Nev. GOP feels secure with stance on shut down, future


By Karoun Demirjian, Las Vegas Sun

WASHINGTON — The congressional standoff that shut down the government and brought the country to the brink of defaulting on its debt may not have produced any winners, but polls, pundits and politicians from both sides of the aisle agree that the biggest political losers are Republican lawmakers.

Yet, in Nevada, Republicans are betting that in a year’s time, the political hit they took in October 2013 won’t matter much at all.

“OK, you (Democrats) shouted louder and you messaged better,” Rep. Mark Amodei, R-Nev., told the Sun. “But in terms of drawing any long-term conclusions? We can quit talking about what a bunch of meanies the Republicans are. … Past this weekend’s cycle, it’ll be OK.”

Amodei, along with Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev., voted against a compromise measure to restore the federal budget and raise the debt ceiling through early 2014. The bill passed with the support of the rest of the Nevada delegation, including Republican Rep. Joe Heck.

It is with a collective shrug that most Republicans are greeting the plummeting poll numbers, vitriolic campaign messages and general complaints about their party’s unwillingness to make a deal.

“People have short memories, especially when it comes to politics,” said Bob List, former governor of Nevada and current Republican strategist. “Life’s going to to go on. … It’s hard for me to understand exactly why Republicans are taking the heat.”

“Victory is fleeting in the world of politics,” Nevada Republican strategist Sig Rogich said. “I don’t think it’s one of those issues that transcends into the 2014 election — it’s a long way off.”

Rogich isn’t one of those Republicans who can’t bring himself to criticize his own party. In fact, the former head of the 2010 cycle’s “Republicans for Reid” thinks the GOP completely “mishandled” the crisis by “trying to be so hard-edged.” He also has no love lost for the Tea Party, some of whom “are orangutans, for different reasons,” he said.

But Rogich, like many Republicans, questions whether the fallout from the government shutdown was really as bad as Democrats make it out to be.

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Comments (24)
  1. Orale says - Posted: October 22, 2013

    I can’t believe the arrogance.
    Well, I can, but…
    It wasn’t about messaging and shouting louder. It was about not actively doing things to hurt your constituents Rep. Amodei.
    And this voter won’t forget. And I’ll remind everyone I know.

  2. Moral Hazard says - Posted: October 22, 2013

    2-week T-bills are the standard for risk free investments. It is reasonable to question that rating now, because, clearly there is risk Congress is willing to default. If there is a down-grade at a ratings agency over this it could cost us $Billions. That is of course still up in the air, but if it comes to pass then I think there are going to be really big problems even for moderate Republicans.

  3. hmmm... says - Posted: October 23, 2013

    Smug troglodytes.

  4. Perry R. Obray says - Posted: October 23, 2013

    Republicanism maybe has fallen into the same trap as the monarchs they replaced.

  5. Jack says - Posted: October 23, 2013

    The people are not going to have a short memory this time !

  6. Justice says - Posted: October 23, 2013

    People will vote based on impacts to their health care and wallet in 2014. Starting with the ACA Bummer-Care disaster that has not only failed upon introduction after a four year preparation, but has caused prices to go up about 50-300% with new deductibles of 5k or more for anyone who can enroll which is not many although the IRS threat is all must be by 12-15-13. Then add the thousands dropped from health plans and thousands laid off and thousands with hours reduced. These are direct results. Let the liberals run on this signature piece of legislation and let them defend it. Their hero, King Hussein, is being said to be a victim, he just didn’t know what was in it, wasn’t told, too busy fund raising/vacationing and on the golf course.

  7. Biggerpicture says - Posted: October 23, 2013

    Justin, you’re aping Fox News false talking points, none of which are substantiated OR true!

  8. Lisa says - Posted: October 23, 2013

    “OK, you (Democrats) shouted louder and you messaged better,” Rep. Mark Amodei, R-Nev., told the Sun. “But in terms of drawing any long-term conclusions? We can quit talking about what a bunch of meanies the Republicans are. … Past this weekend’s cycle, it’ll be OK.”

    Let me me translate this into 4 short words…. “We smart, you stupid”. Well Rep. Amodei… you’d better hope so.

