Snippets about Lake Tahoe

trpa• The American Planning Association recently honored the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. The Regional Plan won the Western Planner Sheldon D. Gerber Award for Excellence in Environmental Planning as well as the Nevada APA award for Outstanding Environmental Plan. Senior planner Theresa Avance received the Professional Planner of the Year from the Nevada APA.

• El Dorado County Early Care and Education Planning Council needs another board member. Call (530) 295.2312 for an application packet and additional information. The deadline to apply is Nov. 19 at 5pm.

• El Dorado County Child Abuse Prevention Council is accepting applications for three board seats. Call (530) 295.2312 or email for an application packet and additional information. The deadline to apply is Nov. 19 at 5pm.

• The U.S. Revolution tour will be stopping in Boreal Feb. 23-28 with athletes competing in halfpipe, slopestyle and cross.

• Porter Robinson will play at MontBleu in Stateline on Nov. 30 at 9pm. Tickets are $35.