S. Tahoe working to remove lead from homes
South Lake Tahoe’s Lead Safe Tahoe program is teaming up with national agencies to increase awareness of childhood lead poisoning prevention through the National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week, which is Oct. 20-26.
This year’s theme, Lead-Free Kids for a Healthy Future, underscores the importance of the many ways parents can reduce a child’s exposure to lead and prevent its serious health effects.
The Lead Safe Tahoe team is diligently working to identify houses and apartments within the city limits that have lead-based paint hazards. Once identified and qualified, the team works with lead safe certified and licensed contractors to mitigate the risks and make dwellings safe for occupants.
To date, Lead Safe Tahoe has funded the lead-based paint testing of 427 qualifying residential units. Approximately 40 percent of those have lead paint exceeding the levels that are considered safe.
Work has been completed in 135 units, and 27 are currently in the bidding or construction phases. Federal grant funding has also provided training in lead-safe work practices for nearly 200 workers.
The Lead Safe Tahoe team is working to identify houses and apartments within city limits that were built before 1978 that have lead-based paint hazards. For more info, call (530) 542.6011.