapons. There is proof the group trying to overthrow Assad has summarily executed Assad’s military personnel. There is no proof, yet, that Assad used chemical weapons and quite frankly I don’t see why that government would use it on civilians. There are too many unanswered questions.

    If the issue is humanitarian then the UN should be the lead.

    If the issue is a military threat to the USA, then Congress should declare war on whomever the enemy is (either Assad or the rebels trying to overthrow him).