Sandoval: Prolonged shutdown will devastate Nev.


By Anjeanette Damon and Andrew Doughman, Las Vegas Sun

CARSON CITY — Gov. Brian Sandoval said Wednesday Nevada is in danger of “catastrophic” consequences if the federal government shutdown persists until the end of the month.

Most state agencies are able to continue federal programs until the end of the month, Sandoval was told in a mini-cabinet meeting today. But the cash-strapped state is already beginning to rack up a significant bill keeping essential programs running without the guarantee of the federal government reimbursing the costs.

“Particularly at the end of the month, I think that’s really when we are going to start to see … some catastrophic issues going on for the state,” Sandoval said.

“Time is short. We have hundreds of thousands of Nevadans facing real consequences. The first of the month is right around the corner.”

Most immediately, 362,000 food stamp recipients will see their benefits halt on Nov. 1 and the 500 state employees who administer that program will face potential furloughs if the shutdown is not resolved. About 74,000 women, infants and children would also stop seeing food benefits.

To continue both programs without federal money would cost the state $50 million a month.

“We don’t have it,” Sandoval said, of the state’s $6.1 billion biennial budget. “We can’t afford it.”

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This article was written by admin


Comments (28)
  1. copper says - Posted: October 10, 2013

    As a lifelong Democrat who, late in life, has come to regard the conservative Tea Party – searchers for cartoon character John Galt – Republicans as a critical danger to my country, I nonetheless, have some respect for my governor, Republican Brian Sandoval.

    He is absolutely right – his party is trying to devastate Nevada and a lot more of my country, all in the name of their radically ignorant philosophy.

    Thank you Brian.

  2. Gus says - Posted: October 10, 2013

    Quote of the century: “The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our government’s reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, ‘the buck stops here.’ Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.” — Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006.

    Nuff said.

  3. Dogula says - Posted: October 10, 2013

    There have been shut-downs before. Several, actually. But they never went so far as they are doing now to inflict pain on the middle class American. This vindictive shut-down of the National Parks and all “federally owned” lands has only happened under Obama’s orders. It NEVER happened like this before, closing down lands that WE THE PEOPLE own, that private concessionaires run, that employ working class folks like you and me. Obama owns this. He is the only one who could order this nasty, unreasonable action. He is having law-enforcement work extra to keep people away from their own properties. And threatening them with arrest.
    Is this the government you voted for?

  4. Dogula says - Posted: October 10, 2013

    Explain, Bigger. Congress GOP members didn’t order the Park Service or the National Guard to bar people from their parks. The Resident did that. He’s the only one with that authority. The only actual “traitorous” behavior I see is from the Resident and the Senate. They are in control of this. They are the ones who will not negotiate with the American people. They only negotiate with Islamic terrorists.
    And just an FYI, I didn’t vote for most of the folks in the Congress either. But facts obviously don’t interest you much.

  5. copper says - Posted: October 10, 2013

    For some reason I’m still surprised at the naivety of folks who jump on the internet with their “expert” home grown opinions.

    Just as in private business, government managers have budgets under which they operate. When they’re told that their budgets no longer exist, they have to eliminate all expenses.

    Conspiracy theories are fun for the simple minded, but they don’t really hold up for those of us experiencing real life.

  6. Gus says - Posted: October 10, 2013

    Okay copper, one more quote, brought to you from simple minded me: “I must add… my gratitude to you for the attention with which you have listened to me, for, from my numerous observations, our Liberals are never capable of letting anyone else have a conviction of his own without at once meeting their opponent with abuse or even something worse.”
    ― Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Idiot

  7. copper says - Posted: October 10, 2013

    Don’t want to dominate the dialog here, but I just read on the internet (where else?) that, according to WALB news, Albany Georgia, Americans now prefer witches, jury duty and hemorrhoids to their congress folks. I’m a little surprised that the last category even competes since it strikes me that, in the area of hemorrhoids, the Republican members of congress have achieved perfection.

    The article also commented that Americans also prefer dog poop to congress. Now that I understand. If only we could use a scoop to solve our problems.

  8. cosa pescado says - Posted: October 10, 2013

    ‘has only happened under Obama’s orders.’

    Proof please.

  9. CJ McCoy says - Posted: October 11, 2013

    Above Gus quoted Obama in 2006, given that evidence tell me that Obama is not one of the most hypocritical and deceitful presidents we have ever had?

    He also said his would be the most transparent administration ever… PLEASE. What a lier.

  10. BijouBill says - Posted: October 11, 2013

    I think Gov. Sandoval’s distancing himself from the Tea Party element of his party is a brilliant political maneuver. By admitting what a catastrophe they have caused in the state of Nevada and the rest of the country with the shutdown, he will be seen as one of the sane members of whatever remains of the GOP. He claims to not be “pointing any fingers” but anyone who knows politics gets what he’s doing here. Sen. McCain of Arizona is doing the same thing.
    When the dust settles from this fiasco, the racists, misogynists, homophobes and easily manipulated dullards in their lunatic fringe echo chamber of hate radio and foxnooze will be ostracized and all the politicians associated with them will be severely damaged. This is the political reality. If anyone is offended by an accurate description of who the guilty parties are in this idiotic shutdown my response would be the adage: “If the shoe fits, wear it.”