  9. Lisa says - Posted: October 23, 2013

    Um Justice… point of fact. King Hussein is the head of the Kingdom of Jordan. Not seeing what that has to do with ACA.If you are talking about the other person, his name is “President Obama”.

  10. Rick says - Posted: October 23, 2013

    Justice: You should quite listening to the talking points of the right wing media types and actually read. Not one point you make is actually supported by evidence. Ted Cruz and the like are simply making sh– up.

    So come this next year, the working poor will have access to health care, forcing those without health care to get it so my current premiums do not have to cover their emergency room visits as they gamble (and in so many cases incorrectly) they will not need to see a dr. thereby eventually declaring bankruptcy (70% of bankruptcy involve excessive medical bills), etc.

    as this article points out, there are 5.7 million firms in the country, only about 210,000 have 50 or more employees (that is are affected by the ACA) and 95% of these firms already offer health care to their employees, leaving about 10,000 firms that are affected by the ACA in any real sense. It is highly improbable that these 10,000 firms can do much to move the needle on shifting to a more temporary workforce. So no, Ted Cruz is speaking out of his a—-.


  11. John Fremont says - Posted: October 23, 2013

    Lisa, I believe ‘Justice’ is referring to O’Bummers middle name. Interesting that libs have elected a blk pres with that middle name who has ties with the Muslim religion. I get it, all you libs want is to let anyone and everyone into our country with no thought of their ‘alterior motives’ towards real Americans. You are head-in-sand type idealists. This president doesn’t care an ounce of what we really want.

    BTW: He failed to let America know that once you fools sign up for his O’Bummer health care…you CAN’T drop it. Sounds rather like “extortion” than anything else. Libs spending money they don’t have, over and over. I recall learning something…somewhere…… 5th grade I think, that if you don’t have the money…DON’T BUY IT”. Seems your demorat leader doesn’t believe in simple and basic economics. But then again why should he…it’s not HIS money he’s spending out of control. IDIOTS!!!

  12. Moral Hazard says - Posted: October 23, 2013

    Companies with fewer than 50 employees benefit the most from ACA because their health premiums can be affected by a single sick person. If one person has a very expensive illness then health costs for the entire company can escalate. The size of a business should not effect the size of the pool they are in for insurance. It makes no sense to link them.

    Take that to the logical conclusion and we outlaw employer provided health care. It makes no economic sense.

  13. cosa pescado says - Posted: October 23, 2013

    “who has ties with the Muslim religion”

    Two questions:
    1) Really?
    2) If so, how is that different or worse (as you imply) than the Angry Sky Mantians?

    Also did you know that a flock of baboons is called a Congress. A right wing blog told me that.

    ” Libs spending money they don’t have, over and over.” Yeah, like Operation Iraqi Freedom. What a waste. Why did the libs build a false case for that. That was a real bonehead move.

  14. reloman says - Posted: October 23, 2013

    Moral Hazard, the sickness of one person will not double a company with less than 50 people insurance premuims. It may affect them as much as 30% however. Most companies will give companies expericance modifications from up to 15% below baseline to 15% above baseline. This is done even for the largest of companies. But with the law of averages the larger the numbers may bring down their premuims, enen if they had a few people who were sick.

  15. Justice says - Posted: October 23, 2013

    The same party covering up King Bummer Hussein’s records of citizenship, education, travel, and visa records are the ones who covered up the ACA fraud that was passed with all liberal votes, it is a huge 100% failure upon introduction as any huge liberal govt. program is, take your pick liberals, welfare, SSI/SSDI, unemployment, housing, stimulus, education, and the list goes on. People can try to defend the Take-Your-Care away act all they want, it is a lie and a cover-up and they can’t change a disaster that people will pay for, be laid off for, and have their current coverage cancelled and hours cut for. This is the biggest govt. boondoggle in modern history.

  16. Rick says - Posted: October 23, 2013

    Moral: You are correct about the current state affairs. The current health care approaches are a failure. The ACA is an improvement, because it allows small business to belong to a larger pool. My business (20 professional employees) has been severely hampered over the last decade of raising health care cost, last year was the first year in a decade that the increase was single digits.


  17. Rick says - Posted: October 23, 2013


    I see logic and evidence are simple irritants to you. You belong to the clear school of thought that “Facts are the enemy of truth”.


