Letter: Barton Auxiliary helps at Bread & Broth

To the community,

Bread & Broth would like to thank Barton Hospital Auxiliary for sponsoring an Adopt A Day of Nourishment on Sept. 23.

With their donation of $250, B&B was able to serve 120 guests a full course dinner and provide a safe gathering for those in need. In addition, auxiliary members George Ramirez and Louise Mitchell, who is also a B&B volunteer, helped with the dinner’s setup and cheerfully greeted and served the evening’s dinner guests.

“Thank you for letting me help and pay back to the community,” commented Ramirez at the end of the evening. This is a common theme for those who volunteer at their sponsorship dinners and experience firsthand the spirit of good will that comes with helping others.

Due to generous donors like Barton Hospital Auxiliary, B&B is able to improve the lives of many less fortunate members of our community by serving meals every Monday at St. Theresa Church’s parish hall and every Friday at South Lake Tahoe Presbyterian Church.

Bread & Broth would like to commend Barton Hospital Auxiliary for their many contributions to the community of South Lake Tahoe and is thankful for their support of B&B by Adopting a Day of Nourishment.

To help B&B as a donor or sponsor, please contact me at (530) 542.2876 or carolsgerard@aol.com.

Carol Gerard, Bread & Broth