Study: Calif. one of the best states for women


WASHINGTON — Despite U.S. women’s advancements, substantial inequalities remain with men, but disparities for women also exist among states, a nonprofit group says.

A report by the Center for American Progress analyzed multiple factors — 36 factors overall — involving women.

For example, women in Vermont make on average close to 85 cents for every $1 a man makes, while women in Wyoming make only 64 cents $1 a man makes. Nationally, U.S. women are paid only 77 cents for every dollar a man makes. On average, African-American women make 64 cents for every dollar that white men make.

On leadership, 15 states have no female elected leaders in the House of Representatives or the Senate. Lastly, while less than 10 percent of women in Vermont, Wisconsin, Hawaii and Massachusetts are uninsured, nearly 25 percent of women in Texas do not have health insurance.

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