Opinion: South Lake Tahoe education officials need lesson about the impact of words


By Kathryn Reed

Tolerance and teaching differences is part of what our educational institutions are supposed to be about. Lake Tahoe Unified School District and Lake Tahoe Community College get an F this week for having done the opposite.

Both institutions were called on the carpet by Lake Tahoe News and neither responded.

LTUSD’s moral and ethical breach was more egregious because of how it was handled, the age group impacted and audience receiving the information.

Angie Keil, secretary to Superintendent Jim Tarwater and de facto public information officer, regularly sends out emails to the district and anyone in the community asking to be on the list.

Her last email came out Sept. 5. In it she included an item state Sen. Ted Gaines, R-Granite Bay, had sent to constituents on Sept. 3. That item was about the bill signed by Gov. Jerry Brown last month that allows transgender students to choose which bathroom and locker room they want to use and which sports team to play on based on their gender identity.

Gaines wrote in his newsletter, “To my shock and that of many of my constituents, Governor Brown signed Assembly Bill 1266 into law last month, effectively making California school bathrooms, locker rooms and other, previously single–sex areas into co–ed [stet] facilities.”

Keil in her email sent out all of Gaines’ opinion on this subject. But she also added her own emphasis. She made the words I underlined a larger point size. This is the first mention of the bill by Keil in one of her mass emails.

This is the email LTN sent to Keil on Sept. 5 that was copied to Tarwater, the five school board members and the principals at South Tahoe High and South Tahoe Middle schools:


I was surprised and disturbed when you reprinted Ted Gaines rant from his newsletter about the transgender bathroom issue at schools. And even more alarmed when there was no context to it. As in, is there an issue at any of the schools here with transgenders, what is being done to help these youngsters to feel safe, and others to understand the rights of all?

It came across as though you were making a judgment call. A negative judgment.

And your email not only goes to all LTUSD employees, but many community members.

I found this inappropriate and unprofessional and hurtful to a segment of the community that is already marginalized. I also found it to be politically charged.

Perhaps someone could tell me how LTUSD is going to deal with this law? Is there an issue? What kind of education do kids get about transgender?

I’ve cc’d Ivone and Beth here with the belief they would be the principals with the greatest impact.


No one has responded.

But that does not mean I am alone in my feelings and beliefs about her email.

Here are comments from teachers and classified staff, who fear retribution and do not want their names used.

• I’m disgusted that she is writing this as a representation of how our district views this law … given her role as the voice of the district in these newsletters.

• Very unsafe way to present this obviously sensitive Assembly bill.

• She always includes her own opinion and gets away with it.

• Out of line. She clearly has a personal agenda.

• Does she read her own district’s rules about editorializing and sending out personal emails?

• We get threatened with write-ups if we so much as offer a couch to someone to use in his or her classroom. And she can write this?

• The opinion piece treats this as if everyone will be rushing the bathrooms and pretending to be transgender. That is ignorant and diminishes the fact that these are real people who are not faking it.

There is a transgender teen at South Tahoe High School who is out. Lake Tahoe News was told she was looking forward to this school year to be able to use the rest room facilities she felt most comfortable with.

At LTCC the issue also involves what the PIO emailed.

Peter Bostic on Sept. 3 sent a press release to the media about the new Conversational Russian I class being offered this fall.

The email talks about how the class will delve into current affairs in Russia.

(When I took a basic French class at LTCC the curriculum was not political in nature, but instead about helping us learn the language with some basics to help us get by if we were to visit France.)

The press release said, “As any news junkie knows, Russia is making headlines lately for banning homosexual behavior, for granting asylum to Edward Snowden (the government contractor who leaked information about the National Security Agency’s surveillance programs), and for the strained diplomatic relationship between the United States and Russia.”

This is the email I sent to Bostic and President Kindred Murillo:

I was a bit taken aback by the phrase “banning homosexual behavior” in the press release. It reminds me when people say the “gay lifestyle” — I’m still trying to figure out what that means. Maybe you could define heterosexual and homosexual behaviors for me.

No word from either of them.

The press release then quotes adjunct faculty member Maria Mircheva saying, “How and why these measures are working is worth a more careful cultural analysis. It is easy to label things as wrong and people as ‘bad’ without understanding their perspective.” And then the press release says, “To help explain that perspective, Mircheva’s class will host a number of guest speakers.”

So, from that logic can one then surmise that if we understand why people discriminate, it’s OK?

