Time to plant sugar pines in Tahoe
The Sugar Pine Foundation has a series of community plantings and student plantings planted for the fall.
Volunteers are needed to help plant. The group provides seedlings, tools and gloves for all plantings.
Here are the dates:
- Oct. 19, 10am-noon, Tahoe City: Community planting at Beverly Drive and Clayton Way. Tahoe City Rotarians are sponsoring the planting.
- Oct. 20, 10:30am-1pm, Truckee: Truckee River Day planting at Waddle Ranch. Meet at the airport parking lot and carpool. This is sponsored by the Truckee Tahoe Airport and Northstar Properties.
- Oct. 21, 1-3:30pm, South Lake Tahoe: Environmental science and ecology students will plant at the Lake Tahoe Community College campus. Sponsored by photographers Josh Marianelli and Corey Rich.
- Oct. 22, 9am-1pm, North Tahoe Middle School. One hundred sixth-graders will participate in a field day of planting, and learning about seed dispersal and erosion control.
- Oct. 22, 1:30-4pm, Incline Village: Sierra Nevada College environmental science class planting.
- Oct. 24, 10am-2pm, Incline Village: Lake Tahoe School Planting at Sand Harbor. Thirty fourth- and fifth-graders will be planting and learning junior botany.
- Oct. 26, 10am-noon, Stateline: South Shore community planting near the old Kingsbury Middle School. Plant alongside Starbucks employees. Sponsored by Plant Trees 4 Life.
- Oct. 27, 9:30am-noon, South Lake Tahoe: Join city volunteers in planting trees near Lake Tahoe Airport. A shuttle bus will take volunteers from the airport to the planting site.
- Oct. 28, 10am-noon, Zephyr Cove: Thirty-five Whittell High science students will take part in a planting at Zephyr Cove Park.
- Oct. 31, 10am-1pm, El Dorado County: Fifty South Lake Tahoe sixth-graders will plant and learn junior botany near Golden Bear Drive.
- Nov. 1, 10am-1pm, El Dorado County: Fifty more South Lake Tahoe sixth-graders will plant and learn junior botany near Golden Bear Drive.
Thank you Kae for publishing our schedule.
Looking forward to seeing LTN readers at our community plantings this weekend and next weekend!