Signal changes in Placerville help Hwy. 50 flow

Caltrans recently retimed the signal lights on Highway 50 in Placerville to help traffic flow in both directions.

On weekends until the Christmas close of apple season, signal lights at Canal Street, Spring Street and Bedford Avenue will be timed to maximize Highway 50 traffic flows. Based on computer modeling, Caltrans has programmed a combination of preset signal cycles to smooth actual traffic volumes at various times of the day. Signals that normally permit 120 seconds of highway traffic will be extended up to 180 seconds and optimized to assist flow between intersections.

These new “Apple Hill” plans were first used over the Labor Day weekend, some adjustments were made, and now the plans are in effect and running through the end of the Apple Hill season.

The new signal timing may also be used on other high-traffic holiday weekends and parts of ski season. Traditional signal timing will remain during weekdays.

Although motorists crossing north or south through the Highway 50 intersections will have a longer wait, the project will minimize the gridlock that can prevent north-south traffic from crossing the highway.