Letter: CalStar membership a life-saver


To the community,

No one wants to wind up in an emergency room to begin with, let alone face the idea of being transported away from your support base of home. Once you get through your situation, it’s then that you begin to think about the costs involved; it’s only natural.

I have to tell you about one cost that we had control over and that was with the transportation needed to go from Barton to St. Mary’s Hospital in Reno.

The hubby had a scary situation (he’s just dandy now) and needed transport. We have belonged to CalStar for as long as they’ve provided membership and are we glad of it. I know that our $45 investment on an annual basis has been the best money ever spent. Had we not had that coverage, I would be expecting a bill to exceed $30,000.

I continue to be amazed at the many folks that have lived here for a number of years and they still do not have membership to this service.

With the holidays coming, why not consider getting your family members or your friends coverage as their gift. CalStar covers multiple service areas that include Concord, Gilroy, Auburn, Ukiah, Salinas, South Lake Tahoe, Santa Maria, Vacaville, and McClellan. It’s the gift that you hope is never used but when it’s needed, the amazing crew of CalStar will get you to your destination safely and with great care.

I want to thank the amazing crew that morning who got my husband where he needed to be. Your talents and compassion helped to keep me calm and Paul knew he was in good hands. Thank you Jen Drennan, Stephen Poehis and pilot Kris Hunt. I am forever grateful.

Lisa Huard, South Lake Tahoe


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Comments (7)
  1. Dogula says - Posted: November 6, 2013

    Agree, Lisa. It is doggoned cheap insurance. We’ve had it for years, because we ride. Saw people get helicoptered out and realized how easily it could happen.
    The last couple of years, we’ve observed just how often in traffic accidents, they go straight to the helicopter, no land ambulance at all. That’s expensive stuff.
    That $50 a year for the whole family is a bargain when you consider what it’d cost if somebody smacks you on an icy day, in a car or on the slopes. . . well worth it!

  2. copper says - Posted: November 6, 2013

    Glad to hear Paul is “dandy” again. His dandiness would be sorely missed.

    We’ve had the insurance for several years now – hope we never have to use it, but realizing the likelihood that an accident will result in a helicopter ride has increased substantially in recent years, it’s definitely a worthwhile investment. I strongly recommend it to everyone.

  3. Barbara Childs says - Posted: November 6, 2013


    Your idea to give friendls and loved ones a CalStar membership is awesome! Hope folks take action based on your suggestion!

  4. Jerry Tillman says - Posted: November 8, 2013

    I think CalStar and Reach are the best insurance you can have. My family has had to use the service twice in the last five years. Reach is also only $50 a year. You never know which air service will be called and they also have coverage in other states so it can be a big help if you are on vacation and somethig goes wrong.

  5. John Adamski says - Posted: November 12, 2013

    Not a bad idea if you’re over 40 and and an outdoors athletic person. I may get the coverage too.
    Not knocking the service – but let’s face it, $30,000 is a rediculous price for a one way ride to Reno.

  6. Haaaa says - Posted: November 14, 2013

    The ridiculous price is the cost of level of service.

  7. John Adamski says - Posted: November 15, 2013

    The rediculous price is the result of unregulated medical services and health insurance companies.
    In short – we’re getting ripped-off “because they can”