Opinion: Obamacare is really disaster-care


By Ted Gaines

The so-called Affordable Care Act (ACA), better known as Obamacare, was a disaster to start with and gets worse every day. It’s such a confusing mess, with ever-changing targets, that even the Obama administration seems to be winging it on the biggest social policy shift since the New Deal.

Last week the president committed a stunning about-face by announcing that insurance companies could temporarily continue offering insurance plans that were going to be canceled because they don’t meet the “essential benefits” requirements of the Obamacare plans. As many as 10 million people were scheduled to lose their plans as of Jan. 1. Now they aren’t – or at least might not be – because it’s not clear the president had the authority to change the law without Congress.

Now the insurance companies don’t know if they will be breaking the law if they follow the president’s lead. People have no idea what policies they will be able to buy. Nobody seems to know anything, and everyone is scrambling to get information to help them make these important decisions. And who knows what the rules will be next week?

Ted Gaines

Ted Gaines

One thing that is clear, though, is that some people are going to be kicked out of their old plans and have to buy new, ACA-sanctioned plans, and they’re not going to like it. The ACA plans all have loads of useless add ons that most will never use but will still have to pay for. Men’s plans will have mandatory maternity coverage. People who have never had so much as a sip of alcohol will have to pay for heroin treatment in their plans. It’s ridiculous and it’s expensive.

People in my Senate district have been shocked by costs of the new plans. Here are a few examples from my constituents:

“I now pay $430 a month. For the same coverage/plan starting Jan. 1 it will go up to $800 a month. My husband and I own a small business and don’t know how we are going to afford keeping healthcare insurance at that price…”

“My existing premium is $240/month. The least expensive new quoted premium is $404/month. Not only is this a 67 percent increase in premiums, but also an increase in the co-insurance from 0 percent to 40 percent.”

“I was informed that my health insurance plan has been canceled. I liked my plan. I guess I don’t get to keep it. The plan that was offered to me and my husband was three times what I was paying before! We cannot afford to pay more.”

Somebody needs to tell me and all of these people how this is considered “affordable” to anyone? If we really wanted affordability, we would loosen the reins on insurance companies, and let them offer plans across state lines to increase competition. We would let them sell customized plans that weren’t full of coverage that people will never use. If we took just those two steps, California consumers would have so many more options at so many more prices. We would have a better marketplace and everyone would benefit. Instead, we are going for the central planning route that has never been successful for getting people what they want for a good value.

After years of work and billions of dollars invested, nobody knows for sure when Obamacare starts or how much it costs and this confusion has been a huge factor in the pitifully low enrollment rates. For average people just wanting to know what they have to do not to break the new law or break their bank, it’s too confusing and changes too often to let them make good decisions.

When it came to healthcare reform, the Obama administration didn’t know what to do or how to do it. They’ve just made everything worse. Free-market reforms could have given citizens better options at a fraction of the cost, without having the government hijack one-sixth percent of the economy.

Ted Gaines represents the 1st Senate District, which includes all or parts of Alpine, El Dorado, Lassen, Modoc, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sacramento, Shasta, Sierra and Siskiyou counties.


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This article was written by admin


Comments (72)
  1. CJ McCoy says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    The collapse of Obama Care is a testament to the incompetence and deceit of liberals.

    Obama, Reid and Pelosi lied to the American people, any questions?

  2. xlocal says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    Thank you CJ McCoy, I could not have said any better than you did. Will those Liberals ever wake up ?

  3. Dumbluck says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    Healthcare exchanges in several states are working fine — all Democrat states, where the governors are working with the program The GOP has gone out of its way to put obstacles in the Affordable Care Act, which only punish the uninsured. And what does the GOP have to offer those uninsured? There is no plan, other than saying, leave all the horribly expensive and inefficient plans well enough alone? Will those Conservatives ever wake up?

  4. CJ McCoy says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    In Oregon not one single person has been able to sign up on the website. NOT ONE!

    A massive failure and some people have the intellectual capacity to blame the ones that warned you about the problems.

    Conservatives did not cause this mess, LIBERALS did. GET A CLUE!


