Costco labels Bible as fiction


By Jason Wells, Los Angeles Times

A Costco in Simi Valley found itself in a flap this week after a local pastor posted a photo on Twitter showing Bibles at the big-box store labeled as fiction.

Caleb Kaltenbach, pastor of Discovery Church, came across the Bibles while shopping for a gift and tweeted the picture on Friday with the comment: “Costco has Bibles for sale under the genre of FICTION Hmmmm…”

That didn’t sit well with members of his congregation.

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Comments (27)
  1. dj short flo says - Posted: November 22, 2013

    Costco doesn’t care what fairy tale you believe is real, If ones fiction there all fiction..

  2. copper says - Posted: November 22, 2013

    Some folks just go through life looking for ways to have their feelings hurt. Political and religious “true believers” seem to head up the list, but somehow life goes on, to their eternal disappointment.

  3. careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: November 22, 2013

    The question is: How do you not offend someone? Because it is non-fiction to some, and fiction to others, maybe put it in a unclassified section ;)

  4. Ice Gal says - Posted: November 22, 2013

    Science and Reason not religious superstition!
    Good call Costco

  5. cosa pescado says - Posted: November 22, 2013


    This will not go over well with Angry Sky Man. Not well at all.

  6. Dogula says - Posted: November 22, 2013

    Being offended is a choice. And it certainly doesn’t mean you are right. This is a silly issue. But all you atheists on the page who claim that the Bible is fiction are mostly wrong. There is an awful lot of it that is historical fact. Jesus was a real person, as were his ancestors. The apostles were real people. The battles in Israel. Deny it all you want, but you can easily be proven wrong.
    Are you offended? Ask me if I care.

  7. careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: November 22, 2013

    Dogula, you are not very respectful of others beliefs, while asking others to be respectful of yours.

    I totally don’t believe in religion, but I respect others rights to believe and worship, but I in turn expect to have my right to not believe, respected as well.

    Though I do realize others on here were more attacking of people that believe.

  8. cosa pescado says - Posted: November 22, 2013

    ‘Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Slayer’ is then equally historical. He was a real person. The Civil War happened. But vampires are not real.
    It is not a story that should be considered when making public policy.
    Angry Sky Man has no place in government.

  9. kathy says - Posted: November 22, 2013

    They say ,Never talk about politics, and religion, Always causing arguments, A true fact,…

  10. hmmm... says - Posted: November 23, 2013

    the sad thing is that they will cave under pressure from the nutjobs. put it in mythology where it belongs.

  11. mydadwouldofsaid says - Posted: November 23, 2013

    My dad would’ve said: You are all going to burn in Hell. I don’t agree with that position.

  12. Dogula says - Posted: November 23, 2013

    Wow. And you guys call US science deniers. So you are history deniers. Which is even stupider, because history can be proved. Your ‘scientific theories’ cannot be.

  13. Biggerpicture says - Posted: November 23, 2013

    Most theologians don’t perceive the Bible as an objective version of history, do they?

    A loose history, maybe. But a definitive version of history? Not by a long shot!

  14. Dogula says - Posted: November 23, 2013

    America is in deep $#!^.

  15. John S says - Posted: November 23, 2013

    I will first mention that I understand that faith brings a lot of comfort to some people… But then please consider that the Bible has been edited and re-written so many times that no one really knows what the “original draft” says. (read “The Dark Side of Christian History” by Helen Ellerbe)

    I would also say that Religion is a man made thing.

  16. Jack says - Posted: November 23, 2013

    I’m still contemplating how Noah got two of every animal collected and put on this ark ,ever think about that one ?Hmmm sounds like fiction to me !

  17. Julie Threewit says - Posted: November 23, 2013

    When I read this article yesterday there were no comments yet. Thanks for not disappointing. Very entertaining read this morning.

  18. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: November 23, 2013

    by reading these comments by you folks, I would have to believe that you have not experienced the power of God and the forgiveness of Sins

  19. Above says - Posted: November 23, 2013

    By reading your comment written above, I would have to believe that you have not exprienced self control. You sound like a member of AA talking about how god helped you become sober.

  20. observer says - Posted: November 23, 2013

    Hi Chief-
    Re the bible….I was raised in a fundamental religious home. My father was a minister, and to illustrate that he had studied long and hard in his quest….he earned a doctorate in Theology.

    His opinion on the bible (one of the few things he and I agreed on) was it should not be read literally, that too much of it referred to magic and unbelievable things (remember Lot’s wife?). Parables he called the stories, which were written to make a point, and to guide the reader to the conclusions the writer wanted to make. I believe that qualifies as fiction.

    I have a friend who has a tinfoil lined plywood pyramid in his back yard where he sits for calm meditation and reflection. He says it allows him to live his personal and business life better and the “energy” drawn to the pyramid clarifies his thoughts. He is a mechanical engineer and a good one, therefore indicating a pretty smart guy academically. Personally, it seems to me his belief of the benefits of his practice comes from within himself, via meditation and introspection not from pyramidal energy. He and I could discuss this subject without rancor or feeling like we were the subject of a sell job by the other or that either of us was on a “higher plane” than the other. No insider thoughts.

    I never made fun of him, and I will not make fun of your belief points. However I particularly don’t appreciate your self righteous zinger “you folks have not experienced the power of God and the forgiveness of Sins.”

    leave us alone.

  21. reloman says - Posted: November 23, 2013

    Observer you seem to have a very healthy live and let live belief, which I love. If it makes people happy to believe that when they die they are not gone forever, let them. Others on this site hate that these believes make some people happy, and would deny them this happyness. Much like ANGRY ATHEIST GUY.

  22. Dogula says - Posted: November 23, 2013

    I never said the entire bible was absolute fact. I said ‘there is an awful lot of it that is historical fact.’ I wasn’t even approaching the religious aspect of the Book. And some people got all huffy anyhow. I really don’t take it personally if you choose not to believe. Mostly I pity you.
    But since it has gone in that direction, with the atheists getting all hysterical again, I came across this article about two well known brothers that is very interesting. One died an atheist recently, and the other found God. If you’re interested, here it is.

  23. KnowBears says - Posted: November 23, 2013

    LOL! Great stuff! Better than the funny papers!

  24. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: November 23, 2013

    Which version of the Bible was identified as fiction?
    In which language was it written or translated into?
    Is one religion’s version correct and all the others fiction?
    Does it rally matter so long as the person buying believes it’s fact?

  25. go figure says - Posted: November 23, 2013

    To each their own…
    believe what you want…
    tollerance and coexistance is a choice…

  26. cosa pescado says - Posted: November 23, 2013

    ‘So you are history deniers. Which is even stupider, because history can be proved. Your ‘scientific theories’ cannot be.’

    Holy $&^* that was the dumbest thing I have read in weeks.
    I know you came up with that one on your own. Statement like that make me wish there was a test before one was allowed to vote or breed. But that would be unfair.

    We can prove the age of the earth, or at least that it has a lot more zeros in the number than you think it does.
    And you have a fundamental misunderstanding of science, and theories, statistics, etc.

    Wow dawg, just wow. It just gets worse with you.