South Lake Tahoe has always been a little backward, but it’s 2013 people. While it’s perfectly fine to not like someone for whatever reason, it is not OK to teach that hatred in our public institutions or keep people on staff who publicly advocate for discrimination.


About author

This article was written by admin


Comments (47)
  1. Deborah Palmer says - Posted: September 7, 2013

    Reminds me when my daughter came home from STMS where kids are learning identity and how to understand their changing bodies, where her history teacher told the kids all women did in the Middle Ages was have babies. I went ballistic, spending all night researching and writing a paper on women in history, which i presented the next day to the teacher and principal. Tell Eleanor of Aquitaine and Joan of Arc who successfully led and defeated armies that all they did was have babies, not to mention the common women who worked and managed businesses while their men were off on Crusade. The lesson for all of our kids is to understand we are all human and all different in our own ways. Be yourself, follow your dreams, and do not let small minded people hold you back…

  2. Dogula says - Posted: September 7, 2013

    Well, whether or not that ‘rant’ was properly inserted into the news letter, I agree that it’s a BAD idea to force the majority of CHILDREN in school to accept someone who IS of the opposite sex, whether they want to be that sex or not, coming into their locker room. The potential for abuse is huge. Children can be cruel anyway, but most girls are naturally private about their bodies. If I had a girl-child in school and knew that a boy-child was going to be sharing the shower room and lavatory with her, I’d probably yank my daughter.
    Sure, being transgender is REALLY hard. I get that. I have two friends (that I know of) who are transgender. But putting everybody else at risk for the tiny minority of people is WRONG.

  3. Virginia, LTCC says - Posted: September 7, 2013

    As the parent of two gay children and a staunch advocate of celebrating diversity in all forms, I am honored to be associated with Lake Tahoe Community College. Community members interested in expanding their knowledge of gay/lesbian/transgender issues and diversity in general should check out the two courses offered at LTCC this fall:

    Introduction to Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Studies (SOC131AK)
    This introductory course examines a broad range of contemporary gay, lesbin, bisexual, and transgender issues in various contexts, including bio-medical, sociological, racial, and sexual. Additionally, students will develop critical thinking and practical academic skills, leave the course with practice in essay writing, exam preparation and literature analysis, and become familiar with the academic resources available through the college library and Internet. This course is cross-listed with EDU 131N.

    Embrace Diversity at Work (SOC191A)
    In this three hour workshop, you will learn what it takes to create a more inclusive work environment through developing a better understanding of the issues and concerns confronting lesbian, gay, and transgender employees in their place of work.

    Additionally, the fall theatre production will be “The Laramie Project: 15 Years Later.”

    The college is also participating in the nationwide screening of “Matt Shepard is a Friend of Mine” on October 15.

  4. admin says - Posted: September 7, 2013

    Apparently the filter system does not like the word L E S B I A N. We are working to change that. The bleeped out words in the comment above are L E S B I A N.

    LTN staff

  5. TeaTotal says - Posted: September 7, 2013

    I’m not surprised that Ted Gaines and his ignorant teabagger supporters are bigots-I would like to know what the official ltusd and ltcc policies are-I’m sure Angie Kiel is not representative of the majority of local educators and staff

  6. Janice Eastburn says - Posted: September 7, 2013

    @Virginia: Thank you for the information about LGBT classes at LTCC. I am impressed with LTCC’s track record on LGBT educational issues, student support, and cultural events. I hope that those professionals at LTUSD that are highlighted in this article will avail themselves of the educational opportunities LTCC offers in this area.

  7. Dogula says - Posted: September 7, 2013

    Total, did you know that calling someone an ‘ignorant teabagger’ is bigoted?
    Oh yeah. I’ve pointed that out to you before but you don’t care.
    99% of the conservatives I know, and ALL the libertarians, do not care a fig if you are gay, le sbian, whatever. We just want to stop all the special treatment for special classes of people. We’re all human first, male and female, and what you do in your own home with other consenting ADULTS is up to you. But don’t mess with our kids, and don’t mess with our faith.

  8. alanm says - Posted: September 7, 2013

    Wow Kae, your way off base on this one, the district is hardly teaching intolerance or hatred, they are expressing concern that the new legislation creates an untenable situation for the school system. Deny a transgender the use of any facility, face a lawsuit. Allow a person of the opposite sex in a restroom for the opposite sex, face a lawsuit from the person whose privacy rights have been violated. As I’m sure your research has revealed, PE and is mandatory for the ninth and tenth grade and students are required to change clothing for PE.
    The sex of a person is a biological given. As long as the person has the representative body parts of a male, they belong in the boys room, likewise for females. Last time I cheked, transgender is NOT a gender. A transgender person should only be allowed in the restrooms, dressing rooms of the gender they physically are.
    No child should have their privacy rights violated due to an irrational fear that we must codle every demand of the LGBT community.
    The shame is not on Angie Keil, but on you for using your bully pulpit to push your personal views. I will no longer be using your media or supporting any of your advertisers.