    Remember this! This is just the surface of the problems, the website is the easy part.

    Add to this mess what the Progressive liberals at the Fed are doing. Flooding the bankers with cash, money YOU are responsible for, Obama’s Banking buddies and the big corporations and lawyers are all doing great!

    Now Obama wants to bail out the Insurance companies too.

    Liberalism is a lie that is being exposed for what it is made of.

    Progressives and FOOLS

  5. hmmm.... says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    CJ McCoy, I have three questions for you, and a comment: 1) Are you capable of a having an original thought? 2) When was the last time you wrote an intelligible sentence? 3) Are you aware that your continual far right whining makes you look uneducated, hypocritical, immature and stingy of spirit? Now, my comment: You are too predictable-stop it!

  6. Boone6651 says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    You go CJ! Anyone attempting to standby this nightmare is living with their head stuck in the sand. Every American should be ashamed of this President and his liberal lap dogs. Reid should be kicked out of office for his evil actions or in many cases, inaction.

  7. jw7 says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    Another “plan” with nothing but complaints and no new plan of their own, again.

    New York Times
    G.O.P. Maps Out Waves of Attacks Over Health Law

    Republican Talking Points on Obamacare

  8. A.B. says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    Obamacare is doomed. The Obamabots haven’t figured that one out yet, but they’re going to go down with the ship along with Dear Leader.

  9. tahoe Pizza Eater says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    Liberalism is very much like mental illness. The liberals (mentally ill) believe their good intentions, produce good results. There is no consideration for facts. Here you can read some comments coming from people afflicted with the illness.

  10. Biggerpicture says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    By the time President Obama leaves office in January 2017 all of these problems with the roll-out of the ACA will be long forgotten and more people will have health insurance than EVER before in America.

    Anti-Obama folks and their republican elected officials love to rail against the ACA, but offer up ZERO alternatives. Their obstructionist agenda serves no one. And from what we’ve seen as of late, their agenda doesn’t even serve themselves beneficially. But then ignorance is bliss! Or so some say.

  11. Not Born on the Bayou says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    This total free market idea is rubbish when it comes to health care. It’s not like other industries selling optional and less essential goods and services. But it sure seems to be the fallback mantra for a certain segment of our politicians.

    What will happen if you allow insurance companies and the marketplace to have free reign is that ultimately the companies will cherry pick only the best (least sick) to insure with any reasonable rates, and make it even more impossible or outrageously expensive for those with pre-existing conditions or health issues to get coverage – a long time problem in US care that the ACA was trying to address.

    On top of that, you’d likely see insurance co. consolidation as in every other major deregulated industry, leading to things we’ve seen like financial industry too big to fail conglomerates, and a few megacorps owning the major media. Then watch what happens to your rates. This free market idea is an insurance co’s dream.

    ACA was not my preferred approach. It was basically giving the insurance companies what they wanted to expand their base, while they’ll try to undermine anything in it that costs them money.

    Also, I can show you one story of someone who got coverage who couldn’t previously, or got a better rate under ACA for every bad one like the anecdotes here. Read around the internet in places other than Fox news – a lot of people are grateful for ACA and benefiting, while some others, as in the examples here, are not. Still, the promise that everyone could keep their existing coverage proving false was a BIG misleading Obama mistake. And ACA is too complicated, as the author says. Unfortunately, that’s the only way the insurance co. special interests would let it pass Congress.

    What’s needed is either:

    – basic single payer universal coverage to remove or lessen the impact and fee draining of the insurance company remoras, coupled with premier coverage available to those willing to pay more, or

    -a nationwide HMO system like Kaiser based on results and prevention, that pays doctors based on salary and has incentives to limit unnecessary procedures and costs and make all patient costs fully transparent and justifiable(so you don’t get those $10k/night hospital stays and $30 aspirin tablets), also coupled with premier care options for extra fees. Plus, those who take better care of themselves should not be supporting those who don’t do that so much, through premium fees.