  11. Dogula says - Posted: October 11, 2013

    They (Congress) did not cause the shut down. They presented a budget that would pay all the country’s bills. It ONLY did not fund obamacare. That’s it. The lefties who control the Senate and the President didn’t get everything they wanted, so they threw a tantrum and refused to go along with it, shutting down the government.
    What is so hard to understand? Congress did not shut it down. They presented a valid budget. The President and the Senate refuse to sign it. It’s on them. Their claims that Congress is causing a default is a bald-faced lie.

  12. BijouBill says - Posted: October 11, 2013

    The Ted Cruz/Michele Bachmann led coalition of crazy now representing the GOP in the House knew full well that a budget bill with a proviso that would effectively eliminate the ACA was never going to be passed in the Senate or signed by the President. They foolishly chose this law to be their line in the sand in their attempt to undermine, obstruct and de-legitimize the Obama administration. They knew exactly what would happen if they chose to use this tactic. Government shutdown. They gleefully embraced it, were proud of it in fact. They hate government. Now they deflect the responsibility to others with delusional talking point scenarios delivered by wingnut hate radio/foxnoos and mindlessly parroted by their sycophants.
    Sorry teabaggers, there’s too many informed Americans of all political persuasions that have been watching these things unfold that won’t fall for all that head up your beck crapola.

  13. Jack says - Posted: October 11, 2013

    Dogula you been watching the comedy channel to long (. Fox News That Is )

  14. Dogula says - Posted: October 11, 2013

    Jack (and those many others who accuse all people who disagree with you of watching too much Fox news), there is an enormous world out there beyond the tv screen. Maybe you should get out and start reading. That’s where the REAL information is.
    And sooner or later, you’ve GOT to figure out that calling people names does not prove your point.

  15. Jack says - Posted: October 11, 2013

    GOP is finished !

  16. Justice says - Posted: October 14, 2013

    The main threat the Nevada Governor states is from food stamp people being unable to receive their govt. welfare. People have been calling the Boy King Hussein the food stamp President for some time since he has doubled the amount on food stamps and caused a 100 million to go on other programs like SSI/SSDI and when the govt. runs out of other’s money, watch out. This is a nightmare waiting to happen and all it will take is a glitch or govt. shut down and see what happens. This country is being run like a typical liberal big city, Detroit comes to mind and Chicago, both are typical dangerous liberal disasters. If the direction of the country is not reversed this is the future for many.

  17. Dogula says - Posted: October 14, 2013

    Some of us learned a long time ago that it’s never a good idea to let yourself become dependent on somebody else for your survival.
    The Federal government has been teaching people just the opposite. And the more dependent the people are on the Feds, the more power they have over your life. Why would intelligent adults allow that?
    “He who pays the piper, calls the tune.”

  18. Biggerpicture says - Posted: October 14, 2013

    How dare the poor and hungry siphon money away from corporate welfare recipients!

  19. Orale says - Posted: October 14, 2013

    “He who pays the piper, calls the tune”

    Is that a quote from Citizens United?

  20. Dogula says - Posted: October 14, 2013

    Hmmm. Awful lot of mocking going on by people who don’t like what the more conservative posters are saying, but have no valid argument against it. It might be time to really sit down and think about what is going on and what is causing the problem.
    And if you still trust government (R’s OR D’s) perhaps it’s time to consider the possibility of Stockholm Syndrome.

  21. Biggerpicture says - Posted: October 14, 2013

    Dog, are you really inferring that those with a conservative viewpoint on this site DON’T mock and call names? And also that you aren’t guilty of it yourself? Huh.

  22. Dogula says - Posted: October 14, 2013

    Sure, we mock. It’s hard not to when the insults start flying our way, as they do so often from your side of the aisle. I’d love to stick to the issues. How ’bout if everybody makes an effort?

  23. Orale says - Posted: October 14, 2013

    Can you stick to the issues without the inflammatory language?

  24. cosa pescado says - Posted: October 14, 2013

    “They (Congress) did not cause the shut down.”

    Wow, you fell hard for that lie.
    What else can we expect from creationists. They’ll believe anything.

    “2000 pages, Duh”
    That’s not a lot. Durrrrrr

  25. Dogula says - Posted: October 14, 2013

    “What else can we expect from creationists. They’ll believe anything”

    “Can you stick to the issues without the inflammatory language?”

    Hey FISH! Can you listen to somebody from YOUR OWN SIDE?
    It’s becoming impossible to be civil here thanks to a very small minority of people who are incapable of making a point without insulting someone. Too bad.

  26. admin says - Posted: October 14, 2013

    It’s time for some of you to go enjoy the beautiful fall colors and give the commenting a rest.

    We’re all tired of the juvenile, malicious comments. As others have said, stick to the issues and stop being hateful to each other.

    Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher

  27. copper says - Posted: October 14, 2013

    Love ya’ Kae, you’re absolutely right. My wife keeps complaining that I’m tracking the “fall colors” into the house. I’d rather be outdoors than anywhere, but I guess I need to get out the rake.