  9. TeaTotal says - Posted: September 7, 2013

    Dogula- at least you know who I was referring to and congratulations!- You are actually right about something. I don’t care what you think.- Here’s the non delusional picture of what most libertarians and lunatic fringe cons really believe:
    You can deny it all you want to-and I don’t believe for a nanosecond that you have multiple transgender ‘friends’-that’s bs

  10. Janice Eastburn says - Posted: September 7, 2013

    This is a significant change to educational law and schools will find a way to implement this law for the benefit of all students. Major changes in our educational systems, where inclusion laws have been concerned, have always elicited strong fear-based reactions.
    Desegregation was violently opposed by many. Title IX, which codified protection against gender discrimination in 1972 was also vehemently opposed. Now nobody even questions the benefits these changes brought to our educational system and society. This is law now, and lets work together to deal with all the practical implications. My objection to Ms. Keil’s personal commentary, as quoted and emphasized (“To my shock and that of many of my constituents….”), is clearly her personal opinion and does nothing to further the practical implementation of this law. it only serves to fan the flames of fear. A more professional, solution-based commentary would better serve us all.

  11. tahoe Pizza Eater says - Posted: September 7, 2013

    OUR SCHOOLS ARE NOT KEEPING UP with the rest of the world. This, in my opinion is not what should be taught in schools. Sorry to all of you people whom are very sensitive to gay issues. I think you are wrong. A student is either male or female, that is a fact, and that is where the rest room issue should end. Our schools are being influenced by people who want their agenda taught as a part of the education curriculum. Which student is likely to be successful in life, a student sensitive to the gay issues, or a student proficient at english, math and science ? Who would you hire to run a factory ?

  12. Dogula says - Posted: September 7, 2013

    Teatotal, I do not read the trash in NewRepublic. I am not a Ron Paul fan. Do not pretend to know who my friends and relatives are or what their sexual identities are. YOU are a bigot and a bully. That bill the governor signed is about forcing children to share showers, restrooms, and dressing rooms with people of the opposite sex, just because they ‘identify’ with the other sex. If you think it’s acceptable for a 16 year old boy to be allowed to shower with a class of 16 year old girls, or vice versa, you haven’t thought it through. It’s a VERY bad idea. For the majority, AND for the individual child who is perhaps transgendered. High school is NOT the place for such things to play out. Maybe YOU don’t remember what it was like at school, but I remember all too well.

  13. Jane says - Posted: September 7, 2013

    Alan M.,

    Considering the city is an advertiser on LTN I hope that means you will be moving.

    Why are still being a bully as an adult? That is really too bad. Sure hope you are not a teacher or have anything to do with children.

    And Kae never said she thought the law was good or bad. The point was how the school systems are handling controversial topics.

    Why are you shooting the messenger?


  14. Diane @ LTCC says - Posted: September 7, 2013

    The press release says that Russia is making headlines for banning homosexual behavior. Perhaps it would have been more accurate to say that Russia banned homosexual “propaganda,” which is a pretty vague term that could mean a whole host of things to gays in Russia (it could mean banning sex, it could mean banning what Russia determines is homosexual behavior, it could mean banning same-sex kissing in public, plus a whole lot more). Either way, Russia IS making headlines for its recent anti-gay laws. That’s factual information about Russia, NOT a position that LTCC is taking.

    The quote from adjunct teacher Maria Mircheva refers to ALL of the reasons that Russia is in the news…for its anti-gay laws, for giving safe haven to Snowden, for defying President Obama and the U.S. by being “difficult” regarding Snowden, Syria, and a host of other current issues, etc.

    U.S.-Russian relations are suffering right now because of these issues/measures. When Mircheva says that Russian positions are “worth a more careful cultural analysis,” she’s doing what a good educator does – providing space for discussion, debate, and hopefully common understanding. Russia continues to be an overwhelmingly homophobic culture, and there are reasons for that that are worth exploring if we’re to make any headway changing that belief. Russian President Vladimir Putin KNOWS his country is still homophobic, and he’s passing anti-gay laws to bolster his own standing and boost his popularity in Russia. That’s a politically motivated position he’s taking…one Mircheva wants to discuss in her class. What’s the issue with that?