    It’s the cost side and better preventative health habits that need addressing. When you are sick, you cannot easily comparison shop and evaluate what rates are fair – nor can you know what illnesses you may get, so picking among hundreds of plans would be overwhelming. Single payer and/or one stop shopping facilities like Kaiser with easy to understand terms and full coverage and your choice of doctors makes much more sense to me, and would eliminate the huge siphoning of fees by insurance cos. Kaiser has worked just great for me for almost 25 years now.

    An oversight body of some sort needs to play some role to prevent serious abuses from the medical industrial complex, especially the way it works now, even though this oversight may seem quite inefficient and not nuanced enough at times to address all situations fairly.

  12. Moral Hazard says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    I purchased my health insurance on the California exchange. The price is exactly the same as what I had with a little addition for a slightly lower deductible and for a “free” yearly physical exam. It was all very easy and a good price. My only complaint is that I wish they had a more options for HSA compatible plans.

  13. dumbfounded says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    Not Born: great comments. You actually propose an idea structure without having to call people names and repeat nonsense. Too bad our politicians can’t do that. Well done.

  14. Ronc says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    $1,900.00 a month for two.

    You would think this figure was a house payment, yet that is our new monthly premium, if we take it. Our insurance was cancelled, it was $1,300.00 a month with $100.00 a month for RX. Now $1,900.00 per month with $300.00 for RX. Yes, we are lucky enough to barely afford the old premiums. It seems to me that it does not matter what party you belong to, we are all being shafted by people in charge who do not have to pay the new premiums, are not effected by the new health care plans, nor do they understand what a budget is.
    My question is, when will America wake up and do something? If we want to keep our freedoms, we all need to act. Simply write, call, email government representatives with your valuable opinion. How about a class action lawsuit? It is possible.

    Anyone want to join in?

  15. go figure says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    I told you he was a teabagger…
    same ol crap from the same ol faces

  16. xlocal says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    go figure .
    It won’t be long before your eyes will open and you will see that you and the rest of your kind are the problem in this Country, but the big problem is that you will never admit it!!
    It’s people like you that don’t realize that those of us that worked for a living and are not happy about supporting those that don’t want to work and just want to sit on their a##es and let us support them. I worked for over 40 years and never drew a cent of gov. money or state money, I took jobs no matter what they paid because I had a family to feed and rent to pay and if it took 2 jobs to do that then that’s what I did, I was raised to take care of myself and family and not rely on the GOVERNMENT TO SUPPORT ME.
    Too bad there are not any Liberals that think that way.

  17. Dogula says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    Interestingly, the CBS poll today concluded that only 7% of the people like obummercare, while 93% want it altered or completely eliminated. But obummer doesn’t care. President StompyFeet wants what he wants, and he will have it, by gosh. That’s what he keeps Hairy Roid around for.

  18. Biggerpicture says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    X are you really inferring that only conservatives have a strong work ethic? And are you going to refuse social security?

  19. Biggerpicture says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    Dog, you chastise others for attacks and name calling, yet you have no problem using derogatory names for the ACA and Harry Reid?

    Double standards?

  20. CJ McCoy says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    Not only is Obama Care undermining the health insurance for millions and millions of Americans, now Obama wants to violate the constitution and rule by decree!

    Number one, His fix will make it worse. Duh.

    Number two Obama, you don’t get to violate the constitution to fix YOUR MISTAKES.

    We are a nation of laws, how is it so many in government seems to think they are exempt?

    We must start putting the lawbreakers of our government in prison.

  21. Dogula says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    Well, the Senate did change the rules today, rules that have stood for over 200 years. They are unscrupulous criminals, as far as I’m concerned, and yes, I will call them names. They’re public personalities, lying, cheating, thieving ones at that, so I do not apologize.
    However, I won’t call private citizens who post here nasty names. That’s a different ball game.

  22. xlocal says - Posted: November 21, 2013


    I worked for over 40 years and paid into Social Security for all 40 of those years and I think that I am entitled to draw Social Security, does that bother you ?? If I paid for it I should be allowed to draw it I think, Correct me if I’m wrong.

  23. Orale says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    We need judges sitting on the bench.
    Glad the Senate changed the rules! The Republicans deserved it for being obstructionist fools.