  18. CJ McCoy says - Posted: October 23, 2013

    The degree of incompetence of this administration is beyond comprehension. How anyone could have voted for Obama for a second term is beyond me.

    This is setting up to be a very serious issue as millions of people are having their policies canceled since they do not comply with Obama care and this system is obviously not going to work, at least not right now. Every indication is that they will postpone Obama care, perhaps within the week.

    Signup is the easy part, delivering good healthcare will be much much harder.

  19. cosa pescado says - Posted: October 23, 2013

    Cj Try this:
    ‘I think this because _________’
    Support one idea with evidence. Or any basic analysis. For once.

    Justice, if money is so important, what is your idea to bring our %GDP healthcare spending from the highest in the world (17%) down to the spending of the next highest (12%) and get our ranking up out of the gutter?

    You seem like a reasonable person. Give it a shot.

  20. CJ McCoy says - Posted: October 24, 2013


    Are you familiar with the term “intuitive”.

    It is a concept that some things are so obvious that you should be able to figure it out on your own.

    Not everyone can do it, people that are book smart but otherwise not, they tend to have a hard time with intuitive thinking because all they know comes from books. “Other people thoughts” type of people.

    You know the kind of people that read the editorials in the NYT so they know what to think.

    Some people, especially the observant ones, don’t need to be sighted sources all the time because they use their own brain to figure things out.

    People that don’t just regurgitate what the teacher told them. or something they found in a book.

    I am not trying to reach the simple minded people that don’t think for themselves and don’t have the capacity for original thoughts.

    Obviously, that leaves you out.

    To me you are just another over educated idiot. California is full of them.

  21. TeaTotal says - Posted: October 24, 2013

    cosa pescado-dont you understand that it dont take book learnin to have teabagger talking points pop into your head every day intuitively?-and anybody with a lick of sense could tell Pres. Obama would be no good just by lookin at him-whats wrong with you libruls

  22. Justice says - Posted: October 24, 2013

    People should remember something very simple about economics and free market competition. If you take the free market out and eliminate competition for a product, any product, and have the govt. set price controls or have the govt. mandate the program with thousands of pages of new regulations, in this case, as well as using the IRS for enforcement, with past history as any indication, the item involved, like insurance, will have no market price control and increase dramatically to pay for the increase needed for govt. supervision and the new mandates. Now, the sad part, all of these leftist elected people who went to elite liberal colleges were taught the opposite and people will pay for it with the Take-Your-Care-Away-Act. This reminds me of the Soviet Union, and the one govt, mandated car for sale to the public and the govt. apartment you were assigned and the govt. assigned job and the weekly loaf of bread ration with a mile long line.

  23. Orale says - Posted: October 24, 2013

    Don’t feed the trolls!
    Especially those of such poor quality…

  24. SourGrapes? says - Posted: October 28, 2013

    CJ-it was easy to vote for President Obama BOTH times…look what was running against him. While I am no great fan of many of his policies…and the ineptness of certain aspects of his administration, I am astounded at the lack of responsibility the GOP has taken for intentionally running this country into a ditch and then bending over backwards to obstruct any growth. Feel free to compare and contrast the buffoonery of the current executive branch with President Cheney’s administration. Mission Accomplished! Treasonous hypocrites…and your buddy Cruz is about the biggest one of all. I am wondering where your hackneyed definition of intuitive came from…maybe a fourth grade dictionary perhaps..
    Webster’s defines it as….
    “1: quick and ready insight
    a : immediate apprehension or cognition
    b : knowledge or conviction gained by intuition
    c : the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference.”

    To me, and i would hazard that to most who have the ability to apply rational thought, you are an under-educated(regardless of your schooling you have yet to post an original thought. Your opinions are right out of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity’s playbook-now THERE’S a couple of intellectual giants), overly arrogant bigot who has an axe to grind. Your party is full of them and full of …it. My suggestion to you is that if you claim to love America but find yourself hating the majority of Americans then you really don’t love America at all, and should move to another country, along with your friends JohnF and Justice. Since you are such a self-proclaimed expert on Soviet history and its similarities to America’s political system, perhaps you should apply for citizenship in Russia and see where your RevisionistHistory verbal diarrhea gets you in Moscow. I hear Putin has a real soft spot for TeaBaggers.