    Kay wrote, “So, from that logic can one then surmise that if we understand why people discriminate, it’s OK?”

    Nowhere does Mircheva say that. Nowhere does she ask for tolerance of homophobia. You are making quite a stretch there, Kay. If you want to tackle the issue of homophobia and reduce its effects, it might be beneficial to understand the root causes of it.

    A good language class doesn’t just teach you how to speak and write in another language – it helps students understand another, perhaps very different, culture and another way of thinking. Not to endorse it, but to understand it. You can’t effectively do that without discussing the politics, positions, and culture behind that language.

  15. Getreal says - Posted: September 7, 2013

    Dogula, your views are very much out of line with reality when it comes to transgendered children. If you really think there is a boy out there who would “fake” being transgendered just to get a “peek” at the girls in the locker room…well I don’t know what to tell you. You seem to be stuck in a very immature and sexually repressed mindset.

    As far as LTUSD…shame on you for bringing bigoted political views into the schools. I thought schools were supposed to be safe places for children….ALL children.

  16. Dogula says - Posted: September 7, 2013

    Getreal, did I say that?
    I’m thinking along the lines of what the boys in the locker room will do to a girl who wants to be a boy. . . AND the fact that, with the initial incursion of boys into the girls’ locker rooms, there WILL be situations where male-identified boys will also slip in. Kids are kids. Why wouldn’t they? It shouldn’t be allowed at all. If you think allowing biological boys into girls’ showers, or biological girls into boys’ showers will make any of them safer, you are out of touch with reality.

  17. BijouBill says - Posted: September 7, 2013

    Get some therapy. You need it.

  18. Getreal says - Posted: September 7, 2013

    Dogula…your initial post talked about a biological boy coming into a girl’s locker room…You said you would yank your daughter if this were allowed at her school. You did not express any fear for a biological girl in a boys locker room.

    Could you explain the “risk” everyone else would be put at?

  19. Dogula says - Posted: September 7, 2013

    Read my last post. If safety is your concern, mixing adolescents in restrooms and locker rooms does not make ANYBODY safer.
    If you believe there are no biological differences between boys and girls you are deluded. Unless sexual reassignment surgery has done, they have no business in each others’ private spaces.
    Do you have kids in school? WERE you a kid in school? I can’t believe you’d have no concern for most childrens’ sensibilities. Most aren’t thrilled with people of the same sex seeing them naked, let alone people of the opposite sex. Why complicate it? For political correctness? That’s absurd.
    You might as well get rid of gender specific competitive sports. If there’s no difference, let the boys play girls’ softball and gymnastics, and let the girls play boys’ football and baseball. Please.

  20. Dogula says - Posted: September 7, 2013

    Bill, did you have a point, or did you just feel the overwhelming need to throw out a senseless insult?

  21. Getreal says - Posted: September 7, 2013

    Dogula…the issue you have is that you think gender is strictly about sexual organs. You do understand that the brains of males and females are biologically different….right? So are you the person you are because of your brain or your p e n i s? Biology makes mistakes, we see it all the time. And yes, I have children in school. I don’t think they have EVER gotten naked in a restroom or locker room. The days of the mandatory showers are over for the specific reasons you mention.

  22. tahoe Pizza Eater says - Posted: September 7, 2013

    I’M WITH YOU DOGULA . I’ve read the comments, and my opinion is that this law is going to be successfully challenged in a federal court. The law will be struck down because you are right DOGULA, this will intrude on the privacy rights of the students. Emotional issues will arise when girls describe their ill feelings about sharing the restrooms and showers with a boy. The opposite will happen too. When this law is enacted, and boys actually begin using the girls restrooms, is when someone will file a suit in federal court. I’m sure this will happen, and I’m with putting a stop to this ASAP .

  23. Dogula says - Posted: September 7, 2013

    Well, Getreal, if you want to get technical about it, a female has two X chromosomes, and a male has an X and a Y. That IS the definition of female and male.

  24. instagator says - Posted: September 7, 2013

    Hmmm. what the heck are they teaching in school these days? what happened to the 3 rs.