    Also, did you call the House Republicans names for changing the rules on who can bring a bill to the floor? Did I miss that?

  24. hmmm... says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    Smells like a couple of Ayn Rand loving sarah Palin worshipping Bachmannite posters here stepped in Dog-you-know-what while they were walking to school barefoot in the snow, uphill both ways, baked potatoes from the fire ashes in their hands for warmth, which they then ate for linch. They feel they have EARNED the right to hate the majority of Americans in the name of a past era that NEVER EXISTED except in some drug addled neonazi fantasy world. You call yourselves Christians while you hoard your pieces of silver. The blood won’t wash off. Your Jesus was very clear where you would find him. I hope God has more mercy on you than you have for his Son. Shame on you.

  25. Jim Wire says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    I think most people will agree that we need health care reform!!! Is Obamacare the answer? Maybe not! Should we abandon Obamacare? Maybe not! Should we fix Obamacare into something that works much better? Maybe Yes!

    So why don’t the Republicans spend less time trying to kill health care reform and more time trying to make it better? It makes me believe that the Republicans don’t care to make it better. Maybe we should take away their congressional health insurance! Better yet, why can’t we all have congressional health insurance. If it’s good for them, it should be good for us, right?

  26. Biggerpicture says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    And X, I had to use unemployment a few years back, after working for 35 years, yet you insinuate I’m lazy and took a handout.

    And Dog, how convenient for you that you make that distinction. And didn’t the House GOP throw in a last minute procedure rule change before they shutdown the federal government so as not to allow any member from calling for a vote other than the Speaker or his lackey’s?

  27. Dogula says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    “Ayn Rand loving sarah Palin worshipping Bachmannite posters”

    Shame on YOU for your lack of education. You sound more like a simple woman-hater than a person who understands the first thing about political philosophies.

  28. copper says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    Thanks “hmmm…says,” you brightened my afternoon. It’s nice to see someone humorously identifying the crazies in their own parlance.

    You’re correct that much of the current nonsense dates back to Ayn Rand who provided hope to nerds everywhere by elevating a character named John Galt to a sort of right wing sainthood.

    Who is John Galt? He’s the kid who sat next to you in the first grade, picking his nose, wetting his pants from time to time, and dreaming that a screwball Russian writer would one day find a way to make him out to be a hero. And as we all know, a hero is nothing but a sandwich.

    It’s possible that his actual name was “Greenspan.”

  29. dumbfounded says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    So much nastiness and so little sense of community. I despair for my fellow citizens and my country.

  30. Biggerpicture says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    “Well, the Senate did change the rules today, rules that have stood for over 200 years.”

    Since 1949, cloture votes were invoked for only 20 executive branch nominees. But 16 of Mr. Obama’s executive branch nominees have been subject to cloture votes

    And that’s not an example of GOP obstructionism?

  31. Buck says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    Jim I agree with you. Give the congress and staff Obamacare or give everyone their health care plan. I promise if they lived by their laws it would be fixed tomorrow. Thats where Obamacare went wrong.

  32. copper says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    It helps to recall that most of the previous uses or misuses in the past came from the “Dixiecrats,” the legacy of the Southern Democrats who hated Lincoln and drove segments of the Democratic party clear into the early sixties.

    The Dixiecrats are no longer around. Their heirs are now Republican and, largely, Tea Partiers who’s bigotry and ignorant self-serving agendas have caught on with many of today’s political throwbacks, along with the internet posters who approach politics on roughly the same intellectual level as their peers who point lasers at airplanes for fun.

  33. Steve says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    It should come as a surprise to no one that government incompetence would result in another fiasco like its disastrous and unprepared attempt at a national healthcare program. Just like Cash for Clunkers, the solar company subsidy program, FEMA’s ineptitude following Hurricane Katrina, the list goes on and on.

