Help possible for Mexican citizens in S. Tahoe
The Mexican consul is coming to the South Lake Tahoe Family Resource Center on Oct. 5.
The goal is to help Mexican citizens get Mexican IDs and passports.
The session is from 8am-4pm.
It is necessary to make an appointment by calling 877.639.4825.
For more information, contact the Family Resource Center at (530) 542.0740.
When is the Mexican Consul’s seminar on getting free stuff for Americans in Mexico?
I’m going. Maybe they’ll let me become mexican.
Not sure if you two think this is bad, and not sure why if you do, but DF, you should be looking for the American Consulate.
The invasion continues. The insanity continues. And the LTUSD continues promoting Spanish over English for our new inhabitants.
They are not “citizens.” That is a term exclusive to “legal” residents of this city, county, state, and country. These are “criminals” now and always.
Thanks to these “illegal criminals” the city, county, state, and country are essentially gone.
Wouldn’t it be a howl if the mexicans who showed up, got deported. Government stings have been known to work this way.
You ignorant racist as#holes. First, don’t forget this land once belonged to Mexico. We didn’t cross the border the border crossed us. Second, the article reads “Mexican citizens”. And to assume that this service is to some how help undocumented illegals is not true. The Mexican government is simply providing a service. It is no different than the USA having embassies throughout the world. PBS is currently running a series on the Mexican-American experience on Tuesdays. Watch and learn.
I wish I could say I’m surprised by the tone of the majority of the comments.
“We didn’t cross the border the border crossed us”
Thanks Arod; just the line I’ve been looking for.
Quote>First, don’t forget this land once belonged to Mexico.<Unquote
And in the not to distant future it will belong to China.