Calif. has worst poverty rate in the nation


By San Jose Mercury News

A new way of measuring poverty reveals California has by far the biggest share of people in economic despair, eclipsing states such as Mississippi and Louisiana, when housing and other costs are factored.

The alternative yardstick, known as the supplemental poverty measure, found nearly 2.8 million more people are struggling across the country than the traditional benchmark shows.

This is how some people get to Bread & Broth in South Lake Tahoe. Photo/LTN file

This is how some people get to Bread & Broth in South Lake Tahoe. Photo/LTN file

That makes a big difference in California, where the broader measure counts more than 8.9 million people living in poverty between 2010 and 2012 — a report released Wednesday by the U.S. Census Bureau shows — far higher than the 6.2 million living in poverty tallied the official way.

“Anyone who has moved to California from somewhere else knows the dramatic increase of the cost of living,” said Ann Stevens, director for the Center for Poverty Research at UC Davis. “It’s not more surprising that California looks more impoverished. It is really driven by the cost of housing. California is a very expensive place to live.”

Using the alternative measure, California had the highest poverty in the country between 2010 and 2012 — 23.8 percent — followed by the District of Columbia and Nevada. The official measure ranked Louisiana, Mississippi and New Mexico at the top during that period.

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Comments (22)
  1. Dogula says - Posted: November 10, 2013

    That’s funny. When I moved to California, I was absolutely astonished at how cheap everything was. My electric bill was 1/5 of what it had been, fresh vegetables were 1/2 the price, gasoline, rent, everything was cheaper and the wages were considerably higher. But I had moved there from Hawaii.
    Guess it’s all a matter of perspective.

  2. Bob says - Posted: November 10, 2013

    Unfortunately politicians – both Democrat and Republican have ruined the State, not to mention complacency by the public.

  3. A.B. says - Posted: November 10, 2013

    Just goes to show you that regulatory burdens, high taxation, and government largesse have ruined the State that was once the envy of the nation.

  4. Level says - Posted: November 10, 2013

    Say what you will AB, but under Jerry Brown California is quickly becoming the pride of the nation once again!

  5. Dogula says - Posted: November 10, 2013

    Only the pride of the socialists running Washington D C. Not anybody else in the country.

  6. cosa pescado says - Posted: November 10, 2013

    Look up the definition of the word, find some examples, and rethink your comment.
    Then think about the word oligarchy.

    More hyperbolic drivel from the right wing trolls. Yeah we get it, you are loud and work the talking points. But your numbers are weak. Keep it up though. Remind us that the fools are present and accounted for.

  7. barf12 says - Posted: November 10, 2013

    This article is such a load of crap and defeats it’s premise with “Anyone moving to Calif…….” Of course, anyone newly moved is likely to have higher expenses than where they moved from. And, it sounds like the article includes all of the jobless and homeless illegal immigrants who enjoy living here. Oh, wait. As soon as they all get on obummercare, all their problems will be resolved. So be it.

  8. The Truth says - Posted: November 11, 2013

    This State’s problem is the same as any State that is controlled by the Democratic Party, The party of give everything for free and they will come.Well you made your bed, Now you get to sleep in it.Have a good day.

  9. CJ McCoy says - Posted: November 11, 2013

    California continues it’s epic decline and people continue to leave in droves, in fact according to my most recent U-Haul Rate study the principle of supply and demand indicates that the rate of migration has increased.

    Who can blame them. California has become a miserable place to be in business.

    Unless you are willing to enter the corrupted venture capital markets and be a techie in some concocted venture scheme. Cali does ok on that.

    But if you just want to be in private business and make a good living for your family then California is considered a terrible place to be.

    Liberalism kills, any questions?

    Or success stories for liberalism? One success in all of history?

  10. Dogula says - Posted: November 11, 2013


  11. CJ McCoy says - Posted: November 11, 2013

    I hear them…

  12. Biggerpicture says - Posted: November 11, 2013

    CJ I would have thought all those crickets you seem to hear would have been drowned out by the voices in your head.

  13. go figure says - Posted: November 11, 2013

    The same crap from the same monikers. Makes me wonder what these people do with their lives, oh ya, they just make up lies and then they believe them.

  14. TeaTotal says - Posted: November 11, 2013

    CJPubworksTV-Thanks for leaving Lake Tahoe and taking your loser business and total failure with you-other haters please follow-sooner the better-every major advancement by mankind can be attributed to liberal values

  15. Dogula says - Posted: November 11, 2013

    Wow. 3 personal attacks in rapid succession, yet not one valid response to your challenge, CJ.
    I’m shocked. Just shocked.

  16. cosa pescado says - Posted: November 11, 2013

    Everyone should read his completely statistically invalid U-haul rate study. You didn’t even attempt to prove a link between your conclusion and the rates at uhaul.
    Do you really expect people to fall for that? And if so, what types of people?

    We already know Dogula did, but she listens to people who tell her the baboons are a congress, and other miscellaneous lies.

  17. CJ McCoy says - Posted: November 11, 2013

    Ahhh yes, Dogula. Just last week they were all calling me a racist, another empty and unfounded accusation.

    I wonder though, how many readers realize that these people that respond like them are often from two camps, government employees (as several have admitted) and the able bodied welfare slugs. California is full of them too.

    The sad part is that systems like this steal people’s drive – because you can’t trust government not to take what you build you stop striving for success, or leave as so many are.

    That is the sad part. Nanny states smoother human potential.

  18. A.B. says - Posted: November 11, 2013

    California’s ills are summed up by stating that government is not the solution to our problems, GOVERNMENT IS THE PROBLEM!

    No state has higher taxes across the board, more regulatory burden, or a larger government intrusion on private lives. Coming in a close 2nd is Illinois, and they’re a fiscal train wreck.

    Argue that fish.

  19. Parker says - Posted: November 11, 2013

    One of the big problems with our State is that when there’s a govt. revenue shortfall, the very well-compensated bureaucracy will claim that they’ve cut all they can cut, that they can’t anymore!

    Well amongst things, the every Summer, all-Summer, constant, they can never finish work on 50, disproves that!

    But the public then buys into the need to raise taxes & fees. The seemingly small sum to many of a half-point sales tax increase, really can bite into the budget of a working poor family! Thus a high-tax, big-govt. state like CA, seemingly designed to help the less fortunate, has the opposite effect!

  20. CJ McCoy says - Posted: November 12, 2013

    California is among the worst states in Public Education too. do you think the two are connected?

    Here is a key “causative agent” on this video addressing a fundamental issue in much of America.

    In this video Wild Bill for America address what is behind so much of the collapse of our society…

  21. BijouBill says - Posted: November 13, 2013

    What kind of pathetic misogynist fool accepts as fact this diatribe, submitted by CJoestirumup, by some ignorant pantload calling himself “Wild Bill for America”? What an absolutely moronic, BS-filled rant covering all the bases of teabaggery.

  22. CJ McCoy says - Posted: November 13, 2013

    WOW- I think that must be very effective video to get your panties in such a bunch…