  34. hmmm... says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    Dogwoman, Dogula, AuntieSocial or whatever name you want to call yourself(I like Dogula…it’s accurate-as if Dracula screwed the pooch so that man’s best friend bites the hand that feeds it, lapping the blood of the children and the poor), why is it that the ‘limited government’ part Libertarian philosophy is so attractive to the more mentally unstable women in our political system, while the individual freedoms part isn’t when it comes to things like abortion? Anyway, I’m not really motivated by political philosophies, they are all for sale to the highest bidder. My beliefs encompass parts of all of them. However, I AM motivated by spiritual philosophies and their impact on political behavior. What gets my dander up is when people-male or female- use either to justifying denying basic human needs and basic human rights to those who share the planet with us. My personal spiritual perspectives include the Goddess as being completely equal with the God. Women? Gotta say I love ’em. Most of them, that is.

  35. CJ McCoy says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    Obamacare was rammed down American’s throats by Democrats.

    They alone are responsible.

    The efforts to blame others is another despicable trait of the left wing arrogance.

    There is nothing to respect in them.

  36. CJ McCoy says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    NOw, while we suffer the damage of Obamacare the left wing the democrats are trying to force amnesty for illegal aliens and today have thrown out filibuster. The DROPPED the Nuclear Option in the Senate. Can you believe that?

    From here it will get worse, much worse, but don’t worry they also armed your police force to the teeth incase you go gettin’ upitty. They’re ready and able to take you out, don’t you worry, they got your back.

  37. CJ McCoy says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    Jim Wire,

    It is the Obama Administration that is exempted from ObamaCare…

    Congress is subject to ObamaCare, that is a result of a Republican amendment. Grassley (R-Iowa)

    Them rascally Dems. they sure did try to get exempted.

    Jim Wire, Consider this, your facts are wrong, how in the world could your conclusions be right?

  38. go figure says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    blah blah blah blah blah
    thats what you sound like
    ignorance is bliss…

  39. cosa pescado says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    “Jim Wire, Consider this, your facts are wrong, how in the world could your conclusions be right?”

    How many facts have you used in your comments here?


    You are so full of it man. Hold yourself to your own standards. You are all hyperbole. Like Alex Jones, but with less flair and entertainment value.

  40. CJ McCoy says - Posted: November 21, 2013


    You asked…

    “How many facts have you used in your comments here”

    Can’t you count?

    Or is it a comprehension issue?

  41. Dogula says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    For someone who claims to be motivated by spiritual philosophies it doesn’t appear you’ve put much actual thought into it;
    ” why is it that the ‘limited government’ part Libertarian philosophy is so attractive to the more mentally unstable women in our political system, while the individual freedoms part isn’t when it comes to things like abortion?”
    NAP. The most basic part of the libertarian doctrine. Damned simple. The unborn child has rights as well. But that’s probably too deep a concept for a liberal. You say you love women? What about all the baby women who have been murdered through abortion? You are very selective in your “love” for women. As long as they agree with your leftist positions you love them. Otherwise, not so much.

  42. dumbfounded says - Posted: November 21, 2013

    Fact: President Ronald Reagan (R) signed an amnesty bill that gave citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants.

    Good night, fellow citizens. Can we at least stick with verifiable facts?

  43. cosa pescado says - Posted: November 22, 2013

    CJ your reputation precedes you.
    Give this a try:
    ‘i believe this because (insert evidence here)’
    If you evidence is made up economic metrics, you will be called out and asked to prove why the metrics are valid.
    Alex Jones has the documents.
    You are a parrot.

    Dawg wants limited government, but wants the government to define human.
    Don’t like abortion? Don’t have one.
    I’d like to read your argument for how a blastocyst is a human.
    You are a Libertarian who wants to force the consequences of one religion on everyone. That’s not how it works.
    Please include your opinion on the death penalty in your response and restate your opinion on Islam.

  44. CJ McCoy says - Posted: November 22, 2013

    Dumbfounded is right, Reagan did sign an Amnesty bill, than

    The Democrats reneged on their part of the bargain and did not deliver the legislative solutions they agreed to. They also reneged on the budget cuts they agreed to.

    Sound familiar? Democrats have a long history of deceit and reneging on commitments. To dems, the goal is to get their way by any means they can.

    Sound Familiar?