  25. tahoe Pizza Eater says - Posted: September 7, 2013

    HEY INSTAGATOR I’m glad to see you want the three r’s taught in schools. I was worried that people had forgotten what schools are supposed to teach. People with political agendas are pushing for their agendas to be taught in our schools. The people that push the gay agenda in schools think they are smarter than any one in opposition to their ideas. They think they are right because their intentions are honorable. If we intelligently dispute their ideas or methods, ( like Dogula here ) they attack us with insults or claims that we are bigots. Just read back on how Dogula is attacked here. Dogula describes why he thinks this is bad law. If you read Dogula’s comments carefully you’ll not find any attack on gays, nor does Dogula insult anyone that he disagrees with. Yet you will find that Dogula is attacked when he states his disapproval of this new law. Hey, does anyone want to take a shot at me ? ? ?

  26. Nichole says - Posted: September 8, 2013

    As always, it’s become a political rant…but really, not all children are definitively male or female and to force them to be either is wrong and disturbing. What many of you say is even though this child self-identifies as a certain sex we, as a society, get to dictate that is incorrect…it isn’t too often that I am ashamed of my hometown, but you guys have really taken the cake with this one.

  27. Peggy says - Posted: September 8, 2013

    I’m a little confused. Didn’t Ted Gaines make the statement “To my shock…..”? When I read Angie’s email, there was no larger font. Why is Angie at fault here?

  28. cosa pescado says - Posted: September 8, 2013

    Dogula you are wrong again. Gender is not the same as sex.

    Your other posts reek of fear.

  29. Dogula says - Posted: September 8, 2013

    Nobody wants to “force them to be either” male or female. They are what they are.
    What we do not want is the state to force children of one sex to share showers and restrooms with children of the other sex.
    Don’t turn this into something it isn’t. It is not about condemning anybody’s sexual orientation. It’s about privacy and safety for children.
    Your political correctness is what’s out of control.

  30. BijouBill says - Posted: September 8, 2013

    Some people are incapable of empathy. They tend to be delusional sociopaths that are wrong all the time.

  31. tahoe Pizza Eater says - Posted: September 8, 2013

    HEY DOGULA During the civil rights movement (in the 60 s) white people could not reasonably claim that desegregation of schools would cause a loss of any right held by white people. Black people justly claimed that their right to equal education was violated by segregation laws. Thus, segregation was deemed unconstitutional. Here we have a case where the students can justly claim that their right to privacy will be lost by the mixing of the opposite sex into the showers and restrooms. At the same time a transgender student cannot justly claim that they have suffered loss of any right, due to using the biologically correct restroom or showers. This new law loses two ways. This is how to argue your case against this unjust law.

  32. Dogula says - Posted: September 8, 2013

    Good point, Pizza. It’s just a shame that common sense needs to be adjudicated in California now.

  33. tahoe Pizza Eater says - Posted: September 8, 2013

    HEY BIJOU BILL You aren’t recognizing the rights of others. A personal right is defined in law to insure personal protection, such as in the right to privacy. A want or desire, is not a right defined in law. A want, or desire, for example, is the desire to use the opposite sex restroom, or shower. There is no right to do this in public buildings or in our schools. If you cannot understand this, you are selfish, and not concerned with other peoples rights. Dogula has demonstrated his concern for the rights of students. I applaud Dogula.

  34. cosa pescado says - Posted: September 8, 2013

    You applaud someone who demonstrates that they do not know the difference between sex and gender?

    ‘When this law is enacted, and boys actually begin using the girls restrooms, is when someone will file a suit in federal court. I’m sure this will happen, and I’m with putting a stop to this ‘

    Did you know that laws like this have been in effect for many years and there hasn’t been a single incident?
    All of your concern is just fear.

  35. BijouBill says - Posted: September 8, 2013

    There is no right to privacy in the Constitution.
    You’re wrong and don’t understand the law.
    Right wingnuts such as yourselves fought desegregation tooth and nail in the 60’s just as you oppose recognizing LGBT rights today. Don’t pretend to support past gains by minority groups you surely would have fought to deny equal rights. Phony.

  36. tahoe Pizza Eater says - Posted: September 8, 2013

    BIJOU BILL Oh, you are so wrong ! Read the 4th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution. While you are at it read the 14th Amendment too. The 4th Amendment protects the citizen’s right to privacy. We are protected on our persons and our personal effects from unreasonable searches. The U. S. Supreme Court has many times issued rulings pertaining to our right to privacy under the 4th Amendment. The issue here is that using a restroom facility or a shower (with one’s clothes off), is a personal matter to be protected from intrusions from the opposite sex. To allow another person of the opposite sex into a shower room, is similar to allowing a person of the opposite sex to undress a person against that person’s will. The 14th Amendment guarantees equal protection under the law. This is to prevent people’s rights from being violated by local governments whom would choose to violate the rights of some citizens in favor of other citizens. Here you are proposing that we violate the right to privacy of many students in favor of a few students whom wish to use the wrong restroom or showers. Here there is no right to use the biologically wrong restroom or shower room. Don’t try your luck at me again BILL , it wouldn’t be fair, I’ll wipe you out.