  45. CJ McCoy says - Posted: November 22, 2013

    Thanks Dumbfounded you did lead us to important historical info, Democrats do indeed have along history of deceit and lies.

  46. West Shore is Home says - Posted: November 22, 2013

    Three close friends will get access to much needed health care because of Obamacare and two others will finally be able to afford their health insurance. My own health insurance offered a rebate last year because they had been spending too much on overhead and not enough on real medical care. Disaster? Not.

  47. Bob says - Posted: November 22, 2013

    What happened between the 1960’s and 2010? We use to all take to the streets when the government did something we didn’t like. Now we all sit back and blog about it.

  48. careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: November 22, 2013

    You could follow the story of any of the other developed nations in the world, but take a look at Canada’s history of their healthcare system, particularly the “Beginning of Coverage” section, it was not a smooth go at all, as people hate change, and bugs do have to be worked out.

    “Canadians strongly support the health system’s public rather than for-profit private basis, and a 2009 poll by Nanos Research found 86.2% of Canadians surveyed supported or strongly supported “public solutions to make our public health care stronger.” A Strategic Counsel survey found 91% of Canadians prefer their healthcare system instead of a U.S. style system.Plus 70% of Canadians rated their system as working either “well” or “very well”.

    Despite what rumors may say, Canadians do not run to the US to seek medical care, they are scared to death of having to access healthcare in our country while visiting it, due to the huge unregulated cost, they often will get a Travelers insurance policy for their trip to protect against financial ruin.

  49. dumbfounded says - Posted: November 22, 2013

    Thanks, C.J. And I suppose that it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to say that the conservative Heritage Foundation came up with a framework to provide healthcare for millions of Americans, but, through deceit and lies, have derailed their own train simply because they couldn’t stand the idea of a democratic success. However, let’s hope that future presidents won’t be so easily manipulated by the legislatures. It seems that both democratic and republican presidents can have legislatures that work against them and the American people. Again, sad.

  50. John A says - Posted: November 23, 2013

    Good Job Jim Wire ! You hit the nail on the head !
    Republicans could offer to step in and help get Obamacare fixed so it works – rather than continually trying to shoot it down because they hate Obama.
    ( Unless of course they own stock in medical providers that are ripping off the public )

    ALL government employees and politicians should be forced to enjoy the same health care plans we are subject to as citizens !

  51. Dogula says - Posted: November 23, 2013

    Why should they, JA? Have you forgotten that when they were designing obamacare, the Republicans were not even allowed to join the discussions? Obama said, ‘we won’ and told them they could go sit in the back of the bus. Why on earth would they try to help him get out of his mess now?

  52. John A says - Posted: November 23, 2013

    Dogula, Obamacare was ruined by Republicans forcing the removal of the public option before it became law. No public option – no true competition to bring down medical costs.
    You well know they ( Repubs ) had their say back then.
    What we were left with was a stripped down act that had no teeth to really reform health care because of that.
    The past is just that – it’s time for Republicans and Democrats to do a service for the country and help fix health care. Everyone quits bitching and dives in to get their hands dirty.
    The system wasn’t sustainable just leaving it be.
    Time for the finger pointing and blame-game is over. It’s time for this country to drop the political mud-slinging and quit walking backwards out of stubborn ignorance.

  53. CJ McCoy says - Posted: November 23, 2013



    Obamacare is a Democrat Fraud on America


  54. John A says - Posted: November 23, 2013

    As I’ve said before, you’re way too far out in right field to bother arguing with……….

  55. John A says - Posted: November 23, 2013

    As for Ted Gaines. I’ve had some very limited interaction with him and witnessed his token town hall meetings at Tahoe.
    He’s all about his own agenda and issues that enhance his political posture. He’s worhtless for any probelms we have here at Tahoe. We’re not his constituency and not large enough in numbers to bother with.
    Like McClintock – He’s worthless and ultra right-wing.

  56. CJ McCoy says - Posted: November 23, 2013

    John A,

    I am not arguing with you, I am calling you a deceitful liar.

  57. dumbfounded says - Posted: November 23, 2013

    Hey, C.J., you have called just about everyone a deceitful liar… while deceitfully lying. Relax and try using structured and well-supported arguments. They are far more convincing than what you have served up so far, IMHO.

  58. CJ McCoy says - Posted: November 24, 2013


    Wow, everyone? common fool, who you kiddin? I only call out liars.

    In this case John A obviously is lying, the facts of the situation and logic both prove it.

    Anyone with a brain and is honest knows that Democrats forced Obama Care on America, to imply otherwise is a lie.

    Any questions?

  59. CJ McCoy says - Posted: November 24, 2013

    The issue is the issue and Obamacare is really bad news!

    It will get worse, much worse.

    Now it is damaging the lives of millions of Americans that don’t deserve to be treated this way by their government.

    What is coming is even worse, in the next step (Obama postponed it for now, by decree) it is projected that over 50 million people will lose their insurance as businesses are compelled to cut their plans and force people into the exchanges.

    On top of that bad news, the new politically motivated postponements will not fix anything only hide the issues till after the elections.

    That is the issue, can anyone stick to it and address it without lying about who is causing it?

    It’s called ObamaCare for a reason.

  60. Level says - Posted: November 24, 2013

    No CJ, it’s called the Affordable Care Act. For a reason!

  61. CJ McCoy says - Posted: November 24, 2013

    That is the lefts idea of humor.

    It is hilarious really. In a sick kind of way.

  62. TeaTotal says - Posted: November 24, 2013

    CJPubworkstv=I have a question-was it your abrasive personality that got you run out of town here-or was it your complete failure in business because nobody wanted to deal with you?-You have 0 knowledge of-or real facts pertaining to the passage of healthcare-only teabagger talking points from the lunatic fringe

  63. Dogula says - Posted: November 24, 2013

    If obamacare is REALLY such a great idea, why is it mandatory? If it was so good, the Feds wouldn’t be forcing it on us, with the IRS as their strong arm enforcer. Why do so many unions and Congress all want an exemption? If it’s SO great, wouldn’t everybody be chomping at the bit to sign on?
    It’s really a simple question, and yet, even though I’ve asked it many times, nobody has given me an answer.
    All we get are personal insults.

  64. dumbfounded says - Posted: November 24, 2013

    “…common fool”. I am starting to see a pattern here…unfortunately, still lacking any sort of cogent or reasoned argument. So tiring.

    And, meanwhile, Dogula doesn’t like personal insults but uses them constantly. At least they are intersperced with reasoned argument.

  65. mydadwouldofsaid says - Posted: November 25, 2013

    Not really reasonable, but as is with most right-wing arguments they appear to be reasonable at first blush. The more you think about it though, and check all the facts, they hide an exclusionary agenda. My dad would’ve said “…don’t pee down my neck and tell me it’s raining!”

  66. Dogula says - Posted: November 25, 2013

    Still no answer.

  67. Dogula says - Posted: November 26, 2013

    And here is yet another facet of yomamacare that most people didn’t know about. Only government could come up with stuff that is supposed to benefit the middle class, and ends up benefitting everyone BUT!

  68. John A says - Posted: November 26, 2013

    My thought – people should have to blow into a breathalyzer or stupidalyzer before posting comments here.

  69. cosa pescado says - Posted: November 26, 2013

    Dawg you wouldn’t know an unbiased, legitimate source if it smacked you in the face.

    Is this the same rag that told you about the Baboons?
    Get someone to believe the earth is only a few thousand years old, and you can convince them of anything.

  70. Dogula says - Posted: November 29, 2013

    Classic Fish. Always attacking the sources, never dealing with the issue at hand.
    Don’t you ever get tired of repeating the same old lines over and over and over again when you insult people?

  71. CJ McCoy says - Posted: December 12, 2013

    Obamacare, the zenith of liberal government incompetence.

    Americans deserve better don’t we?

  72. dj short flo says - Posted: December 13, 2013

    New Rule:

    On this board we all automatically assume CJ says something bad about obamacare, even when the article is completely unrelated. CJ uses his time more usefully taking candy from babies and laughing at homeless people on the street.

    Also for everyone who is not aware he doesn’t even live here.