  37. tahoe Pizza Eater says - Posted: September 8, 2013

    BILL – – – You called me phony ? You cannot justify your insult. You know nearly nothing about me . I pointed out how the Civil Rights Movement of the sixties prevailed in the federal courts, their strength in legal foundation, and the constitutional foundation upon which they justly prevailed. And you insult me ? ? What do you think I am, a moron like you ? ? ? You demonstrate you’re ignorance with every comment. I will not respond to you again. You are a lost cause. To DOGULA , don’t give this moron another second, he’s not worth it.

  38. BijouBill says - Posted: September 8, 2013

    Assembly Bill 1266 has been signed into law and provides transgender students access to restrooms that are appropriate to their needs. Too bad if you don’t like it. Do something to change it if you want to try.
    Who decides that someone is using the “biologically wrong” restroom? Here’s a clue, it’s not some know-it-all knuckledragger blowhard that doesn’t understand the psychology of gender issues.
    You got nothin’ but your self-righteous hate and fear.

  39. Dogula says - Posted: September 8, 2013

    Accusations of self-righteousness from BB are ludicrous. We’re trying to talk issues here, and the opposition is busy making personal insults. As usual. As far as a gender-confused kid having access to the restroom he/she “needs”, as I said before, unless sexual reassignment surgery has been done, it’s biological. It’s physical. There’s no “need” to use the showers or restrooms of the opposite sex.
    I double checked my dictionary just in case. Gender IS sex. Except when it’s used in languages. Or if you use Wikipedia for your source.
    Just because an entirely left-wing legislature wrote a bill that the left-wing governor signed does not mean this law will stand. I believe a court challenge would overturn it, if anybody chooses to do so. But I think many of the people who actually see the problem here will simply pull their kids from the public school system, or leave the state if they can. A huge number of the productive citizens of California are. It’ll be interesting to watch California implode.

  40. Dogula says - Posted: September 8, 2013

    Good page, TahoeMom. Let’s see how long it takes before somebody makes that oft repeated bogus claim that the parties have switched places since all that? 3. . .2. . .1. . .

  41. tahoe Pizza Eater says - Posted: September 8, 2013

    Hey DOGULA You may be right. But I don’t think the school system would be allowed to implode. There have been huge civil protests on other issues where students simply refuse to abide by a law. In this case, when this law is enacted, the parents may then pull their kids out of school. If this happens in huge numbers, ( over two million students ) the school officials would have to act against the law by challenging it in federal court. I don’t believe the school officials would watch their schools implode without attempting to prevent implosion.

  42. cosa pescado says - Posted: September 8, 2013

    Dogula are you talking about how the Republicans of the Lincoln era are only the same in name from the Republicans of today?
    I have schooled you on that in the past.
    Obliviously you learned nothing. As usual.

  43. CJ McCoy says - Posted: September 9, 2013


    The Democrats are still the party of slavery and lies.

  44. Getreal says - Posted: September 9, 2013

    Peggy, Angie does not have the right to publish offensive material on behalf of Lake Tahoe Unified School District. What was the point of including Ted Gaines opinion on ” gender bending” restrooms? It seems to many, that the point was to push a personal agenda.

    She has a right to her opinion and can freely post that on her personal email or social media site.

  45. MTT says - Posted: September 26, 2013

    It will be interesting to see how the kids handle it. I am sure there will be some who will be made an example of.

    Dying to see what happens when 6′ 180 pound Johnny Sue wants to play on the girls soccer team.

    Interesting see what happens when they go to an away game in Carson City.

    The comparisons to 1960’s racism is interesting.

    You think a black teenage boy is going to try showering with the girls in an intercity high school in East LA?

    Any idea what reality would really be in that environment

    This is becoming the Twilight Zone.

    And on a side note I wonder how the Muslim community feels about this.

    The entire public school system is starting to look like a 1950’s physiology experiment.

  46. Mamba says - Posted: September 27, 2013

    As one of few African Americans in this community, I can attest to the blatant discrimination in this town. And its not just at local schools. I and several other people of color in this town, ARE LEAVING!!
    I do not feel comfortable or safe here. It might be 2013, but Lake Tahoe is stuck in the 1950’s.